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anatomy eye

quiz 2 on the eye

macule lutera yellow disk
fovea centralis is inside the macula lutera and is an area packed with cones
color vision due to 3 types of cones/ red,green,blue
rods rods contain a photo sensative chemical called rhodopsin(visual purple). DIM LIGHT= moe sensative
R,G + B CONES the ratio of red green and blue cones stimulated determines the color that you see
brightness of color brighness of a coloris determined by the #number of impulses a sec. sent to the brain
visual colors red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo,violet > ultra violet
color blind you lack red,green,blue cones, it's genetic and is a sex linked diease on X chromosomes
trichromat you can see all colors
dichromat 1 missing type of cones
monochromat no cones
dark adaptation this is when going from BRIGHT LIGHT to DIM LIGHT. this is when you break down all the chemicals in the rods+cons. you need time in the dark to rebuild chemicals
light adaptation excess chemicals break down. going from DIM LIGHT to BRIGHT LIGHT
purkinje shift shift from rods + cons(dawn)/ cons to rods(night)
inverted retina when the path of the impulse is opposite of the path of the light.
optical illusion error in visual judgement
visual pathway vision crosses over. some of the left eye can see the right field. some of the right can see stuff in the left field.
lateral geniculate body turns image right side up
visual acuity sharpness of vision 20/20 means your average
after image image seen after initial stimulas is over. positive-same coloras original. negative- is opposite.
nyctalopia night blindness
diplopia double vision
amblyopia lazy eye weak extrensic muscle in one eye
glaucoma to much aqueous fluid
cataracts cloudy area forms on the cornea or lens
diabetic retinaopathy bleeding into vitreous fluid
macula degeneration macula lutera(yellow disk) breaks down to much pressure
nystigma uncontrolled eye movement
sty inflammation of the oil gland
astigmatism irregular cornea lens
floaters see spots epethelial cells floatindg in the vtreous fluid
Created by: ktheobald11
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