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Fisk-Oral cavity

Dental Arcade the teeth in either the maxillary or mandibular dentition.
Deciduous Teeth Dental formula 2 Incisors, 1 canine, 2 molars.
Adult Teeth Dental formula 2 Incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, 3 molars
Oral Vestibule Area between the teeth and the cheek.
Oral Cavity (proper) Everything else between both Oral Vestibules
What muscles make up the soft palate (roof of the oral cavity) 1.Tensor veli palatini. 2.Levator veli Palatini. 3.Muculus uvulae
Innervation of the Soft palate? Sensory: CN V2 via Superior Alveolar branches to the teeth, and Palatine brances to the anterior 3/4 of the soft palate. Motor: CN X innervates lev. veli palatini and musculus uvulae. **CN V3 innervates tensor veli palatini
How can you test CN X through the oral cavity? Look at the uvula, if it hangs abnomrally to one side, indicates problem with CN X
What is the purpose of the uvula? It seals off the posterior middle of the soft palate where the tensor and levator veli palatini act on. It seals it off so they dont pull it apart.
What is the main action of the tensor veli palatini in the soft palate? It pulls on the Eustachian tube when it tenses the soft palate, allowing them to open during yawing and swallowing. Active in "popping" your ears
What muscle is responsible for raising the soft palate? Levator veli palatini (CN X). Also raises the uvula.
What 3 muscles make up the walls of the oral cavity? 1.Superior constrictor M. (U shaped muscle that opens torwards the mouth). 2.Buccinator M. 3.Orbicularis Oris M.
What is the Pterygomandibular Raphe? It is the connection point between the Superior Constrictor M and the R and L Buccinator Mucles.
What Nerve innervtes the oral cavity walls? CN X
What muscle makes up the floor of the oral cavity? Mylohyoid. (CN V3, N. to mylohyoid)
Intrensic Muscles of the tongue Longitudinal, vertical, and horizontal fibers. All innervated by the Hypoglossal N (CN XII)
Extrensic Muscles of the tongue 1.Styloglossus (from styloid process). 2.palatoglossus (from soft palate). 3.hyoglossus (from hyoid). 4.genioglossus (from chin). **All innv. by CN XII except Palatoglossus (CN X)
What muscles is being tested when Dr. has Pt. protrude tounge during oral exam? Genioglossus. If the tongue deviates to one side there is a problem with CN XII on that side.
Sensory innervation of the tongue Anterior 2/3: GSA from Lingual N (V3), taste from CN VII (Chondra Tympani). Posterior 1/3: CN IX does GSA and taste
What are tonsils? Intraepithelial collection of lymphocytes located at the entry into the pharynx. Important in filtering lymph and destroying foreign pathogens
Location of Pharyngeal (adnoid) tonsil posterior to the nasal cavity, in the roof of the nasopharynx
Location of Tubal Tonsils at the opening of each Eustachian tube into the pharynx.
Location of palatine tonsils Found on the R and L sides of the oropharyx.
Location of Lingual tonisls They are located on the dorsal surface at the base of the tongue.
Submandibular gland secretes mucin rich saliva through a single duct into the base of the frenulum. **Innervated by the ANS via Submandibular ganglia.
Sublingual gland secretes 5% of saliva through multiple ducts along the frenulum. **Innervated by ANS via Submandibular ganglia
Parotid gland Watery saliva for lubrication (helps break down food) that empties into oral cavity at the base of 2nd upper molar after traversing the masseter muscls and puncturing the buccinator. **Inntervted by ANS via Otic ganglia
Function of Concha (turbinates) All 3 serve to warm air as it passes through the nasal cavity via heavey blood supply. **Meatus is the area deep to a concha
Sinus Drainage into the Middle Meatus Frontal sinus, anterior ethmoid sinus, maxillary sinus.
Sinus Drainage into the Superior Meatus Posterior ethmoid sinus
Sinus Drainage into the Inferior Meatus Nasoacrimal duct.
Sinus Drainage into the spheno-ethmoidal recess Sphenoid sinus.
What 4 arteries supply the nose Kiesselbach's plexus: 1.Sphenopalatine A. 2.Superior labial A. 3.Greater Palaine A. 4.Anterior Ethmoid A.
Muscles of the Infratemporal Fossa **The muscles of mastication. 1.Temporalis. 2.Masseter. 3.Medial Pterygoid. 4.Lateral Pterygoid.
Nerves of the infratemporal Fossa Mandibular N (CN V3)branches here: Inferior Alveolar, Lingual, Buccal, Auriculotemporal, N. to mylohyoid.
Arteries of the infratemporal Fossa Maxillary A branches here: Middle meningeal, Inferior alveolar, Branches to the muscles of mastication, and the sphenopalatine (within the pterygopalatine fossa, enters the nose)
Created by: WeeG
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