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Music History Test 2

City-state city that governed itself and the territory immediately around it
Squarcialupi Codex music manuscript containing 354 compositions
Trecento century of the 1300s in which arts flourished in Florence
Caccia piece involving a musical canon in upper 2 voices supported by a slower moving tenor; means “hunt”
Landini cadence sixth in outer voices expand to an octave; added lower neighbor-tone to upper part as it moved up to octave
Giovanni Boccaccio wrote Decameron after surviving the Black Death through help of some women friends
Decameron written by Giovanni Boccaccio; set of stories centered around women
Magister cappellae leader of the chapel
Filippo Brunelleschi Florentine architect who built a dome for the Florentines
Number symbolism numbers possessed rich theological associations
Rondellus distinctly English musical practice; 2 or 3 voices engage in voice exchange or phrase exchange
Faburden singers improvised around a given chant
Fauxbourdon singers of sacred music improvised at pitches a fourth and sixth below a given plainsong
Carol strophic song for one to three voices, all of which were newly composed
Pan-isorhythmic isorhythm applied to all voices, not just tenor
Contenance angloise English manner (no dissonance)
Pan-consonance almost every note is a member of a triad or a triadic inversion and not a dissonance
Burgundian lands Dukes inherited, purchased, and conquered large portions of present-day northern France and the Low Countries
Chanson French word for song
L’Homme arme’ tune means Armed Man; written after fall of Constantinople – many polyphonic masses built upon it
Cantus firmus Mass cyclic Mass in which 5 movements of the Ordinary are unified by means of a single cantus firmus
Cantus firmus Latin meaning “firm” or “well-established”; a well-established, previously existing melody
Joan of Arc miraculous Maid of Orleans who rescued France from the English in the last stages of the Hundred Years’ War
Mensuration canon two voices perform the same music at different rates of speed; start at the same time, but one moves faster
Paraphrase technique composer takes a pre-existing plainsong and embellishes it, imparting to it a rhythmic profile…elaborated chant serves as a basic melodic material for a polyphonic composition
Paraphrase Mass all movements are united by a single paraphrased chant
Quodlibet several secular tunes brought together; Latin for “whatever you like”
Multiple cantus firmus Mass two or more cantus firmi sound simultaneously or successively in a Mass
hauts instruments loud – trumpets, shawms, bagpipes, drums, and tambourine
Sackbut slide trumpet; means “push-pull”…related to trombone
Bas instruments soft – recorder, vielle, lute, harp, psaltery, portative organ, and harpsichord
Basse danse principal aristocratic dance of court and city during the early Renaissance
Quattrocento fifteenth century in Italy…Italian word for “the 1400’s”; period of enormous creativity in the visual arts
Contrafactum transforming a secular piece into a sacred one
Frottola used as a catch-all word to describe a polyphonic setting of a wide variety of strophic Italian poetry
Madrigal catch-all term to describe settings of Italian verse; through-composed in 16th C. instead of strophic like before
Text painting (word painting) music sounds out the meaning of the text, almost word for word
Madrigalism musical clichés as sighs and dissonances for “harsh” words
Soggetto cavato a “cut-out subject”…subject cut-out from the vowels
Penitential Psalms seven Psalms among the 150 of the Psalter that are especially remorseful in tone and sung in the rites of the Catholic Church surrounding death and burial
Recitation tone a constantly repeating pitch followed by a meditation; at the heart of the psalm tone
Clavichord medieval instrument that produces sound when a tiny metal tangent in the shape of a “T” is pushed into the string from beneath
Lute pear-shaped instrument with six sets of strings called courses, then made of animal gut, now made of wire
Consort an ensemble of instruments all of one family
Broken consort mixed ensemble; when instruments of different types play together
Canzona freely composed instrumental piece, usually for organ or instrumental ensemble, which imitated the lively rhythms and lightly imitative style of the Parisian chanson
Created by: megshu
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