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Dat organic

carboxylic acid altern

acyl halide OH replaced by X
anhydride OH replaced by OCOR
amide Oh replaced by NH2
ester OH replaced by OR
naming acyl haldes change "ic acid" "yl acid"
Carboxylic acid + thionyl Chloride (SOCl2)or PCL3 or PBr3 acyl chloride
acyl chloride + h2O forms back carboxylic acid
acyl chlroide + alcohol (ROH) forms ester R-C=O \OR
acyl chlorides + ammonia (NH3) forms amide R-C=O \NH2
aromatic substitution Friedel craft acylation
wats friedel craft aromatic + acid chloride with AlCl3
results of friedel craft benzene-R-C=O \R
acid halide + H2 in Pd/BaSO4 (quinoline) halide replaced by H
anhydride without water; 2 acid bonding and removing water
gen form for anhydride R-C=O \O-C=O \R
acid chloride + carboxylate salt ( R-C=O \O- halide is lost and anhydride formed
dioic acid + heat cyclic anhydride
anhydrydes + water 2 carboxylic acids - molecule splie adding OH to one and H to O
ammonia (NH3) + anhydride mol splits forming carboxylate attached to NH4 -forms amide
anhydride + alcohol mol splits and adds RO from alcohol to one and H to the O in the second - ester + carboxylic acid
anhydride + benzene in friedel craft( AlCl3) splits anhydride and attaches R-C=O to benzene + carboxylate
amide gen formula R-C=O \NR2
formation of amide acid chlorides with amine (prim n sec) or anhydride with ammonia
amide+ H2O in acid NR2 replaced by OH to form carboxylic acid
hoffman rearrangement (BrO-) amide to primary amine ( loses carbonyl)
BrO- + amide H2NR ( primary amine); Hoffman rerarrangement
amide + LAH loses =O to form amine
gen formula for ester RC=O \OR
synthesis of ester acid + alcohol
naming ester alkyl alkanoates
ester + h2o H adds to =O forming OH and H adds to the other O splitting the ester - carboxylic acid and alcohol
ester + ammonia adds H to O splitting the ester NH2 adds to carbonyl section - amide + alcohol
ester + alcohol displaces the OR by adding H and adds the alcohols OR to the C=O grp - new ester + alcohol ( transesterification)
Grignard reagent (RMgBr) + ester OR is replaced by the R grp - forms ketone
LAH + ester - removes =O and adds H to the other O prim alcohol
ester + NaBH4 doesnt produce prim alchols
Created by: smuttz
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