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SpinalCord & Autonom

Anatomy lecture 3

CNS consists of? Brain & spinal cord
What is the foramen magnum? Hole at the bottom of the skull
Spinal cord ends where? At L-2
What is conus medullaris? It is where spinal cord ends
What is the area below conus medullaris and what does it consist of? IT is called cauda equina and contains nerve fibers hanging down like a horses tail
How many spinal nerves are there? 31
What does it mean by "typical nerve" It means that they contain both sensory and motor functions. They control both Somatic & visceral motor and sensory
What does it mean by "atypical nerves" They have only one funciton either motor or sensory
Which nerves are atpyical and their functions? C-1 is motor only and Coccy-1 is sensory only. C-1 has both somatic and visceral functions
What is somatic Voluntary actions i.e skeletal muscle movement
What is visceral Involuntary actions i.e smooth muscles
What does C-1 nerve does not have which other nerves in the spinal cord have? C-1 does not have Dorsal root ganglion
What is a Dorsal Root Ganglion? Collection of nerve cell bodies outside of nervrous system
What is pseudounipolar neuron? A neuron with 2 branched axons. One axon runs into the periphery and other to the spinal cord
Another term for Posterior Dorsal
Another term for anterior ventral
Butterfly like structure in the spinal cord is called? Gray matter
Gray matter contains what? Motor neurons, interneurons, blood vessels and supporting cells
Interneurons are located where? Between incoming senosory and outgoing motor neuron
Where are the incoming sensory and outgoing motor neuronslocated ? Sensory are in the Dorsal horn and the motor neuron are in the ventral horn
What part of the spinal cord are the dorsal and ventral horn found. Dorsal and ventral honrs are found in all parts of the spinal cord. But T-1, L-2 Sacral 2-4 contains a lateral horn.
Surrounding the gray matter is an area called? White Matter
White Matter contains what? It contains decending motor neurons and ascending sensory neurons
Ventral horn contains which type of neurons? Ventral horn has motor interneurons
Dorsal horn contains which type of neurons Senosory interneurons
What is the function of interneurons? They connect the afferent(incoming sensory) with efferent(outgoing motor)
Dorsal root ganglion is made up of what? It is made up of Posterior sensory roots and anterior motor roots
Between Lateral Horn in T-1 L-2 has what connected to it Lateral Horn is composed to Preganglionic Sympathetic Neurons(Visceral motor neuron)
Lateral Horn in Sacral 2-4 has what connected to it? It has Preganglionic parasympathetic neurons
What are the 3 vertebral levels The spinal cord ends at L-2 but the Dura mater continues and goes all the way down to S-2 and this is called dural sac and from the bottom of the dural sac there is a continuation of the sac called filum ternminale externum which connects at the C-2
Created by: moju85
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