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Dat bio


change in genetic makeup of a population over time evolution
_____ have same origin and similar structure homologous structure
_______similar function and structure with different origin underwent convergence analogous structures
closer related animals are the similar their _______ genetic info
use or disuse or inheritance of acquired characteristics Lamarckian evolution (discredited)
how was Lamarckian theory discredited only changes in dna of sex cell can be inherited
wats darwins theory pressures in the environmet select for the most fit to survive and reproduce
____ sum total of all alleles in a population gene pool
gene frequency allele/ tot allele relative freq of allele in a pop
p freq of dominant allele
q freq of recessive allele
conditions for hardy weinberg large pop, no mutation, random mating, no migration
what is hw equilibrium determines gene freq for non evolving pops
p^2 freq of dominant homozygotes
q^2 freq of recessive homozygote
2pq freq of heterozygote
assortive mating non random mating; mate selected based on certain crierias; dont change allele freq
_______ increases favorable genes in gene pool; deviation from HW natural selection
_____ change allele frequ in a pop; dev from HW mutation
____ change in gene pool due to random chnace; dev from Hw gene drift
_______ loss or gain o genes b/t pops' dev from HW geneflow/ migration
_____ small local population deme
imprints in fossils organism footprint
petrification minerals replacing org cells
molds in hollow space as animal decay
cast minerals deposited in molds
directional selection shift to one extreme
disruption selection shift towards variants of either extrmes and form 2 sub pops
sexual selection is _______ nat selection opposite
stabilizing selection favors the intermediate and disfavoring the extremes
Created by: smuttz
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