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Chapters 2&3: Matter

Physical changes do not change a substance's identity.
Chemical Change a change that occurs when one or more substances change into entirely new substances with different properties.
Mixtures can be seperated by physical changes.
Compounds must be broken down by chemical changes.
Examples of Physical Changes: cutting, crushing, reshaping, changing state, dissolving
Examples of Chemical Changes: burning, rusting, digesting, decomposing
Atom the smallest unit of an element that maintains the chemical properties of that element
Boiling Point the temperature and pressure at which a liquid becomes a gas
Chemical Change a change that occurs when one or more substances change into an entirely new substance with different properties
Compound a substance made up of 2 or more atoms of 2 ore more differnt elements joined by compound bonds
Element a substance that cannot be seperated or broken down into small substances
Molecule a group of atoms that are held together by chemical forces
Pure Substance a sample of matter, either a single elemet or a combo, that has definite mass and takes up space
Reactivity the capacity of a substance to combine chemically with another substance
The identity of a substance does not change during a change of _____, but the ______ of a substance does change. state, energy
Changes of state that require energy: melting, evaporation, and sublimation
Changes of state that release energy: freezing and condensation
Mass and energy are both conserved
The Law of Coservation of Mass/Energy: In chemical and physical changes, the total MASS or ENERGY of the substance undergoing the change stays the same BEFORE AND AFTER the change
Kinetic Theory of Matter: Matter is made up of atoms and molecules.
Particles are always in motion
The higher the temperature of the substance is, the faster it moves.
More massive particles move slower than less massive ones.
You can classify matter as a solid, liquid, or gas
You can classify matter by determining if the shape and volume are definite or variable.
The most common state of matter Plasma
All particles have kinetic energy because they have motion.
Tmperature is a measure of average kinetic energy.
Thermal energy depends on ______ and ______ of partcles. speed, number
Amorphous Solids: Rubber bands are a solid, BUT DON'T HAVE A DEFINITE SHAPE.
Every sample of matter is either an element, compound, or mixture.
Heterogeneous Mixture: Substances aren't mixed uniformly and are not evenly distributely.
Homogeneous Mixture: Substances are evenly distributed, and the mixture if the same throughout.
Miscible: Substances that CAN BE mixed.
Gases can/cannot mix with liquids. CAN
Salt Compound
Gold Element
Glucose Compound
Water Compound
Created by: erinbelcher96
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