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2D Final- MU

At spectrum intensity, a blue-violet is Dark in value
Analogous colors May help create color harmony
White is the result of overlapping projected rays of the additive color primaries. The additive color primaries include Red, blue and green
In color mixing theory, blue+green-yellow+red = Blue-violet
When several contrasting colors are used together, they will look unified if All are somewhat neutralized
Mixing a common hue in each color used in a a painting will produce Related or "keyed color" and a harmony of color tonality
Are adjacent in the spectrum Analogous colors
Color which is seen viewing a painting by reflected light Is a result of color absorbing all wavelengths except the color experienced, is an example of subtractive color
Hues directly opposite each other on the color wheel are known as Complementary
All colors have the physical properties of Hue, value, intensity
Local color may be thought of as being Color as seen in the objective world (green leaves, blue water, white clouds)
To make a yellow-green appear "greener", it must be surrounded by Yellow
When a color is mixing with a little of its complement The color is said to be neutralized, the intensity of that color is lowered, the resulting color becomes a tertiary color, a change in value occurs
When additive color is used A red theatre spotlight makes white objects assume the color of the light, the artist may be dealing with color as seen on computer or television monitors
In representational art, color identifies objects and Creates illusionistic space
Color is derived from Light (natural or artificial)
Additive color primaries Red, blue, green. Can't be created from other mixtures
When red, blue, and green are combined they form Additive secondaries, magenta, yellow, cyan. White light is created in the center where all colors overlap
Tv and computers use Additive mixing processes
The eye merges the glowing pixels to perceive one complete image every 1/13th of a second
The image may seem jumpy at 30 frames per second
120 frames may be needed in High end video games
Normally our brains can process only about 75 frames per second
Subtractive color When color is experienced through reflected light
Any colored object has certain physical properties that enable it to absorb some color waves and reflect others Pigmentation or color quality
The combination of all colors isn't black, it's actually Dark gray
Intermediate colors Mix of primary colors with a neighboring secondary color
Color wheel contains 12 colors
Triadic color system System of organization, broken into color triads
Closer together colors appear on the wheel The closer their relationships are
Farther apart colors appear on the wheel The more contrasting they are in character
Complementary colors Opposite each other, greatest contrast in hue
When a color is mixed with its complement It becomes neutral
Tertiary colors Created by mixing any two secondary colors or combining non-analogous intermediate colors (browns, olives, maroons)
White could be thought of as the presence of All color, surface reflects wavelengths to an equal degree
Black is the absence of color because Surface absorbs all of the color rays equally and reflects none of them
Neutrals are concerned with the quantity of light reflected, while color Involves the quality of light reflected
Every color used must be described in terms of 3 physical properties Hue, value, intensity
Designates a color's position in the spectrum or color wheel Hue
The only dark or light pigments available that would change the value without altering the hue are Black, white or gray
All colors that are above middle gray are High key
All colors below middle gray is Low key
Intensity Refers to the quality of light in a color, distinguishes a brighter appearance from a duller one of the same hue
As color loses its intensity it Tends to approach gray
To alter the intensity of color Place the color next to its complement (both colors appear to increase) or mixing of pigments; 2 or more colors (decrease the intensity of the color)
Can't change value without Lowering the intensity
Lower the intensity without the value by Mixing color with a neutral gray of the same value
Efficient way to decrease intensity of any hue is to Add the complementary hue. Mixing 2 hues exactly opposite each other on the color wheel cancel each other out and a neutral gray occurs.
Outer most ring of color wheel Primary, secondary, intermediate
Tertiary colors are characterized by A change of value, loss of intensity and alternation of hue
Only pair of complements that can lower each others intensity without the value level Red-orange and Blue-green
Each color tends to increase the apparent intensity of the other color, and when used in equal amounts They are difficult to look at for any length of time (complementary)
Incorporates a color and the 2 colors on either side of its complement Split-complement
A triadic color organization is based on An even shorter interval between colors, giving less contrast between the colors
Primary triad Uses only primary colors
Secondary triad Composed of orange, green, violet (secondary colors)
Intermediate triads have Two color schemes
Color tetrad Color relationship based on a square rather than an equilateral triangle. Contain a primary, its complement, and a complementary pair of intermediates
Analogous colors Those that appear next to each other on the color wheel. They have the shortest interval and are extremely harmonious
Monochromatic Use only one hue, useful test of an artist's understanding of a given hue's value range
Brown, earthy tones generally are Warm
Olive colors generally are Cool
Colors may also be organized by their ability to create Compositional depth
Warm colors advance, cool colors Recede
Cool colors in the foreground and warm colors in the background the image is Flattened (pictorial space)
Color can be used To give spatial quality (supplement for value differences, create interest/ counterbalance), Create mood and symbolize, Express emotions and feelings, Emphasize, Well-ordered, Describe appearance
Monochromatic color scheme is The most harmonious
Analogous colors are The second harmonious
Tetrads The third harmonious
Triads The fourth harmonious
Split-complements The fifth harmonious
Complementary colors The sixth harmonious
These primaries are the secondary colors in the additive (light) system Magenta, yellow, cyan
Monochrome photography Provides images in black, white and a full range of grays
Halftoning Allowed all the shades of gray to be printed with only one shade of ink- black
Colored filters Creates tiny dots, incorporated to create a printing plate with proper ranges of value for each of the primaries
Most color printers are capable of 300 dots per inch (dpi)
Patina Refers to any surface-color development and is not limited in application to bronze sculpture (green-ish)
Academic Art that conforms to established traditions and approved conventions as practiced in formal art schools, stresses standards, set procedures and rules
Achromatic Relating to color perceived only in terms of neutral grays from light to dark without hue
Additive color Color created by superimposing light rays. Adding the 3 primaries together will equal white
Chroma The purity of a hue, or its freedom from white, black or gray. The intensity of a hue. (aka saturation)
Chromatic Pertaining to the presence of color
Chromatic value The relative degree of lightness or darkness demonstrated by a given color
Color The visual response to different wavelengths of sunlight identified as red, green blue... have ing the physical properties of hue, intensity and value
Color tetrad Four colors equally spaced on the color wheel, containing a primary and its complements and a complementary pair of intermediates
Color triad Three colors, equally spaced on the color wheel, forming an equilateral triangle
Complementary colors Two colors directly opposite each other on the color wheel. A primary color is complementary to a secondary color, which is a mixture of the two remaining primaries
High-key color Any color that has a value level of middle gray or lighter
Hue The generic name of a color, designates a colors position in the spectrum or on the color wheel. Determined by the specific wavelength of the color in a ray of light
Intensity The saturation, strength, or purity of a hue. A vivid color is of hight intensity; a dull color is of low intensity
Intermediate color A color produced by a mixture of a primary color and a secondary color
Intermediate triad A group of three intermediate colors that are equally spaced on the color wheel and form an equilateral triangle; two groups of intermediate triads are found on the color wheel
Local (objective) color The color as seen in the objective world
Low-key color Any color that has a value level of middle gray or darker
Monochromatic Having only one hue; may include the complete range of value (of one hue) from white to black
Neutralized color Color that has been grayed or reduced in intensity by being mixed with any of the neutrals or with a complementary color
Neutrals Only a sense of light and dark or the range from white through gray to black is noticed, no single color is noticed.
PIgment A color substance that gives its color property to another material by being mixed with it or covering it. PIgments, usually insoluble are added to liquid vehicles to produce paint and ink
Primary color A preliminary hue that cannot be broken down or reduced into component colors
Primary triad The three primary colors on the color wheel, which are equally spaced and form an equilateral triangle
Secondary color A color produced by a mixture of two primary colors
Secondary triad The three secondary colors on the color wheel which are equally spaced and form an equilateral triangle
Shade (of color) A color produced by mixing black with a hue, which lowers the value level and decreases the quantity of light reflected
Simultaneous contrast When two different colors come into direct contact, the contrast intensifies the difference between them
Spectrum The band of individual colors that result when a beam of white light is broken into its component wavelengths, identifiable as hues
Split-complements A color and the two colors on either side of its complements
Subjective color That which is derived from the mind, instead of physical reality, and reflects a personal bias, emotion, or interpretation. Inventive or creative
Subtractive color The sensation of color that is produced when wavelengths of light are reflected back to the viewer after all other wavelengths have been subtracted or absorbed
Tertiary color Color resulting from the mixture of all three primaries, two secondary colors or complementary intermediates.
Tint (of color) A color produced by mixing white with a hue, which raises the value level and increases the quantity of light reflected
Tonality A generic term for the quality of a color, often indicating a slight modification in hue, value or intensity. Dominating.
Value (color) The relative degree of lightness or darkness
Value pattern The arrangement or organization of values that control compositional movements and create a unifying effect throughout a work of art
Created by: M.koch
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