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Science Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Vocab

Upslope Fog formed by lifting and adiabitic cooling of air as it rises along land slopes
Supercooling process in which water droplets are inducded to remain liquid a temperatures below 0
Sublimation process in which a solid changes directly into a vapor
Stratus Cloud Cloud with a sheetlike or layered form, look like they cover the horizon
Steam Fog Condensation of water vapor that results when cool air moves over warm air, usually forms over rivers
Specific Humidity Exact amount of moisture (water vapor) in the air
Sleet Ice pellets that form when rain falls through a layer of freezing air
Saturated describing air that contains all the water vapor it can hold at a specific temperature
Relative Humidity ratio of the amount of wate4r vapor the air can hold when saturated, measured by percent
Rain Gauge instrument used to measure the amount of rainfall
Radiation Fog condensation of water vapor that results from the cooling of air that is in contact with the ground
Psychrometer instrument used to measure relative humidity
Latent Heat energy stored in molecules
Humidity amount of water vapor in the atmosphere
Hair Hydrometer instrument used to measure relative humidity based on the fact that human hair stretches as humidity increases
Hail type of precipation in the form of lumps of ice
Freezing Nuclei condensation nuclei with a crystalline structure like that of ice
Glaze Ice thick layer of sheet ice formed when rain freezes as it contacts a surfeace
Frost ice crystals formed when the dew point is below 0 degrees and water vapor directly enters the solid state
Dew Point temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated
Dew type of condensation formed when air that is in contact with a cool surface loses heat until it reaches saturation
Cumulus Cloud thick, billowy,white, fluffy clouds
Convective Cooling decrease in temperature of a mass of air that results as the air rises and expands
Condensation Nuclei solid particles in the atmosphere, such as ice&dust, that provide the surfaces on which water vapor condenses
Coalescene combination of different sized cloud droplets to form larger droplets
Cloud Seeding addition of freezing nuclei to super cooled clouds in attempt to induce or increase precipitation
Cirrus Cloud feathery cloud composed of ice crystals, high in the sky, thin
Advective Cooling decrease in temperature of a mass of air that results as it moves over a cold surface
Advection Fog condensation of water vapor that results from the cooling of warm, moist air as it moves across a cold surface
Adiabatic describing a change in temperature resulting from the expansion or compression of air
Created by: laurenkohler7
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