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E108 - Greek Gods

Ms. Postelli's Class: Mythology

Cronus/Saturn Led the Titans, killed his father, Ouranos
Zeus/Jupiter Ruler of the Olympians, killed his father, Cronus, Weapon: The Lightning Bolt, brother of Poseidon and Hades
Ocean The Titan who represented the river surrounding the Earth
Tethys Wife of Ocean, Titan goddess of fresh water
Hyperion Titan god of light
Atlas Titan who was forced to carry the world on his shoulders
Prometheus Titan of “forethought”, aided the Olympians against the Titans, sometimes credited with creating humans, punished by Zeus for giving fire to humans
Hera/Juno Wife of Zeus, protector of marriages
Poseidon/Neptune Brother of Zeus and Hades, ruled the seas, Weapon: Trident
Hades/Pluto Brother of Zeus and Poseidon, ruled the underworld, Weapon: “Helmet of Darkness”, turns its wearer invisible
Pallas Titan god of warcraft
Athena/Minerva Goddess of wisdom, daughter of Zeus, created the olive tree
Phoebus/Apollo God of music and sometimes the sun, brother of Artemis
Artemis/Diana Goddess of the hunt and the moon, protector of animals, sister of Apollo
Aphrodite/Venus Goddess of beauty, disputed genealogy
Hermes/Mercury Messenger of the gods, god of merchants and travelers
Ares/Mars God of war, son of Zeus
Hephaestus/Vulcan/Mulciber God of the forge, son of Zeus
Eros/Cupid God of love
Hebe Goddess of youth. Daughter of Zeus
The Muses Goddesses of literature and the arts
The Graces Goddesses of nature, creativity, charm, beauty, and fertility
Cerberus Three-headed dog who guards the entrance to the underworld
Elysian Fields Place in the underworld where the good are rewarded after death
The Furies Three sisters who determine the life, destiny, and death of humans
Pan The god of nature and the wilds, son of Hermes
Aeolus God of the winds
The Centaurs Half men, half goats
The Sirens Three sisters who captivated sailors with their inescapable singing. Causing them to crash onto their rocks
The Titans Children of Ouranos and Gaea, led by Cronus, defeated by the Olympians
Created by: Vingkan
Popular Religion sets




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