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microexam 2


what is flagellum and what is it’s function? They are long thread like projections hanging from the cell membrane or capsule providing motility.
what is a spore and what is it’s function? - Spores are protective coating that covers the cell and bacteria so nothing can enter or leave
) What genera of bacteria forms spores? And why are they dangerous - Only rod shaped bacillus bacteria form spores and dangerous because they cause toxins and are hard to kill.
What does pathogenic bacterium have that nonpathogenic bacterium usually does not have? Pathogenic bacteria are encapsulated and nonpathogenic is not.
Name a disease caused by: Spherical bacteria in clusters Staphylococci/ abscess and boil
Name a disease caused by: Spherical bacteria in chains Streptococcus pyogenes/ sore throats, scarlet fever
Name a disease caused by Spherical bacteria in pairs Diplococci/ gonorrhea, meningitis and pneumonia
Name a disease cause by Spiral shaped bacteria spirilla/ Syphilis, rat bite fever, Asiatic cholera
Name a disease caused by Rod shaped bacteria. Bacilli/ tetanus, diphtheria typhoid fever and TB
bacillus rod shaped bacteria
bacterial chromosom structure within, contains DNA
capsule sticky covering secreted by bacteria
cell wall structure found surrounding cells
coccus spherical bacteria
diplobacillis two bacilli joined together end to end
diplococci spherical or coffee bean shaped cocci in pairs
flagellum flexible whip like structures
micrococcus tetrogenous gram positive coccus found in soil or air also sputum of TB patients
micrometer special unit of measurement (micron)
what precaution must be taken when killing bacterial cells that have spores? Requires strict and longer sterilization procedures ( time and temp)
Streptococci are found in _______ arrangements CHAINS
Staphylococci are found in_____ arrangements CLUSTERS
Sarcina are found in_____ arrangements CUBOIDAL
motile bacterium contain___ FLAGELLA
encapsulated bacteria are more____ then noncapsulated VIRULENT
Spore forming bacteria can withstand harsh environmental conditions, therefore are more_____ than most. RESISTANT
nucleoid small area in a cell where genetic material is found
saprophyte organism that obtain food from dead or decaying
sarcina lutea nonpathogenic species of sarcina
slime layer sticky covering secreted by bacteria
spirilla spiral shaped bacteria
spores resistant, resting stage that allows the bacteria to withstand harsh environmental until favorable conditions are again present. they are resistant to heat, drying and toxic chemical
staphylococci spherical shaped gram positive in clusters
staphylococcus aureus gram positive anaerobic coccus, appears is clusters
strepobacilli rod shaped bacillus forming chains
streptococci spherical gram positive bacteria arraigned in chains and pairs
streptococcus pyrogens gram positive facultative aerobic coccus in pairs or chains
tetrad group of four
virulence disease producing ability
where are microorganisms found? everywhere,except sterile places
what are single celled animals called -Protozoa are singled celled
what are simple plants called. Algae unicellular
explains the chief difference between bacteria and protozoa. - Protozoa are simple animal cell and bacteria are simple plant cell
name two diseases caused by viruses -polio, chicken pox and small pox
named the diseases caused by bacteria. -TB, anthrax and tetanus.
name two diseases caused by a protozoa. -yellow fever and toxoplasmosis
Linnaeus developed the classification system that used binomial nomenclature
branch of biology that deals with classification -B Taxonomy
the most closely related group of organisms is called a (n) species
) The latin classification for humans is Homo sapens which is the genus and family
The correct arrangement of the following groups from the highest to the lowest 1class 2family 3phylum 4order 5genus 6species.
The kingdoms containing organisms that are neither plants nor animals is -B Protists
two organisms are in the same species if they -A can mate and produce fertile offspring
which of the following are recognized groups of kingdoms E both a and d A) plants animals protest d) plants animals fungi protists monera
Yeast like fungi include histoplasma, candida, cryptococcus
the common thrush infection is caused by -Candida albicans
Created by: jmeo04
Popular Medical sets




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