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Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but it can be transformed Law of conservation of energy
Formed from decaying remains of ancient plants and animals Fossil fuels
Burning fossil fuels converts energy from ________ bonds into heat and light Chemical
Chemical energy in fossil fuels is more ______ that in other fuels such as wood Cencentrated
Thick, greenish-brown, highly flammable liquid formed by decayed ancient organisms Petroleum
A process called _________ separates the compounds in petroleum Fractional distallation
______used for plastic, synthetic fabrics, and other products in addition to its use as a fuel Petroleum
Is also a product of decayed ancient organisms Natural gas
Natural gas contains more ______ per kilogram than petroleum or coal Energy
Natural gas burns more ______ than other fossil fuels Cleanly
Natural gas provides about 1/4 of the energy in ______ U.S.
A solid fossil fuel found underground Coal
Coal produces more ______ when burned than petroleum or natural gas Pollutants
Coal provides about ________ of the energy produced in the U.S. 1/4
About 90% of coal burned in the U.S. is used to produce _______ Electricity
Generated when fossil fuels are burned Electricity
The burned fuel releases ______ energy Thermal
The thermal energy energy produces high pressure _____ Steam
The steam spins a _______ Turbine
The spinning turbine produces an electric ____ Current
Electric current is _____ through power lines to consumers Transmitted
Only about 35% of the energy in fossil fuel reaches consumers since some of the energy is ________ in every stage of the process Converted
Fossil fuels have some _____ side effects Undersireable
Fossil fuels _____ the environment and increase carbon monoxide in the atmosphere Pollute
Mining coal can cause some ______ problems for miners Breathing
Fossil fuels are ________' so its important not to waste energy Nonrenewable resources
About 20% of the electricity in the U.S. comes from ______ power plants Nuclear
contain a fuel, rods to control nuclear reactions, and a cooling system Nuclear reactor
Heat is produced by nuclear _____- energy is released when U-235 nuclei split in two after being struck by a neutron Fission
Special rods absorb excess _____to prevent dangerous chain reactions Neutrons
Nuclear power plants use the heat of nuclear fission to produce ___ Steam
The steam drives a _____ Turbine
The turbine rotates an electric _____ Generator
Nuclear power plants produce _______- radioactive by products from radioactive materials Nuclear waste
Contain only a small amount of radioactive material Low-level waste
Must be disposed of extremely carefully because they will remain radioactive for tens of thousands of years High-level waste
The joining of nuclei - is not practical energy source due to high temp. fusion requirement Nuclear fusion
Can be replaced as quickly as it is used Renewable resource
Solar energy is converted into electricity by a ________ or solar cell Photovoltaic cell
A solar cell converts only 15 to 20% of the sun's energy into ______ Electricity
Energy produced by solar cells is more _________ than energy produced with fossil fuels Expensive
Energy from solar cells must be ____ in batteries when the sun is not shining Stored
Produced by moving water; it is about twice as efficient as fossil fuels or nuclear power Hydroelectricity
Uses moving water; but it can only be use in places where high and low tides are different enough Tidal energy
Can be used to generate electricity, but are useful only when the wind blows consistently Wind mills
Thermal energy contained in hot magma; limited to areas where magma is close to the surface Geothermal energy
Alternative fuels include hydrogen gas and _____- renewable organic matter such as wood or animal manure Biomass
Created by: missyprissi96
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