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anat 10/24 CH 13 CNS

central nervous system

somatic conduct impulses to the skeletal muscle, voluntary movements
autonomic conduct impulses to the cardiac and smooth muscles, involuntary movements
Autonomic divisions sympathetic and parasympathetic
sympathetic nervous system activated during times of physical activity and stress. increased heart rate, dilates pupils, and increased breathing rate.
parasympathetic nervous system controls resting and non stressful situations. involved digestion, constantly active
length of the spinal cord foreman magnum to L1/L2
two enlargements along the spinal cord cervical enlargement and lumbar enlargement
cervical enlargement supplies nerves to and from the upper extremities
lumbar enlargement supplies nerves to and from the lower extremities
conus medullaris cone shaped end of the spinal cord that is considered an extension of the medulla. occurs at L1/L2
filum terminale anchors the conus medullaris to the coccyx, an extension of the pia mater
cauda equina nerve roots that extend from the inferior spinal cord and can exit the vertebrae below the L1/L2 where the spinal cord stops
vertebral canal protects the spinal cord
spinal cord meninges dura mater, arachnoid mater, and the pia mater
spinal cord spaces epidural space,subdural space, and subarachnoid space
epidural space real space, filled with fat-- where epidurals are performed
subdural pace potential space
subarachnoid space real space. contains cerebralspinal fluid-- where spinal tap is performed between L3-L5
gray matter deep within spinal cord. shaped like a butterfly
gray commissure conects the gray mater to both sides of the spinal cord contains the central canal
central canal tiny hole in the middle of the gray commissure. contains CSF and is continuous of the fourth ventricle
ventral/anterior horn contains the cell bodies of the somatic motor neurons. provides nerve impulses for the skeletal muscle contractions
lateral horn contains the cell bodies of the autonomic and motor neurons. provide nerve impulses for cardiac, smooth muscle, and glands
dorsal horn contains cell bodies of internerons. contains axons of incoming sensory neurons
white matter contains myelinated axons
white commissure connects the white matter to the right and left sides of the spinal cord-- also has an anterior and posterior white matter
white matter divided into three columns ventral column, lateral column, and dorsal columns
each column further divided into ____ tracts (passageways)
tracts have a common origin and destination and carry similar information
sensory tracts ascending to the spinal cord. carry impulses toward the CNS and the brain
impulses concerning pain and temperature lateral sensory tract
impulses concerning pressure and touch anterior sensory tracts
motor tracts descending from the spinal cord. axons conducting impulses down the spinal cord
motor tracts have impulses concerning ______ movement of the neck, trunk, and extremities
lateral spinal tract carries 85% of commands
anterior spinal tract carries 15% of commands
internal capsul in the brain where the motor tracts cross paths
reflexes fast, involuntary responses to stimuli
spinal reflex integration takes place within the ppinal cord
cranial reflex integration takes place within the brain
Created by: kristeni558
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