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PSYC*3070 Mid #2

Human Resource Psychology Midterm #2

What is the employer's goal (in the selection process)? SELECT an applicant who possesses KSAO's required to successfully perform the job being filled.
What does it mean, selection is about prediction? Forecasting who is likely to succeed in jobs based on available data
What are the two major elements to building a sound foundation with respect to the use of predictors? 1- Selection system must operate within a legal context 2- System must be based on solid empirical support; Organization must be able to demonstrate RELIABILITY and VALIDITY of their selection systems
What does the act of measuring produce? An observed score
What is an observed score made up of? 1- The "true score", + 2- Some measurement error
What is meant by 'the act of measuring'? Putting a numerical value on something
What is an example of 'the act of measuring'? Giving a questionnaire, or using an interview
Reliability is... The degree to which observed scores are free from random measurement errors
Measurement error is random and defined as... The theoretical difference between an individual's 'true score' and his/her observed score
Name 4 ways to estimate reliability 1- Test-Retest Reliability 2- Equivalent/Parallel Forms Reliability 3- Internal Consistency (split 1/2 and Cronbach's Alpha) 4- Inter-rater agreement
What is Test-Retest Reliability? Conduct the interview once, score candidates Conduct interview at later time with the same candidates, score again Calculate correlation between the two sets of scores
What are the issues with Test-Retest Reliability? 1- Practice/Carryover effects can increase reliability 2- Learning the interim (or attribute changes) can decrease reliability 3- What time interval is appropriate?
What is an equivalent/parallel forms reliability interview? Rather than ask the same questions, develop an alternative form of the same question (some construct measure; same level of difficulty)
What does KSAO stand for? Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other attributes
What are the issues with Equivalent/Parallel Form Reliability? 1- Alternate forms may not be truly parallel 2- Carryover effects related to test-take strategies 3- Can be difficult/expensive to develop parallel forms
Internal consistency is... The extent to which the test questions have homogeneous content (do they measure the same thing?)
What is split-half reliability? We conduct the interview once, and correlate the first 2 questions with the last 2 questions, to see if they are internally consistent
Problems with split half reliability? 1- Manner in which test is split is arbitrary -- each different split 1/2 will yield a different reliability coefficient
What is the solution to the issue of split-half reliability? Chronbach's Alpha
What is Chronbach's Alpha? Rather than select just one way of splitting the test, Chronbach's alpha represents the average of all possible split halves (corrected for test length)
What does the Chronbach's alpha's represented average do? This average estimates internal consistency
What is internal consistency? The degree to which all of the questions in a set are measuring the same thing
What is Inter-Rater Reliability? The correlation between judgments made by two (or more) different judges
High levels of reliability are most necessary when... 1- Tests are used to make final decisions about people 2- Individuals are sorted into many different categories on the basis of relatively small individual differences
Factors Affecting Reliability can be organized into what three board categories? 1- Temporary individual characteristics (feeling sick) 2- Lack of standardization (some interviewed in a quiet room whereas others have a lot of noise) 3- Chance (candidate just happens to have a perfect example for a particular interview question)
Define Validity: Refers to the correctness of the inferences that are drawn from a set of measurements or other specified procedures Degree to which accumulated evidence and theory support SPECIFIC INTERPRETATIONS OF TEST SCORES in the context of the test's proposed use
In selection, correlations are... Validity Coefficients
How would I assess the test-retest reliability of a measure? Give a test, and then a week later test again. Correlate and determine variability (true scores vs. error)
What are some factors that might influence the test-retest reliability of a measure? Practice -- knowing what to expect changes results decreases reliability Carryover (same answers before) increases reliability
How would I assess the parallel form reliability of a test? Same as Test/Retest -- match difficulty
What is the main difference between CONCURRENT criterion-related validity and PREDICTIVE criterion-related validity? Concurrent: at the same time; with current employees Predictive: separate times
How do you determine if a predictor is valuable? Use coefficient of determination (r squared)
Another way to understand validity... "Interpretations of test scores"
What does the value in coefficient of determination represent? The proportion of variability in one variable that is associated with variability in another
What are the factors affecting validity coefficients? 1- Range Restriction 2- Measurement Error 3- Sampling Error
Explain Range Restriction: If you only accept those in top score -- you don't have the full range, and therefore have a smaller correlation
Reliability serves as a limit for validity... What does this mean? (Measurement Error) Reliability puts an upper limit on validity coefficient (smaller than or equal to reliability) If low reliability, low validity
Example of sampling error: Estimates of validity within a population may vary considerably between samples; estimates from small samples are likely to be quite variable
A selection procedure is justified when... It shows that is representatively samples significant parts of the job (ex. typing for a typist)
Content validity represents... A judgement regarding the degree to which a test provides an adequate sample of a particular content domain
What is the basic procedure for assessing content validity? 1-Describe the content domain (from Job Analysis) 2- Determine the areas of the content domain that are measured by each test item 3- Compare the structure of the test with the structure of the content domain
Most assessments of content validity focus almost exclusively on... The content of test items
It is also important to consider these factors in response processes and content validity: 1- How stimuli are presented to subject 2- How responses are recorded and evaluate 3- What is going through the respondent1s mind
What is Face Validity? A judgment concerning how relevant the test items appear to be
Judgments about face validity are considered from who's perspective? Test taker, not test user.
Is a test that lacks face validity useful or irrelevant? May be very useful and relevant
What are constructs? Constructs are abstract summaries of some regularity in nature They are related to or connected with concrete, observable entities or events
Construct Validity is... Continuous process of verifying the accuracy of inferences among concepts
Convergent validity coefficients are... Scores that purportedly measure some construct should be related to scores on other measures of that same construct
Discriminant validity coefficients are... Scores that measure some construct should be unrelated to scores that are not supposed to be measures of that construct
Test Validity Strategies include... 1- Criterion (does predictor correlate with job performance?) 2- Content (does the content of the predictor match the content of the job?) 3- Construct (Does the predictor actually measure the construct we are intending to measure?)
What would inconsistencies between studies be due to? Statistical artifacts such as: sampling error, range restriction, reliability of criterion measures
Why doe we account for statistical artifacts? In order for the validity between a predictor and a criterion to remain relatively stable within similar occupations
What is validity generalization? The application of validity evidence, obtained through a meta-analysis of data obtained from many situations, to other situations that are similar
What is Bias? Bias refers to systematic errors in measurement or inferences made from measurements that are related to different identifiable group membership characteristics (age, sex or race)
What is the concept of fairness in relation to measurement? Fairness here refers to the value judgments people make about the decisions or outcomes that are based on measurements and cannot be determined statistically
What does the CPA code of professional ethics cover? 1- Confidentiality 2- Competence 3- Psychological Assessments 4- Conflicts between ethics and organizational demands 5- Misuse of psychologists' work 6- Avoiding harm
What is the first phase of selection and what does it involve? Screening, and involves identifying candidates who meet the MINIMUM qualifications established for a position
What are application forms used for? A screening method that is completed by candidates to provide information about their KSAO's
What is the difference between an application form and a biodata form? Biodata or BIB is a questionnaire that asks about job related into on their personal background and life experiences. Biodata forms cover less verifiable into (personal interests, attitudes, values, etc.)
What 8 dimensions are common to many biodata inventories? 1- School Achievement 2- Higher education achievement 3- Drive 4- Leadership and group participation 5- Financial responsibility 6- Early family responsibility 7- Parental family adjustment 8- Situational stability
What are some concerns regarding biodata? 1- Legality 2- Invasiveness 3- Fakability 4- Generalizability -- requires large applicant pool and technical knowledge
When should you use Biodata? Particularly appropriate for organizations hiring large numbers of employees for similar kinds of jobs and where large numbers of applicants are competing for few positions.
What are pros/cons of Letters of Recommendation? Another screening method, that is most commonly used but is actually the least valid. There is a restricted range, and is only useful when it is negative. Telephone calls to former employers can be used to verify information on a resume.
When would an organization need to develop its own employment tests? When the KSAO's are unique
What steps are used in choosing a test? 1- Determine KSAO 2- Identify relevant test 3- Obtain info on several possible tests 4- Read technical documentation (reliable, valid) 5- Read ind. evaluations 6- Examine a sample 7- Determine skill level for purchase, use, scoring 8- Select test
What is the use of a cognitive ability test? Measure intelligence or intellectual ability
What abilities would be included in cognitive ability tests? Verbal and numerical ability, reasoning, memory, problem solving, processing information
Why should we assess "g" or GMA (general mental ability) instead of specific abilities? 1-Thought to be primary ability among those that make up intellectual capacity 2- GMA promotes effective learning, efficient and accurate problem solving, and clear communications 4-Single best predictor of job performance
Define abilities: Attributes that an applicant brings to the employment situation -- the enduring, general traits or characteristics on which people differ ex: finger dexterity or sensory ability
Define skill: Refers to an individual's degree of proficiency or competency on a given task -- based on both ability and practice ex: typing prficiency
Define aptitude: A specific, narrow ability or skill that may be used to predict job performance
What is personality? A set of characteristics or properties that influence, or help to explain, an individual's behaviour
What is the Five Factor Model? The "basic dimensions" of personality: neuroticism, extroversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, conscientiousness
What are the advantages of measuring the Big 5? Accumulated evidence and predict broad criteria (job performance)
What are the advantages of measuring narrow traits? May be more specific to what you are trying to measure
How is personality measured? Usually through self report inventories
What are the strategies to control response inflation? -Forced choice questionnaires -Faking warnings -Corrections -Use of interviews
What is the use of integrity tests? Designed to identify job applicants who will not engage in counterproductive behaviour
What are the two types of integrity tests? -Overt (transparent) -- attitudes toward theft (punitiveness, beliefs about frequency) and admissions -Personality -- based (mainly conscientiousness and emotional stability, dependability, risk taking
What are the three main constructs of physical abilities testing? 1- Strength 2- Endurance 3- Movement quality
Work Samples and Simulations Require candidate to produce behaviour related to performance under controlled conditions -Involved standardized instructions, conditions, equipment and scoring
Pros of Work Samples and Simulations -Minimal adverse impact -Good criterion-related validity
Cons of Work Samples and Simulations -Effective at predicted 'can do', but not potential -Usually individually administered, which is costly
SJT - Situational Judgement Tests Situational exercise designed to measure applicants' judgement of workplace situations (paper and pencil or video) Multiple choice
Assessment Centers Characteristics 1- Managers (select, promote, train) 2- Assessed in groups against performance of other groups 3- Assessor teams as raters 4- Variety of group exercises and inventories (in-basket; leaderless group discussion; role-play)
List most to least valid: Work Samples; General Cognitive Ability; Integrity Tests; Assessment Centers; Biodata; Conscientiousness
Sources of Information about Testing Mental Measurments Yearmook (MMY)
Unstructed Interviews Traditional method of interviewing that involves no constraints on questions, no requirements for standardization and a subjective assessment of the candidate
Cons of unstructured interviews Evaluations may be biased by personal views and preferences (similarity to self; first impression; visual cues; contrast effects; template of 'ideal' These reduce reliability and validity of unstructured interviews
Two types of interviews: Panel interviews (conducted by 2 or more interviewers together at one time) Serial interviews (series of interviews where applicant is interviewed separately by each of two or more interviewers)
Types of structured interviews: Situational (highly constructed interview in which hypothetical situations are described and applicants are asked what they would do
Behavioural Description Interview Is a structured interview in which applicant is asked to describe what he or she did in a given situation in the past
Compensation Refers to all forms of financial returns and tangible services and benefits to employees receive as part of an employment relationship
9 Criteria for Developing Compensation Plan *1-Internal vs external equity *2-Fixed vs. variable 3-Performance vs. membership 4-Job vs individual 5- Egalitarianism vs. elitism *6- Below-market vs. above *7-Monetary vs. non-monetary 8. Open vs. secret 9-Centralization vs decentralization dec
Created by: bviscont
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