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M6 Hospice Care

(Exam 18) Ch 40 Hospice Care Key Terms

Additional drug or treatment. adjuvant
Common depressed reaction to the death of a loved one. bereavement
General ill health and malnutrition marked by weakness and emaciation; usually associated with a serious disease such as cancer. cachexia
Aggressive care with the goal and intent of curing the disease and prolonging life at all costs. curative treatment
Pertaining to the total patient care that considers the physical, emotional, social, economic, and spiritual needs of the person. holistic
Philosophy of care that provides support to terminally ill people and their families. hospice
A diverse team of professionals from several disciplines who collaborate to optimize care decrease fragmentation services. interdisciplinary team
An evaluation of the factors that alleviate or exacerbate a patients pain. pain assessment
Preventing, relieving, reducing, or soothing symptoms of disease or disorders without effecting a cure. palliative care
A combination of psychological and social factors. psychosocial
Period of relief from responsibilities for the care of a patient. respite care
An advanced stage of disease with no known cure and poor prognosis. terminal illness
Slowly increasing the amount of a drug to find the therapeutic dose. titrate
One who assumes ongoing responsibility for health maintenance and therapy for the ill. primary caregiver
Created by: james_w85
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