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HCR 210 EXAM 1

culture, religion, values, code of ethics

Ethics the critical examination of situations that involve questions of right and wrong
Morality set of rules which guide our conduct (personal, social, religious, etc.)
Ethnocentrism judging behaviors or values of someone from another culture by the standards of one’s own culture
Nonmaleficence principle requiring one to act in a manner to avoid causing harm to another; “do no harm”
Deontology ethical theory in which rightness of actions depends upon the nature of the act; duty based; Kant
Integrity a cardinal virtue that is pivotal in characterizing a virtuous person
Beneficence principle that requires one to act in ways that benefit another; “do good”
Autonomy principle supporting self
Fidelity principle related to promise keeping and faithfulness
Veracity truth-telling
Teleology ethical theory in which right action are based on consequences of those actions; consequences based; Jeremy Bentham & John Stuart Mill
Principles basic moral “truths” that guide deliberation and action
Justice principle related to fair and equitable treatment
Confidentiality principle of nondisclosure of private information
Respect honoring the rights of another as a unique human being
Universalism the view that there are general principles that apply to all people in all cultures
Self-awareness the first step in developing an ethical foundation for one’s nursing practice
Paternalism making decisions on behalf of the client without that person’s full consent or knowledge
Ethical universalism the belief that morality is based on universal principles
Ethical relativism the belief that rules of right and wrong (morality) are dependent upon the culture in which they develop. There are no universal rules.
Phronesis knowledge and wisdom
Agape passionate concern for the well being of others
Ethics of care relationship based right acts are those that consider caring for in the context of relationships; emotional connectedness
Utilitarianism produce maximal value over disvalue (greater good)
Character of virtue ethics emphasizes the moral agents; virtues: actions and motivations
Culture total life ways of a group consisting of learned patterns of values, beliefs, behaviors, and customs which are shared by the group; Aristotle
Cultural awareness knowledge about your own and others values, beliefs, and behaviors
Cultural sensitivity ability to incorporate others cultural perspective into your nursing care
Ethnocentrism the tendency to think that one’s own ways of thinking, feeling, believing, and acting are the only “right” ways
Relativism the belief that human thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are a product of, and depend upon, the culture in which they exist
Values ideals, beliefs, customs, modes of conduct, qualities, or goals that are highly prized or preferred by individuals, groups, or society
Intrinsic values originate within the self; maintenance of life
Extrinsic values originate outside the individual; not necessary for physical life
Overt values explicitly communicated through written or public discourse; policies, standards
Covert values implicitly identified through verbal and nonverbal behavior
4 different kinds of beliefs existential, evaluative, prescriptive, and proscriptive
Attitude a feeling tone directed toward a person, object, or idea
Process of values choosing, prizing, acting
Choosing evaluating values reflected in beliefs and heabiors, examining alternatives and consequences, and deciding what is one’s own
Prizing knowing what one supports and communicating this to others
Acting consistent pattern of behavior that reflects congruence with one’s values and beliefs
Moral development a complex process whereby a person forms a world view (a way of viewing ethical within moral community)
Moral judgment a process of making assessment about an ethical situation in which there is conflict of values, principles, or expected behaviors
Justice perspective focus is on principles; Kohlberg
Care perspective focus is on relationships; Gilligan
Compassion active regard for another’s welfare with awareness and emotional response of discomfort for another’s suffering
Discernment sensitivity and attention to the demands of a particular context in a situation
Trustworthiness confidence in and reliance upon the ability and moral character of another
Integrity adherence to one’s moral norms over time with consistency of convictions, action and emotions
Duties obligations that grow out of moral bonds
Rights claims a person can make that involve responsibility to others
Character traits disposition to act in a certain way
Naturalism a view of moral judgment that regards ethics as dependent upon human nature
Rationalism believe that there are absolute truths that do not depend upon human nature
Code of Hammurabi conduct demanded of healers
Hippocratic Oath identified finer virtues of physician
Code of Ethics for Nurses a collective expression of nursing conscience and philosophy that serves to inform the nurse and society of the profession’s expectations and requirements in ethical matters
Provision 1 to 3 fundamental values and commitments of the nurse
Provision 4 to 6 boundaries of duty and loyalty
Provision 7 to 9 duties beyond the patient encounters
Created by: slarmentrout
Popular Nursing sets




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