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religion 205

vocab exam 1

Ahimsa non-violence, a central Jain principle
Anekantwad the Jain principle of open-mindedness
Archetype a universally understood symbol or term or pattern of behavior, a prototype upon which others are copied, patterned, or emulated
Asanas a yogic posture
Brahmin a priest or member of the priestly caste in hinduism
Dharma (hin) moral, order, righteousness, religion
Durga the great goddesses destroyer of evil, sometimes as sakti or siva
Mircea Eliade Romanian scholar and writer, noted for his study of religious symbolism. His works include Patterns of Comparative Religion
Ganesha the Hindu deity in a human form but with the head of an elephant -represents the power of the Supreme Being that removes obstacles and ensures success in human endeavors
Heuristic Device refers to experience-based techniques for problem solving, learning, and discovery.
Jainism Indian religion founded by Mahavira that rejects brahmancis caste and sacrifice and stresses nonviolence
Kali destroying and transforming Mother of the World, in hinduism
Karma (b&h) our actions and their effects on this lives to come
Lakshmi in Hinduism, the consort of vishnu
Mahavira the 24th and the last Tirthankara of the Jain religion
Mantra a sound or phrase chanted to evoke the sound vibration of one aspect of creation to praise a diety
Moksha in hinduism, liberation of the soul from illusion and suffering
Myth a symbolic story expressing ideas about reality or spiritual history
Prasad in indian traditions, blessed food
Purusha the cosmic spirit, soul of the universe in hinduism; in samkhya philosophy the eternal self
Samadhi in yogic practice, the blissful state of superconscious union with the Absolute
Sanatana Dharma the "eternal religion" of hinduism
Saraswati is the Goddess of learning, knowledge, and wisdom."essence of self"
Siva the destroyer god or transformer among the Trimurti
Tabu a strong social prohibition
Totem a stipulated ancestor of a group of people, such as a family, clan
The Vedas ancient scriptures revered by hindus
Joachim Wach German religious scholar who emphasised a distinction between the history of religion and the philosophy of religion.
Yoni abstract hindu representation of the female vulva, cosmic matrix of life
Androcentrism is the practice, conscious or otherwise, of placing male human beings or the masculine point of view at the center of one's view of the world and its culture and history
Aparigraha the Jain principle of non-acquisitiveness
Aryans the into-european pastoral invaders of many Europeans and Middle Eastern Agricultural cultures during the second millennium
Axis Mundi is a symbol representing the center of the world where the heaven (sky) connects with the earth
Brahman the impersonal ultimate principle in Hinduism
Castes social class distinction based on
Darsan visual contact with the divine through encounters with hindu images or gurus
Digambaras a highly ascetic order of jain monks who wear no clothes
Emile Durkheim founder of sociology- saw religion as the most fundamental social institution of humankind
Sigmund Freud regarded the monotheistic god as an illusion based upon the infantile emotional need for a powerful
Hermeneutics the field of theological study that attempts to interpret scripture
Hinduism a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being of many forms and natures, by the view that opposing theories are aspects of one eternal truth, and by a desire for liberation from earthly evils
Jiva the soul in Jainism
Kali Yuga in Hindu world cycles, an age of chaos and selfishness, including one in which we are now living
Kevala the supremely perfected state in Jainism
Lingam a cylindrical stone or other similarly shaped natural or sculpted form, representing for Saivite Hindus the unmanifest aspect of Siva
Mandala a symmetrical image, with shapes emerging from a center, used as a meditational focus
Karl Marx religion is an ideology that justifies a particular set of social/political arrangements that reward some but punish others
Mudra religious gestures made with hands during meditation and iconography used in Buddhism and Hinduism
Parvati Siva's spouse, sweet daughter of the Himalayas
Puja Hindu ritual worship
Religionswissenschaft religion scientifically concerned with systematizing and theorizing religious data
Rites of Passage ritual events that marks a persons progress from one status to another
Samsara the continual round of birth, death, and rebirth in Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism
Sannyasin in Hinduism and Buddhism, a renunciate spiritual seeker
Shaman a "medicine man", a person who has has undergone spiritual ordeals and can communicate with the spirit world to help the people in indigenous traditions
Svetambaras Jain order of monks who are less ascetic than the Digambara
Tirthankaras the great enlightened teachers in Jainism, of whom Mahavira was the last in the present cosmic cycle
Upanishads the philosophical part of the Vedas in Hinduism, intended only for serious seekers
Vishnu in Hinduism, the preserving aspect of the Supreme of the Supreme Itself, incarnating again and again to save the world
Yoga a systematic approach to spiritual realization, one of the major hindu philosophical systems
Dharma (bud) the doctrine or law as revealed by Buddha; also the correct conduct for each person according to his level of awareness
Karma (jain) subtle particles that accumulate on the soul as a result of one's thoughts and actions
Atman in hinduism, the soul
Created by: illiniboy
Popular Religion sets




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