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GRE words 4/5

1000 GRE Words Part 4/5

Macerate to soften
Machination a scheming activity; a manipulation
MAELSTROM whirlpool; turmoil; agitated state of mind
Magnanimous forgiving and generous; having a noble spirit
Magnate "someone who is rich, powerful, and controls something
MALEDICTION a curse; a wish of evil upon another
Malign evil in nature or effect; malevolent
MALINGER to evade responsibility by pretending to be ill
MALLEABLE capable of being shaped
Mandate an authorization or command
MANNERED artificial or stilted in character
Manumate to emancipate; to release from slavery or bondage
MAR to damage or deface; spoil
Marshal to arrange in order
Martial warlike; relating to combat or war
MARTINET strict disciplinarian; one who rigidly follows rules
Matriculate "to enroll, especially in a college or university
MAUDLIN overly sentimental
Maxim a short rule of conduct; a proverb
Meddle to interfere in or busy oneself unduly with something that’s is not one's concern
Mediate to help settle a difference; to act as a go-between
Meliorate/Ameliorate "to make or become better, more bearable, or more satisfactory; improve
Mellifluous sweet or smoothly flowing; melodic; sweetened
Mend repair (something that is broken or damaged); return to health; improve
MENDACIOUS dishonest
Mentor a special counselor or teacher
Mercenary motivated by money alone
Mercurial "changeable, especially with regards to moods; fickle; (could pertain to god Mercury meaning liveliness; quick-wittedness)
MERETRICIOUS gaudy; falsely attractive
Metamorphosis "a change in form, character, circumstance, etc..
METAPHOR figure of speech comparing two different things
Meticulous taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise; thorough
METICULOUS extremely careful; fastidious; painstaking
Microcosm the world of miniature
Milieu surroundings; situation; atmosphere; environment
MILITATE to operate against; work against
Mirth amusement and especially expressed in laughter
Misanthrope a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society
Misanthropic hatred of mankind
MISSIVE a written note or letter
Mitigate to make less severe; make more bearable
MOLLIFY to calm or make less severe
MOLT "to shed hair, skin, or an outer layer periodically
Monolithic large and unbroken structure
MONOTONY no variation; tediously the same
Monstic extremely plain or secluded
MORES fixed customs or manners; moral attitudes
Moribund near death; dying
Mortify to humiliate; to shame; injure one's pride
Munificent very generous
Myopia refers to short-sightedness; having a narrow view or lang-range perspective
NADIR lowest point
NAIVE lacking sophistication or experience
Narcissism refers to self-love; self-absorbance; egocentricity
NASCENT starting to develop; coming into existence
Nausea a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit
Nebulous vague; hazy; indistinctive; confused
Nefarious villainous; wicked; evil
Neglect fail to care for properly
NEOLOGISM new word or expression
NEOPHYTE novice; beginner
Nepotism favoritism;
NETTLE to irritate
Nihilism there is no such thing as right and wrong
Nocturnal "done, occurring, or active at night
NOISOME stinking; putrid
Nominal in name only; significant
Noxious poisonous; very harmful; (often used to describe odors that make you sick)
Nuance subtleties; fine points; slight shades of variation
NUMISMATICS coin collecting
Obdurate stubbornly refusing to change one's opinions or course of action; stubborn
Obligatory required
Oblique indirect or vague
Obliterate destroy utterly; wipe out
Oblivion being forgotten or unknown
Obloquy strong public criticism or verbal abuse
Obscure hard to understand
Obsequious fawning; showing servile deference; polite or obedient in hope of gain or from fear
Obsolete no longer useful; outdated
OBSTINATE stubborn; unyielding
Obtuse dense
OBVIATE to prevent; to make unnecessary
OCCLUDE to stop up; prevent the passage of
Officious annoyingly eager to please; meddlesome
ONEROUS troublesome and oppressive; burdensome
Opaque not transparent; impossible to see through
OPINE to express an opinion
OPPROBRIUM public disgrace
Opulence ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish; wealthy
Orifice small opening
OROTUND pompous
Orthodox to be conventional; traditional; to follow established ways
OSSIFY to change into bone; to become hardened or set in a rigidly conventional pattern
Ostensible "outwardly appearing; apparent, but with an element of pretense
Ostentation pretentious and vulgar display and especially of wealth and luxury intended to impress or attract notice
Ostentatious showy; overblown; pretentious
Overt open to view
OVERWROUGHT agitated; overdone
Painstaking "to be extremely careful, meticulous
PALATIAL relating to a palace; magnificent
PALLIATE to make less serious; ease
PALLID lacking color or liveliness
Palpable Obvious; evident; tangible; capable of being touched or felt
Panacea Cure-alls; something that cures anything
PANACHE flamboyance or dash in style and action; verve
PANEGYRIC elaborate praise; formal hymn of praise
Panoply impressive array or collection of things
Paradox "a statement or proposition that leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory
Paragon model of excellence or perfection
Paraphrase to say in other words
Pare to trim off excess; reduce
Pariah an outcast
Parley "discussion, usually b/w enemies
Parochial narrow; having a confined point of view
Parody a humorous imitation of something
PARRY "to ward off or deflect, especially by a quick-witted answer
Parsimonious frugal or stingy
Partisan supports a particular position
Pastiche piece of literature or music imitating other works
Patent obvious; noticeable
Paternal fatherly or father-like
Pathogen "a bacterium, virus, or other micro-organism that can cause disease.
Pathology study of disease
Patrician aristocratic; of noble birth
Patronize to be a customer or client of; treat in a condescending manner
Paucity a scarcity; a lack; a small amount
Pedant one who pays undue attention to book learning and formal rules
Pedantic boringly academic; pompous and dry
Peddadillo minor sin or offense
Pedestrian (verb) unimaginative; commonplace; dull; (noun) someone on foot
Pejorative negatively disparaging; derogatory
Penchant a strong inclination towards; a liking for something
Penitent feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentant
Pensive to be contemplative; to be reflective; be in a state of dreamy or melancholy thoughtfulness
Penury an oppressive lack of resource (as money); severe poverty
Peon an unskilled worker
Perch (v) alight or rest on something
Peregrinate "to wander from place to place; to travel, especially on foot
Perfidious willing to betray one's trust
Perfidy treachery; a deliberate breach of faith
Perfunctory done in a routine way; indifferent
Peripatetic wondering; moving about; nomadic
Periphery an external boundary; an outside edge of something
Permeate to penetrate; to pass or speed through or in every part of
Pernicious deadly; extremely evil; having a harmful or fatal effect
Perspicacious "shrewd, astute, or keen-witted; having a ready insight and understanding of things
Persuasive persuasive; convincing; pertinent
Pertinent relevant; to the point
Perturb to greatly disturb or agitate
Peruse to read carefully; to survey or examine in detail
Pervade spread through and be perceived in every part of
Petulant cranky; peevishly rude; irritated over something trivial
Phalanx "a compact or close-knit body of people, animals, or things
Philanthropic of or concerned with the welfare of others
Philanthropy charity; love of mankind
Philistine a person who is guided by materialism and is disdainful of intellectual or artistic values
Phlegmatic "indifferent; sluggish, apathetic; not easily aroused to feelings or actions
Pillage rob using violence and especially during wartime
Pithy "profound or substantial yet concise succinct, and to the point
Pivotal Crucial; critically important
Placate to soothe; to pacify; to calm down
Plastic "(adj) able to be molded, altered, or bent
Platitude a trite/overused saying; a cliché usually offered advice or wisdom
Plebeian crude or coarse; characteristic of commoners
Plethora an excess; a super abundance
Plucky courageous; spunky
Poignant deeply touching; so emotional its almost painful
Polarize to split into opposing factions
Polemic a controversial argument
Politic shrewd and practical in managing or dealing with things; diplomatic
Polyglot a speaker of many languages
Pompous characterized by an ostentatious display of dignity or importance
Ponderous massive; heavy; weighed down
Portent a warning; something coming in the future; an omen
Portly stout; usually in a manner that is stately and dignified
Posit to assume as real or conceded; propose as an explanation
Potentate monarch or ruler with great power
Pragmatic practical; down to earth
Prattle meaningless; foolish talk
Precedent a prior case
Precept a rule to live by; a principal that guides behavior
Precipitate "(v) cause to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely; (ad) done suddenly without careful consideration.
Precis short summary of facts; a summary or abstract of a text or speech
Preclude to make impossible
Premise an assumption; a basis for conclusion
Prerogative exclusive right or privilege that others do not have
Prescient having foresight; having or showing knowledge of events before they take place
Presumptuous failing to observe the limits of what is permitted or appropriate
Pretentious characterized by assumption of dignity or importance
Prevail to triumph
Prevaricate to lie or deviate from the truth
Pristine fresh and clean; uncorrupted
PROBITY complete honesty and integriity
Proclivity "tendency; inclination, a leaning
Prodigal wastefully extravagant; spending too much time
Prodigy a talented child
Profane "irreverent; blasphemous, unholy
Profess to declare; to claim
Profligate wasteful and immoral; shamelessly bad
Profound very deep; penetrating
progenitor an ancestor
Proletariat the industrial working class
Proliferate to multiply; to grow out and spread rapidly
Prolific producing much fruit or foliage or many offspring; present in large numbers of quantities
Prominent standing out so as to been seen easily; conspicuous; particularly noticeable
Promulgate promote or make widely known
Propensity natural inclination; a tendency; aptitude
Propitiate to conciliate; to appease
Propitious giving or indicating a good chance of success; favorable
Propriety the quality of being proper; obeying rules and customs
Prosaic ordinary; commonplace; dull; unimaginative
Proscribe to prohibit; outlaw; forbid
Proselytize to attempt to convert
Protagonist a leading character in a story or movie; hero or champion
Protrude to stick out; to thrust forth
Provident preparing for the future; looking ahead
Proviso a stipulation; condition; requirement
Proximity "nearness to the time, place, occurrence, or relation
Prudent planning ahead; acting or showing care and thought for the future
Psychology study of mental processes in living things
Puerile "childish, immature, or silly
Pugilism refering to boxing
Pulchritude beauty
Pungent sharp and irritating to the senses
Pusillanimous cowardly; without courage
Putative commonly accepted; reputed
Created by: probot13
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