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Final Review

NHTC - Final Review

ROM range of motion
scoliosis abnormal sideward curvature of the spine
osteosarcoma malignant tumor of bone
osteomalacia softening of the bone
Ca cancer
osteoporosis loss of bone density
lordosis abnormal inward curvature of the spine
DEXA dual energy x-ray absorptiometry
subluxation partial dislocation
RA rheumatoid arthritis
arthrocentesis surgical punture of a joint to remove fluid
NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
CA calcium (CA - capital letters)
dislocation displacement of a joint from its normal location
bunion abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great toe
electromyography recording muscle contraction strength when stimulated electrically
CTS carpel tunnel syndrome
K potassium
dorsiflexion elevates the foot
adduction moves closer to the midline
abduction moves away from the midline
tendinopathy disease of a tendon
rotation moves a bone around its longitudinal axis
ankylosis stiffening and immobility of a joint
arthrography radiography of a joint
laminectomy excision of the lamina
DC physician specializing in chiropractic care
206 bones in the human skeleton
tendons connect muscles to bones
muscles maintain posture and allow movement of the body
OTC over the counter
Appendicular skeleton consists of arms, legs, scapulae, clavicles, pelvis
hematopoiesis the production of blood cells in the bone marrow
ligaments support internal organs and connect cartilage
musculoskeletal system comprised of joints, tendons, ligaments, bones and muscles
acromioclavicular pertaining to the acromion and clavicle
DJD degenerative joint disease
dermatologist specialist in the study of skin
hepatomegaly enlargement of the liver
nephrectomy surgical removal of a kidney
enteropathy disease of the small intestine
cerebromalacia softening of the brain
gastroenterologist specialist in the study of the GI tract
polydipsia excessive thirst
polyuria excessive urination
hyperhidrosis excessive sweating
lateral pertaining to the side
asplenia absence of the spleen
apnea temporary cessation of breathing
thrombus another term for blood clot
vertigo another term for dizziness
syncope another term for fainting
hypertension another term for high blood pressure
hypoglycemia low blood sugar
cardimyopathy disease of the heart muscle
cephalic pertaining to the head
caudal pertaining to the tail
auscultation to listen with a stethoscope
palpate, palpation to examine by feeling
quadriplegia four-extremity paralysis
hyperlipidemia excessive lipids in the blood
nocturia urination at night
tachycardia rapid heart rate
bradycardia slow heart rate
pruritus itching
external pertaining to the outside
internal pertaining to the inside
cystitis inflammation of the bladder
prostatomegaly enlargement of the prostate
endoscopy visual exam with an endoscope
intravenous within a vein
erythrocyte red blood cell
DNI do not intubate
DNR do not resusitate
DOB date of birth
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
CBC complete blood count
WBC white blood count
Created by: rmlgray
Popular Medical sets




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