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short stories

plot the storyline or organization of events or episodes with a story plot has a rising action, a climax and falling action
sub plot a minor story line, secondary to the main plot maybe related or unrelated to the main action, but may also be a reflection of or variation on the main plot
introduction the beginning of the plot (usually includes setting and background knowledge of the characters
rising action consists of incidents that precede the climax background information is given, characters & conflicts introduced
climax highest point of emotional intensity in a story. marks the turning point in the protagonists fortunes
falling action the section immediately following the climax and lasting until the end of the story
dénouement (resolution) t the resolution of the plot or conflict. follows the climax and constitutes part of all of the falling action
conclusion the closing of the plot or the ending
character a fictional person in a story, and the moral, dispostional, and behavioural qualities of that fictional person
direct presentation character is revealed by what the narrator tells us about him or her
indirect presnetation character is revealed by what he/she thinks, says, does, and what characters say about him/her
protagonist main character of a story from whose view point of the story is presented
antagonist major character or force that happens that opposes that protagonist
static character does not change in the course of the story
dynamic character undergoes a significant, lasting change usually in his or her outlook on her
flat character limited, usually minor character with only one apparent quality
round character realistic character with several dimensions
stock character (stereotype) totally predictable, one dimensions and recognizable to the reader as "of a type"
consistent character constantly present and is reliable (always the same)
character foil a character who's behaviour attitudes and opinions contrast with those of protagonist
conflict struggle between opposing characters
man vs man struggle between another character within the story
man vs himself the character experiences conflicts in emotion and or thought
man vs environment conflict between a character in his or her enviroment
narrator a story told from a first person perspective or storyteller
point of view perspective from which a story is sen or told establishes the relationships among author, reader and characters
first person narrative a character telling story directly to the reader, in the first person tells us what the character things and feels from a vantage point
third person narrative when a story is told from "outside" the characters but from the perspective of one character limited in knowing thoughts and feel ins of only that one character
objective point of view the narrator has no special knowledge and the story is factually presented in an unemotional way
omniscient point of view or "all knowing" narrator tells the story with knowledge of the thoughts and feelings of more than one or all the characters
limited omniscient point of view occurs when a story is told from outside the characters but from perspective of one character
style individual manner in which the author expresses herself or himself. in fiction, style is basically determined by such grammatical and sensory aspects as dictation, grammar, and images
mood prevailing feeling created by the story atmosphere usually sets expectations in the reader about the outcome of an episode or plots
cliche overused expression that is unimaginative and uninteresting
dialogue any conversation between two or more characters in a story constitutes dialogue
monologue a performance by one actor, talking to ones self
flashback sudden switch in the plot from the present to the past-used to illustrate an important point or to aid in character
forshadowing device hints at or warns of events that are going to occur later on in the story. prepares reader for the climax
genre a type of literature (tragedy comdey romance)
irony involves contrast between two elements and as a literary device. provides depth of meaning on impact when irony is used-meanins become connected or contradictory
jargon language used for a specific activity or group
passive voice the voice used to indicated that the grammatical subject of the verb is the recipient (not the srouces of the action denoted by the verb)
setting time and place of a story can be be or great significance and be the main fictional elements
suspense feelings of anxiety and uncertainty experienced be the readers about the outcome or events or the protagonists fate
theme central idea of the story. usually impaired rather than directly stated. stores observation about life or human nature
tone the attitude the writer takes towards his or her subject
understatement present something as less important as it really is
mystery something not understood or his beyond understanding
Created by: helenmoshe
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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