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Levels and Normal Values

PCWP Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure Normal 4-12 mm Hg
ICP Intercranial Pressure Normal value 5-10 mm Hg
Vital Capacity Normal Range 65-75 ml/kg
MAP Mean Arterial Pressure 93-96 mmHg
Ejection Fraction Normal 65-75%
Systemic Vascular Resistance <20 mm Hg/L min or 1600Dynes/sec/cm5
Pulmonary vascular Resistance <2.5 mm Hg/L/min or 200 Dynes/sec/cm5
At a normal venous blood PaO2 of 40 mm Hg what % saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen 73%
CVP Central Venous Pressure <6mm Hg
Right Arterial Pressure 2-6mm Hg
QT Cardiac Output 4.0-8.0 L/min
CI Cardiac Index 2.5-5.0 L/min/m2
Pulse Pressure 40 mm Hg
Stroke Volume 60-130 mL/Beat
Stroke Index 30-50 mL/beat.m2
L/S Ration Lecithin/Spingomyelin Ration 2:1 1:1 indicates increased risk
MVV Normal values Males: 160/min Females 120/min
Average Urine Output 40 mL/hr (1 L a day)
Normal Respiratory rate for Adult 12-20
Normal Respiratory rate for Newborn 30-60
Normal Blood Pressure for Newborn 60/40
Normal Pulse/Heart rate for Newborn 110-160
Normal Glucose for Newborn >30 mg/dL
Normal Dubowitz Scale Score 40
Normal New Ballard Score 40
Normal Birth Weight >3000g Term Infant 1000g 28 week gestation
Normal body temp. of infant 36.5 C
Normal Heart rate of adult 60-100
Platelet count Normal value 150,000-400,000/mm3
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time 24-32 Seconds
Prothrombin Time PT 12-15 Seconds
Thrombin time TT 7-12 seconds
RBC 4-6 mill/mm3
Hemoglobin (Hb) 12-16 gm
Hematocrit (Hct) 40-50%
WBC 5,000-10,000 per mm3
Potassium (K+) Normal 4.0mEq/L (range 3.5-4.5)
Sodium (Na+) Normal 140mEq/L (range 135-145)
Chloride (Cl-) Normal 90mEq/L (range 80-100)
Bicarbonate (HCO3-) 24mEq/L (range 22-26)
Creatinine 0.7-1.3mg/dL
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 8-25 mg/dL
PaCO2 35-45 mm Hg
PETCO2 30 torr (3-5%)
SaO2 Normal Range 93-97%
Normal COHb 1-3%
COHb for smokers 5-10%
COHb for Heavy smokeers 10-15%
Level for CO poisoning 20% or higher
Temperature skin is heated for transcutaneous monitoring 43-45 C
PAP Pulmonary Artery Pressure Normal value 25/8
PWP Pulmonary Wedge pressure Normal value 8-10mm Hg
CVP Central Venous Pressure 2-6mm Hg
Vacuum Pressure for suctioning used on Adult 100-120 mm Hg
What should the cuff pressure NOT exceed for intubation 20 mm Hg
The Tip of the tube should be how far above the carina 2 cm or 1 inch or at the aortic knob
What size blade is used for intubating an Adult, ped. and infant. 3 Adult 2 Pediatric 1 Term infant 0 Pre-term infant
What size ET Tube is used for intubation a full term Full Term 30-3.5 (based on 3000g) kg / 10
Oral Intubation- how far is the tube placed at the patient's lips 21-25 cm
Nasal Intubation -how far is the tube placed at the patient nare 26-29 cm
VT Tidal Volume 5-8 ml/kg
VE Minute Ventilation 5-6/lpm
MIP Maximum inspiratory pressure -80 cmH2O <-20 cmH2O unacceptable
HCO3 22-26 mEq/L
VD/VT (%) DEADSPACE 20-40%
Created by: 1052610470
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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