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Anatomy Vocab sem 1

BHS Anatomy semester test

frontal bone forehead bone
illium top, broad part of the hip bone
lumbar vertebrae lowest vertebrae in the spine
maxilla upper jaw
occipital bone bone which forms the back and base of the skull and encircles the spinal cord
humerus upper arm bone
ischium part of the hip bone
mandible lower jaw
metacarpals bones in your hand
patella knee bone
pelvic girdle base of the pelvis
radius thumb side of arm
scapula shoulder blade
shoulder girdle scapula and clavical bone
sternum thickened ventral plate on each segment of the body of the arthoped
suture line where skull bones come together
temporal bones side of skull that encloses the ear
thoracic vertebrae mid spine
thorax neck to pelvis
tibia largest lower leg bone
ulna pinky side arm bone
vertebrae discs that make up the spine
zygomatic bone cheeck and eye socket bone
diaphysis shaft of a long bone
elastic cartilage cartilage with eleastic as well as collagenous fibers; provides elasticity and firmness
endochondral ossification process by which bones are formed by replacement of cartilage models
epiphyseal plate cartilage plate that is between the epiphyseal and allows growth to occur
fibro cartilage cartilage with the greatest number of collagenous fibers; strongest and most durable type of cartilage
haversian systems circular arrangements of calcified matrix and cells that gibe microscopic bone its characteristic appearance
hyaline cartilage most common type of cartilage; appears gelatinous and glossy
intramembranous ossification process by which most flat bones are formed within connective tissue membranes
trabeculae needle-like threads of spongy bone that surround a network of spaces
osteocyte bone cell
perichondrium fibrous covering of cartilage structures
periosteum porous bone in the end of the long bone which may be filled with marrow
articular cartilage layer of hyaline cartilage covering the joint surfaces of epiphyes
bone matrix intercellar substance of bone tissue consisting of collagen fibers ground substance and inorganic salts
cancellous bone bone containing trabeculae
cartilage a speccialized fibrous connective tissue that has the consistency of a firm plastic or gristle like gel
chondrocytes gartilage cell
compact bone bone that contains structural units called haversian systems
smooth muscle non voluntary mscles
squamous scale like
stratified epithelium epithelium made up of a series of layers, the cells of each varying in size and shape. Also called laminated epithelium
thrombocytes platelets; play a part in blood clotting
tissue group of similar cells that perform a common function
transitional epithelium stratified epithelium in which the individual layers are formed by a transformation of the cells from the layer below
ossification the formation of or conversion into bone; state of being ossified
medullary cavity hollow area inside the diaphysis of the bone that contains yellow bone marrow
osteblasts bone forming cell
osteoclasts bone abosrbing cell
osteocyte bone cell
phagocytes white blood cells that engulf micro organisms and digest them
plasma liquid part of blood
proteoglycan large molecule made up of protein strand that forms a backbone to which are attached many carbohydrate molecules
pseudo stratified columnar epithelium made up of cells that reach the basement membrane and appear to be stratified because their nuclei are at different levels
reticular tissue fine net like tissue
secretion process by which a substance is related outside the cell
simple epithelium epithelium made up of one layer of cells
skeletal muscle muscles under voluntary control
endoderm innermost germ layer, gives rise to digestive and urinary structures
endothelium line sufaces of the entire circulatory system and the vessels of the lymphatic system
epithelial tissue covers teh body and its parts
exocrine secreting into a duct as in glands that secrete their products via ducts onto a surface or into a cavity
macrophage phagocytic cell in the immunie system
mesoderm middle primary germ layer; gives rise to muscle and bone and blood vessels
apocrine glands glands that collect secretions near apex of cell then repease by pinching off distended end; mammary glands
muscle tissue specialized tissue type that produces movement
nervouse tissue specalized tissue type consisting of neurons and glia that provides rapid communication and control of body function
cardiac muscle tissue specialized mscle that makes up the heart
chondrocyte cartilage cell
collagen principle organic constitute of connective tissue
columnar cell cell classification by shape in which cells are higher than they are wide
compact bone dense bone
connective tissue most abundant tissue in the body
cubical cell cells resemble ube
cutaneous membrane primary organ of the integument system; the skin
ectoderm outer most of the primary germ layers that devels early in pregnancy
endocrine secreting into blood or tissue fluid rather than into a duct
transverse plane divides body into upper and lower
ventral cavity includes thoracic cavity and abdominal pelvic cavity
visceral toward the internal organs
absorption passage of a substance through a membrane such as a skin of mucosa
adipocytes fat cell
adipose fat tissue
avascular free of blood cells
basement membrane connective tissue layer of the serous membrane that hold and spports epithelial cells
blastocyst stage of developing embryo that implants in uterine wall
cancellous bone tissue cone containing trabecuale
pathology study of diseased body structures
physiology scientific study of an organism's body function
posterior located behind
proximinal nearest to the center of the body
sagittal plane longitudal plane divides body into left and right
somatotype classification of body type determined on the basis of certain physical characteristics
superficial near the body surface
superior higher
system group of organs that function as a team
tissue group of similar cells that perform a common function
inferior lower
intracellular control level of homeostatic control of body processes that occurs within cells
intrinsic control control of body processes that occurs within a particular tissue or organ
lateral toward the side
medial towards the middle
medullary center of a structure
metabolism set of chemical processes by which life is made possible
organ group of several tissue types that together perform a special function
organelle any of many cell organs or organized structures
organism any living entity considered as a whole
abdominal pelvic cavity term used to descibe the single cavity containing the abdominal and pelvic organs
anatomical position the standard reference position for the body
anatomy the study of the structure of an organism and the relationships of its part
anterior front or ventral
bilateral symmetry cncept of right and left sides of the nody being approximate mirror images of each other
coronal plane frontal plane
distal toward the end of the structure
dorsal cavity body cavity that includes the cranial and spinal cavity
extrinsic control style of physiological regulation in which control center is outside the tissue being regulated
homeostatis relative consistancy of the normal body's internal environment
Created by: bethers22
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