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Dat bio


_______the basic unit of heredity gene
alternative form of a gene allele
Mendels law of dominance dominant allele appears in the phenotype
___ one trait is studied monohybrid cross
in a monohybrid cross if two heterozygotes are crossed 1:2:1 genotype 3:1 phenotype
testcross we cross ______ to the unknown genotype recessive
_______two different traits are stuudied on different chromosomes dihybrid cross
in dihybrid cross if two heterozygotes are crossed 9:3:3:1 phenotype
Incomplet dominance the phenotyps blend
in incomplet dominance if heterozygotes are crossed we get 1:2:1 phenotypes
Codominance more than one dominant
______ pairs autosomes in humans 22
sex linnked recessive traits are transferred from father to daughter to grandson
nondisjunction failure of separation of homolog in meiosisI or sister chromatids in meiosis II
down syndrome is caused by trisomy of 21 chromosome
mutations in somatic cells may cause tumors
mutations in sex cells will be transmitted to offspring
sickle cell is caused by substitution of valine (GUA or GUG) for glutaminc acid (GAG or GAA)
____ is the basis of heredity DNA
basic structure of DNA deoxyribose bonded to both phosphate and nitrogenous base
Pyrimidines eg. cytosine and thymine
Purine eg. adenine and guanine
______ have single C-nitrogen ring Pyrimidine
_______ have double rings purines
G ____ bonds to ______ triple; cytosine
A _____ bonds to _____ double; thymine
which nucleotide base pair is stronger and more stable G triple bond to cytosine
semi conservative strand replication involves an intact strand from parent
exons code for proteins "sense"
introns dont code for proteins "nonsense"
________ unzips the heliz Dna helicase
______ complementary base pair the exposed base on one strand DNa polymerase
codon translation of dna to amino acids
function of rna interpret dna code to direct protein synthesis
structure of rna single stranded; ribose; uracil instead of thymine
DNA to mRNA transcription
mRNA to protein translation
start codon AUG
stop codon UAG, UGA, UAA
role of mRNA transports complement of DNa from nucleus to ribosome
mRNA have _______ of DNA code "inverted" complementary
most abundant rna rRNA
role of tRNA translate nucleotide code to amino acid sequence to ribisome
role of rRNA main component of ribosome
_____ is synthesized in the nucleolus rRNA
process of transcription RNA polymerase transcribes DNA seq to mRNA sequence - before translation enzymes remove introns and splice together extrons
translation translate nucleotide to amino acid language; occurs in cytoplasm
process of translation mRNA has leader sequence that allows ribosome to bind - when it reaches start codon it finds a tRNA with activated anticodon -the other end of tRNA names the amino acid -ribosome enzyme forms peptide bond -stop codon signals end of translation
the first amino acid of all proteins methione
ribosomes have ____ binding sites for : 3, mrna, and 2 for trna
the 2 subunits of ribosome bind only ____ during protein synthesis
P site of ribosome is for the trna with growing polypeptide
A site on ribosome is for the trna with incoming amino acid terminal complex
polyribosome many ribosome simultaneously transl8 single mRNA
G1 (first gap phase) gap betwen cell division and dna replication
S ( synthesis phase) cell dna is replicated
G2 (second gap phase) gap b/t cell division and dna replication
M (mitotic phase) cell division
Phases G1, S and G2 are collectively Interphase
bacteria has a circular chromosome located in nucleoid
bacteria dna is synthesized in which direction 5' to 3'
bacteria reproduce by binary fission ( asexual repr)
bacteria increase genetic variance by: Transformation; conjugation; transduction
transformation foreign plasmid incorporated in bacteria chromosome
conjugation "sex" F+ (donor) transfers genetic material to F-
transduction bacterial chromosome packaged in virus then inserted in a new host.
cross b/t orgs with different genes for same trait recombination
_____ controls gene expression in prokaryotes Transcription
in prokaryotes _______ binds to ______ to prevent genes being transscribed repressor; operator
_____ the initial binding site for RNA polymerase in prokaryotes Promoter gene
______ synthesizes repressor molecule Regulator gene
______ binds to repressor to prevent it from binding to operator inducer
Inducible system requires inducer to allow transcription to occur
Repressible system system will be in continuous transcription unless correpressor is present
correpressor role attaches to repressor gene and activates it to prevent transcription
bacteriophage virus that infects host bacteria
lytic cycle bacteria cell bursts to release virions
lysogenic cycle harmless unless change in environment then goes into lytic cycle
southern blots detect specific dna sequence
dna ligase joins dna fragments
PCR amplify genes by: -denatured dna has primers added to complement then dna polymerase to
Created by: smuttz
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