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Appearance of the placenta before 8weeks Chorionic sac is covered by villi that is seen as general thickening around GS
Appearance of the placenta after 8weeks Villi leave,regress will look smooth, avascular area known as chorion leave
Smooth homogeneous echo pattern, within 1st trimester Grade 0
More calcification and indentions of chorionic plate, basal plate calcification" where uterus/placenta attate" Grade 2
Many calcification, chorionic plate calcified.Basal plate calcifed, deeper indentions of chorionic plate which divided the lobes of placenta Grade 3 ( should not be seen before 3wks)
Comes out in front of baby,baby depends on this for oxygen so it needs to be behind the baby Placenta Previa
List some of the symptoms of placenta previa Painless vaginal bleeding in 2nd or 3rd trimester. Most common with multipile pregnancy,uterine surgery and previous previa
List the four types of placenta previa Symmetrical, asymmetrical, marginal, low-lying
Totally covers internal cervical Os, volume is some what equal on both sides Symmetrical
Totally covers the Os, completly on one side of uterus Asymmetrical
Tip extends into Os marginal
Within 2 cm of Os Low-lying
If you diagnose previa to early does it have the potential to change? Yes, not before 3rd trimester due to uterus still stretching
What percent of previa is misdiagnosed at 2nd trimester 72%
Pulls away from uterin wall before delivery no longer gives oxygen and nutrents. Placenta Abruption
Increase in BP, vascular disease, type one diabetes, smoking, drugs, fibroids, truma, malformation of previous abruption are all some causes for Placenta Abruption
Name three classes of Placenta Abruption Subchorionic,retroplacenta and marginal
Most common before 20 weeks, no bleeding, fetal death due to cord compression Subchorionic abruption
Behind or beneath placenta with possible bleeding retroplacenta
Subchorionic, involves placenta, margin of basal side and will bleed marginal
What is the normal thickness of Placenta Thickness corresponds to menstrual age. 20wk - 20mm; 26wk - 26mm; 40wk - 40mm. Should never be 40mm or 4cm
List some symptoms of Abruption Vaginal bleeding at 3rd trimester, tense hard painless uterus, fetus may have IUGR, pain if trauma involved, thick placenta
Abnormal adherence of all or part of Placenta,chorionic villi grow into the myometrium and ville anchored to muscle fibers instead of decidual cells Placenta Accreta
List three types of Placenta Accreta Accreta, Increta, Percreta
Placenta extends through myometrium Increta
Placenta invades into uterine wall and may extend through the uterine wall into bladder Percreta
What type of treatment is there for Placenta accreta Hysterectomy after delivery due to infection
How long is term pregnancy 280 days
Where does fertilization occur ampullary portion
When does embryo first become a blastocyst 4 to 5 days post fertilization
What are the two part of fetal components of placenta Chorian fondosa and Decidua
What is the most correct measurment in first trimester CRL
Parts of the chorion Frondosum and Laeve
Part that invades the Endo, portion of chorion that developes into fetal portion of placenta. Together w/Decidua form maternal/fetal circulation Chorion Frondosum
Not in Contact with the decidua basalis. Degenerates at eight weeks, villi leave and a smooth chorion is left around GS Chorion Laeve
Covered by villi, two layers of trophoblast form it and fetal component of placenta implant into materal endo Chorion
Part of maternal endometrium, maternal component of placenta and thick endo Decidua
Name three parts of the Decidua "Double decidua sign" Basalis, Capsularis, and Parietalis
Anchors placenta, trophoblast (chorion) dig into it? Villi on maternal side; unites w/chorion to form placenta. Reaction between blastocyst & myometrium Decidua basalis
Part of decidua that covers blastocyst closer to endo Decidua Capsularis
Remaining portion of decidua around endo Decidua Parietalis or vera
Moura enters uterus bounces around looking for a place to implant while picking up fluid than it's called Blastocyst
Blastocyst cells divides into? Outer and Inner cell mass
Composed of trophoblast which becomes the fetal component of placenta Outer cell mass
Becomes the embryo, amnion, cord and secondary yolk sac Inner cell mass
Clinical dating, add 7 days and 9 mon to 1st day of LMP Nyegeles Rule
What is the EDC of the Pt if the LMP was 2/15/99 11/22/99
What is the most common type of cyst in a normal pregnancy? Corpus Luteum cyst
What is the function of the Yolk Sac Hemopoiesis ( makes blood) Dev sex gland Formation of digestive tube Transfer of nutrients
What is another name for the yolk sac Heuser membrane
What is it called if the yolk sac does not detach? Meckel Diverticulum
What is the location of the embryo Between primary YS and amniotic cavity
Came from chorionic fluid three week post fertilization Gestational sac
Ovum is fertilized by sperm in the Ampullary portion of the tube
Will not allow anymore sperm to enter Zona pellucida
Is created by this fertilization Zygote
Carry genetic material Chromosomes
Line up and split longitudinally 24 hr post fertilization Cleavage
After cleavage one cell divides into two Blastomeres
Blastomeres further divide into 12 to 16 cells
3 days post fertilization this ball of cells enters the uterus Morula
Morula enters the uterus picking up fluid and becomes Blastocyst
Blastocyst begins to seperate into Outer cell mass composed of Trophblast and Inner cell mass that give rise to 2nd YS, amnion, cord and embryo
Day 7 or 2 days after Blastocyst implants
7 to 10days Positive hCG blood pregnancy test
3 weeks post fertilization Gestational sac
At 8 weeks Embryo is now fetus
5 days post fertilization Fetal Components
The yolk sac is first seen at 5 week gestation and should be less than 6mm
The heart starts to beat at 6th week
The two membranes of pregnancy are Chorion and amnion
By the end of the 1st week post fertilization the embryo of blastocyst is termed a hypoblast
Created by: yovana2011
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