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MT-Ch 4 Vocab

Medical Terminology Vocabulary Chapter 4

adipose fatty; relating to fat
alopecia lack of hair in spots; baldness
apocrine glands glands that appear during and after puberty and secrete sweat, as from the armpits
ceruminous glands glands that secrete a waxy substance on the surface of the ear
collagen major protein substance that is tough and flexible and that forms connective tissue in the body
corium other name for dermis
cuticle thin band of epidermis that surrounds the edge of nails, except at the top
dermis layer of skin beneath the epidermis containing blood vessels, nerves, and some glands
diaphoresis excretion of fluid by the sweat glands; sweating
eccrine glands sweat glands that occur all over the body, except where the apocrine glands occur
epidermis outer portion of the skin containing several strata
exocrine glands glands that secrete through ducts toward the outside of the body
hair follicle tubelike sac in the dermis out of which the hair shaft develops
hair root portion of the hair beneath the skin surface
hair shaft portion of the hair visible above the skin surface
hypodermis subcutaneous skin layer; layer below the dermis
integument skin and all the elements that are contained within and arise from it
keratin hard, horny protein that forms nails and hair
lunula half-moon shaped area at the base of the nail plate
melanin pigment produced by melanocytes that determines skin, hair, and eye color
melanocyte cell in the epidermis that produces melanin
nail thin layers of keartin that cover the distal portion of fingers and toes
papillary layer thing sublayer of the dermis containing small papillae (nipple-like masses)
pore opening or hole, particularly of the skin
reticular layer bottom sublayer of the dermis containing reticula (network of structures with connective tissue between)
sebaceous glands glands in the dermis that open to hair follicles and secrete sebum
sebum oily substance, usually secreted into the hair follicle
squamous epithelium flat, scaly layer of cells that makes up the epidermis
stratified squamous epithelium layers of epithelial cells that make up the strata of epithelium of the epidermis
stratum layers of tissue, especially a layer of the skin
stratum corneum top sublayer of the epidermis
stratum germinativum bottoms sublayer of the epidermis
striae stretch marks made in the collagen fibers of the dermis layer
subcutaneous layer bottom layer of the skin containing fatty tissue
sweat glands coiled glands of the skin that secrete perspiration to regulate body temperature and excrete waste products
dermatology medical specialty that deals with diseases of the skin
exudate any fluid excreted out of tissue, especially fluid excreted out of an injury to the skin
intradermal test test that injects antigen or protein between layers of skin
Mantoux test test for tuberculosis in which a small dose of tuberculin is injected intradermally with a syringe
patch test test for allergic sensitivity in which a small dose of antigen is applied to the skin on a small piece of gauze
PPD purified protein derivative of tuberculin
Schick test test for diphtheria
scratch test test for allergic sensitivity in which a small amount of antigen is scratched onto the surface of the skin
tine test, TB tine screening test for tuberculosis in which a small does of tuberculin is injected into a series of sites within a small space with a tine (instrument that punctures the surface of the skin)
abscess localized collection of pus and other exudate, usually accompanied by swelling and redness
acne inflammatory eruption of the skin, occurring in or near the sebaceous glands on the face, neck, shoulder, or upper back
acne vulgaris see acne
actinic keratosis overgrowth of horny skin that forms from over-exposure to sunlight; sunburn
albinism rare, congenital condition causing either partial or total lack of pigmentation
alopecia areata loss of hair in patches
basal cell carcinoma slow-growing cancer of the basal cells of the epidermis usually a result of sun damage
birthmark lesion (especially a hemangioma) visible at or soon after birth; nevus
blackhead see comedo
bulla bubble-like blister on the surface of the skin
burn damage to the skin caused by exposure to heat, chemicals, electricity, radiation, or other skin irritants
callus mass of hard skin that forms as a cover over broken skin on certain areas of the body, especially the feet and hands
candidiasis yeastlike fungus on the skin, caused by Candida; characterized by pruritis, white exudate, peeling, and easy bleeding; examples are thrush and diaper rash
carbuncle infected area of the skin producing pus and usually accompanied by fever
cellulitis severe inflammation of the dermis and subcutaneous portions of the skin, usually caused by an infection that enters the skin through an opening, as a wound; characterized by local heat, redness, pain, and swelling
cherry angioma a dome-shaped vascular angioma lesion that usually occurs in the elderly
chloasma group of fairly large, pigmented facial patches, often associated with pregnancy
cicatrix growth of fibrous tissue inside a wound that forms a scar; also, general term for scar
cold sore eruption around the mouth or lips; herpes simplex virus Type 1
comedo open hair follicle filled with bacteria and sebum; common in acne; blackhead
corn growth of hard skin, usually on the toes
crust hard layer, especially one formed by dried pus, as in a scab
cyst abnormal sac containing fluid
decubitus ulcer chronic ulcer on skin over bony parts that are under constant pressure; pressure sore
depigmentation loss of color of the skin
dermatitis inflammation of the skin
discoid lupis erythematosus (DLE) mild form of lupus
ecchymosis purplish skin patch (bruise) caused by broken blood vessels beneath the surface
eczema severe inflammatory condition of the skin, usually of unknown cause
erosion wearing away of the surface
exanthematous viral disease viral disease that causes a rash on the skin
excoriation injury to the surface of the skin caused by a scratch, abrasion, or burn, usually accompanies by some oozing
fever blister eruption around the mouth or lips; herpes simplex virus type 1
first-degree burn least severe burn, causes injury to the surface of the skin without blistering
fissure deep slit in the skin
furuncle localized skin infection, usually in a hair follicle and containing pus; boil
gangrene death of an area of skin, usually caused by loss of blood supply to the area
genital herpes See herpes simplex virus Type 2
herpes an inflammatory skin disease caused by viruses of the family Herpesviridae
herpes simplex virus Type 1 Herpes that recurs on the lips and around the area of the mouth, usually during viral illnesses or states of stress
herpes simplex virus Type 2 Herpes that recurs on the genitalia; can be easily transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact
herpes zoster painful herpes that affect nerve roots; shingles
hives see urticaria
impetigo a type of pyoderma
Kaposi's sarcoma skin cancer associated with AIDS
keloid thick scarring of the skin that forms after an injury or surgery
keratosis lesion on the epidermis containing keratin
lesion wound, damage, or injury to the skin
leukoderma absence of pigment in the skin or in an area of the skin
leukoplakia white patch of mucous membrane on the tongue or cheek
macule small, flat, noticeably colored spot on the skin
malignant melanoma virulent skin cancer originating in the melanocytes, usually caused by overexposure to the sun
neoplasm abnormal tissue growth
nevus birthmark
nodule small knob of tissue
onychia, onychitis inflammation of the nail
onychopathy disease of the nail
papule small, solid elevation on the skin
paronychia inflammation, with pus, of the fold surrounding the nail plate
patch small area of skin differing in color from the surrounding area; plaque
pediculated polyp polyp that projects upward from a slender stalk
pediculosis lice infestation
pemphigus autoimmune disease that causes skin blistering
petechia a tiny hemorrhage beneath the surface of the skin
pilonidal cyst containing hair, usually found at the lower end of the spinal column
plantar wart wart on the sole of the foot
plaque see patch
polyp bulging mass of tissue that projects outward from the skin surface
pressure sore see decubitus ulcer
pruritus itching
psoriasis chronic skin condition accompanies by scaly lesions with extreme pruritus
purpura skin condition with extensive hemorrhages underneath the skin covering a wide area
pustule small elevation on the skin containing pus
pyoderma any inflammation of the skin that produces pus
ringworm fungal infection; tinea
rosacea vascular disease that causes blotchy, red patches on the skin, particularly on the nose and cheeks
roseola skin eruption of small, rosy patches, usually caused by a virus
rubella disease that causes a viral skin rash; German measles
rubeola disease that causes a viral skin rash; measles
scabies skin eruption caused by a mite burrowing into the skin
scale small plate of hard skin that falls off
scleroderma thickening of the skin cause by an increase in collagen formation
sebaceous cyst containing yellow sebum
seborrhea overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands
second-degree burn moderately severe burn that affects the epidermis and dermis; usually involves blistering
sessile polyp polyp that projects upward from a broad base
shingles viral disease affecting peripheral nerves and caused by herpes zoster
squamous cell carcinoma cancer of the squamous epithelium
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) most severe form of lupus, involving internal organs
telangiectasia a permanent dilation of the small blood vessels
third-degree burn most severe type of burn; involves complete destruction of an area of skin
tinea fungal infection; ringworm
tumor any mass of tissue; swelling
ulcer open lesion, usually with superficial loss of tissue
urticaria group of reddish wheals, usually accompanied by pruritus and often caused by an allergy (hives)
varicella contagious skin disease, usually occurring during childhood, and often accompanied by the formation of pustules; chicken pox
vascular lesion lesion in a blood vessel that shows through the skin
verruca flesh-colored growth, sometimes caused by a virus; wart
vesicle small, raised sac on the skin containing fluid
vitiligo condition in which white patches appear on otherwise normally pigmented skin
wart see verruca
wheal itchy patch of raised skin
whitehead closed comedo that does not contain the dark bacteria present in blackheads
allograft skin graft using donor skin from one person to another; homograft
autograft Skin graft using skin from one's own body
biopsy excision of tissue for microscopic examination
cauterize to apply heat to an area to cause coagulation and stop bleeding
cryosurgery surgery that removes tissue by freezing it with liquid nitrogen
curettage removal of tissue from an area, such as a wound, by scraping
debridement removal of dead tissue from awound
dermabrasion removal of wrinkles, scars, tattoos, and other marks by scraping with brushes or emery papers
electrodesiccation drying with electrical current
fulguration destruction of tissue using electric sparks
heterograft skin graft using donor skin from one species to another; xenograft
homograft skin graft using donor skin from on person to another; allograft
Mohs' surgery removal of thin layers of malignant tissue until nonmalignant tissue is found
plastic surgery repair or reconstruction (as of the skin) by means of surgery
skin graft placement of fresh skin over a damaged area
xenograft skin graft using donor skin from one species to another; heterograft
alpha-hydroxy acid agent added to cosmetics to improve the skin's appearance
anesthetic agent that relieves pain by blocking nerve sensations
antibacterial agent that kills or slows the growth of bacteria
antibiotic agent that kills or slows the growth of microorganisms
antifungal agent that kills or slows the growth of fungi
antihistamine agent that controls allergic reactions by blocking the effectiveness of histamines in the body
anti-inflammatory agent that relieves the symptoms of inflammation
antipruritic agent that controls itching
antiseptic agent that kills or slows the growth of microorganisms
astringent agent that removes excess oils and impurities from the surface of the skin
chemotheraphy treatment of cancer that uses chemicals to destroy malignant cells
corticosteroid agent with anti-inflammatory properties
emollient agent that smooths or softens skin
keratolytic agent that aids in the removal of warts and corns
parasiticide agent that kills or slows the growth of parasites
radiation therapy treatment of cancer that uses ionizing radiation to destroy malignant cells
topical anesthetic anesthetic applied to the surface of the skin
ultraviolet light artificial sunlight used to treat some skin lesions
Created by: 1301554175
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