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Afferent Nerves Transmitters of nerve impulses towards the CNS; sensory nerves.
Agraphia inability to convert one's thoughts into writing.
Alexia inability to understand written words.
Analgesia without sensitivity to pain.
Anesthesia without feeling or sensation.
Aneurysm dilatation in the wall of an artery
Aphasia inability to communicate through speech, writing, or signs.
Ataxia without muscular coordination
Aura props the onset of a headache or epileptic seizure.
Autonomic Nervous System regulates the involuntary vital functions of the body, activities involving the heart muscle, smooth muscles, and glands.
Axon transports nerve impulses away from the nerve cell body.
Blood-Brain Barrier protective characteristics of the capillary walls of the brain. prevents that passage of harmful substances from the bloodstream into the brain tissue or CSF.
Bradykinesia abnormally slow movement.
Brain Stem stemlike portion of the brain that connects the cerebral hemisphere with the spinal cord.
Brudzinki's Sign positive sign of meningitis.
Burr Hole hole drilled into the skull
Cell Body contains the nucleus and cytoplasm.
Central Nervous System 1 of the 2 main divisions of the nervous system, contains the brain and spinal.
Cephalgia headache.
Cerebellum part of brain responsible for coordinating voluntary muscular movement; located behind the brain stem.
Cerebral Concussion breif interupption of the brain function, ususally with the loss of conciousness last for a few seconds.
Cerebral Contusion small scattered venous hemorrhages in the brain; "bruise" of the brain tissue.
Cerebrospinal Fluid fluid flowing through the brain and around the spinal cord that protects them from physical blow or impact.
Cerebrum largest part of the brain. controls memory, sensation, emotions, and voluntary movements.
Coma deep sleep.
Craniotomy surgical incision into the cranium or skull.
Deficit any deficiency or variation of the normal.
Dementia mental disorder with deteriorating memory, judgement, and no ability to think.
Demyelination destruction or removal of the myelin sheath.
Dysphasia difficult speech.
Efferent Nerves transmitters of nerve impulses away from the CNS; motor nerves
Hemiplegia paralysis of one half of the body (left or right side)
Herpes Zoster acute infection caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox; shingles.
Hyperesthesia excessive sensitivity to sensory stimuli; such as pain or touch.
Interneurons connecting neurons that conduct implses from afferent nerves to efferent nerves.
Lethargy sluggish.
Medulla Oblongata most essential part of the brain. contains the cardiac, vascomotor, and respiratory centers of the brain.
Meninges 3 layers of protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord.
Myelin Sheath protective sheath that covers the axons.
Narcolepsy uncontrolled, sudden attacks of sleep.
Nerve cordlike bundle of nerve fibers that transmit impulses to and from the brain and spinal cord to other parts of the body; it's macroscopic.
Nerve Block injection of a local anesthetic along the course of a nerve(s) to eliminate sensation to an area; conduction anesthesia.
Neuralgia severe, sharp, spasmlike pain.
Neuritis inflammation of a nerve.
Neurolgia supporting tissue of the nervous system.
Neurologist physician who specializes in treating the diseases and disorders of the nervous system.
Neurology the study of the nervous system.
Neuron a nerve cell.
Neurosurgeon physician who specializes in surgery of the nervous system.
Neurosurgery any surgery involving the nervous system.
Neurotransmitter chemical substance within the body that activates or inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses or synapses.
Nuchal Rigidity rigidity of the neck. (seen in patients with meningitis)
Occlusion blockage.
Oligodendrocyte type of neurogical cell found in the interstital tissue of the nervous system.
Palliative soothing.
Paraplegia paralysis of the lower extremeties of the trunk, due to spinal cord injuries.
Parasympathetic Nerves nerves of the ANS that regulate essential involuntary body functions such as slowing the heart rate, increases peristalsis of intestines, increasing glandular secretions, and relaxing sphincters.
Paresthesia sensation of numbness or tingling.
Peripheral Nervous System part of the nervous system outside the CNS; consisting of 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves.
Phagocytes to eat.
Pineal Body small cone-shaped structure thought to be involved in regulating the body's biological clock and that produces melatonin; pineal gland.
Plexus network of interwoven nerves.
Quadriplegia paralysis of 4 extremities and the trunk of the body; caused by injury to the spinal cord at the level of the cervical vertebrae.
Receptor sensory nerve ending.
Sciatica inflammation of the sciactic nerve.
Sensory pertaining to sensation.
Sensory Nerves afferent nerves.
Somatic Nervous System the part of the PNS that provides voluntary control over skeletal muscle contractions.
Stupor a state of lethargy.
Subarachnoid Space space located just under the arachnoid membrane that contains CSF.
Sympathetic Nerves nerves of the ANS that regulate essential involuntary body functions such as increasing the heart rate, constricting blood vessels, and raising the blood pressure.
Synapse the space between nerves
Syncope fainting
Thalamus part of the brain located between the cerebral hemispheres and the midbrain. receives all sensory stimuli, except those of smell.
Thrombosis abnormal condition in which a clot develops in a blood vessel.
Ventricle, Brain small hollow within the brain that is filled with cerebrospinal fluid.
Whiplash injury to the cervical vertebrae due to a sudden back-and-forth jerking movement of the head and neck.
Alzheimer's Disease deterioration of a person's intellectual functioning.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) severe weakening and wasting of the involved muscle groups, usually beginning with the hands and progressing to shoulders, upper arms, and legs.
Anencephaly absence of the brain and spinal cord at birth, a congenital disorder.
Bell's Palsy temporary or permanent unilateral weakness or paralysis of the muscles in the face following trauma in the face.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome pinching or compression of the median nerves within the carpal tunnel due to inflammation and swelling of the tendons.
Cerebral Palsy brain damage that is permanent but not progressive. characterized by child's lack of control of voluntary muscles.
Cerebrovascular Accident, CVA results from a decrease in blood flow (ischemia) to the area of the brain; stroke.
Degenerative Disk deteriorization of the intervertebral disk.
Encephalitis inflammation of the brain or cord tissue.
Epilepsy syndrome of recurring episodes of excessive irregular electrical activity in the brain; seizures.
Grand Mal Seizure epileptic seizure characterized by a sudden loss of conciousness.
Petit Mal Seizure small seizures in which there is a sudden loss of conciousness lasting only a few seconds; absence seizures.
Guillain-Barre Syndrome acute polyneuritis (inflammation of many nerves) of the PNS in which the myelin sheaths on the axons are destroyed. decrease nerve pulses. loss of reflex response, and muscle weakness.
Migraine Headache recurring, pulsating, vascular headache usually devoloping on 1 side of the head.
Cluster Headache occurs typically 2 or 3 hours after falling asleep; pain around 1 eye that wakens the person from sleep.
Tension Headache occcurs from long, endured contraction of the skeletal muscles around the face, scalp, upper back, and neck.
Hematoma, Subdural collection of blood below the dura mater and above the arachnoid layer of meninges.
Herniated Disk rupture or herniation of the disk center. causes pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots.
Huntington's Chorea inherited neurological disease characterized by rapid, jerky, involuntary movements, and increases dementia.
Hydrocephalus abnormal increase of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain.
Meningitis (acute bacterial) serious bacterial infections of the meninges- covering the brain and spinal cord.
Multiple Sclerosis degenerative inflammatory disease of the CNS attacking the myelin sheath in the spinal cord or brain.
Neuroblastoma highly malignant tumor of the sympathetic nervous system.
Parkinson's Disease degenerative, slowly progressive deteriorating of nerves in the brain stem's motor system.
Reye's Syndrome acute brain encephalopathy along with fatty infiltration of the internal organs. occurs in children (ages 5-11) with fatal result.
Cerebral Angiography visualization of the cerebral vascular system via X-ray after the injection of a radiopaque contrast medium into an arterial blood vessel.
CT Scan of the Brain analysis of 3-dimentional view of brain tissue obtained as X-ray beams pass through successive horizontal layers of the brain
Electroencephalography, (EEG) measurement of electrical activity produced by the brain and recorded through electrodes placed on the scalp
Lumbar Puncture insertion of a hollow needle and stylet into the subarachnoid space.
Magnetic Resonance Imagining (MRI) noninvasive scanning procedure that provides visulization of fluid, soft tissue, & bony structures without the use of radiation.
Neuroectomy neosurgical procedure to relieve pain in a small area by incision of cranial and peripheral nerves.
PET Scan produces computerized radiographic images of various body structures when radioactive substances are inahled or injected. (POSITRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHY)
Romberg Test used to evaluate cerebellar function and balance.
TENS form of cutaneous stimulation for pain relief that supplies electrical impulses to the nerve endings of a nerve close to the pain site. (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)
Created by: kmariemurray
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