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Multiplechoice Vocab

11 AP

imagistic modern era writers used concrete images in an effort to admonish the flowery and figurative language of writers in the Romantic and Victorian eras
ad hominen to the man
mysticism spiritual philosophy involving deep trancelike meditation to form a closer connection to God
vaporous barely visible; gas like matter
benightedness darkness
mysandrogynistic against either sex
amalgam various alloys, metals, or combinations of diverse elements
hedonism devoted to pleasure
nonplussed state of confusion
discombobulated confused
acerbic sharp; bitter temperament
avaricious greedy for wealth
epigraphs motto at the beginning of a literary composition
epigrams witty, short poem expressing an opinion or thought mainly found at the beginning of a literary composition
epitaphs something inscribed on a grave marker
participial phrases verbs inding in "-ing" or "-ed"
bestial qualities or manners associated with animals
preponderance great quantity
ubiquitous widespread
innocuous insignificant
extraneous irrelevant
pragmatic practical
veneration respect, reverance
discomfiting to make uneasy
macabre gruesome
lionized treated as a celebrity
cataclysmic violent upheaval
ossuaire vaults that hold bodies
Pyrrhic a victory offset by huge losses derived from the victory of Pyrrhus over the Romans
precocious early mental maturity
pompous exxagerated
stoic seeming indifference
supercilious haughty
incorrigible unable to be reformed
blackguard to abuse verbally
pugnacity eagerness to fight
pugilistic fist fighting
danse macabre boxing/ fist fighting
ignominious shameful
incongruous illogical
misogyny act of hating women
brutish animalistic
anomalous abnormal
leonine characteristic of a lion
corpulent obese
exacerbate increase
epoch noteworthy period in history
obfuscation confusion
provocation anger
indignation anger from something unjust or unfair
preponderance superiority
abiguity uncertainty
derides laughs at
euphemism substituting an offensive term for an offensive one
derisive mocking
acerbic bitter
abashed ashamed
admonition warning
indolent lazy
enervating weakening
analogous similar
laudatory praise
vituperative harshly abusive
vilification defame
halcyon golden prosperous
covert concealed
potentate monarch or powerful rule
unctuous exaggerated honesty
veneration profound respect
intaglio figure or design carved beneath a surface
stalwartness strength, robustness, resolute
dimunition reduction
impassivity devoid of emotion
byzantine scheming
totemic clamlike
diatribe bitter abuse, criticism
panegyric elaborate praise
objective correlative external equivalent of an internal monologue/ imagistic
alacrity speed
mendacity falsehood, untruthfulness
duplicitous deliberate deceptiveness
incorrigible incapable of being covered or reformed
pragmatic practical
agrarian agriculture
reverie daydreaming
debased to lower in quantity
deprecating mocking oneself
chagrin humiliation
singlet jersey undershirt
tawdry vulgar, guady
obdurate hardhearted, wickedness
sanguine color of blood
alms money collected for the poor
ingatiating making an effort to get in another person's good grades
corpulent fat
sloth laziness
diatribe bitter criticism
ad hominem to the man
parenthetical commentary classifying or explanatory
soporific inducing sleep
stentorian extremely loud
exemplars examples
coquettishness flirty
eulogy speech at funeral
paean jubilant song
ebullient humbling
conciliatory consistent
staunch steadfast
disputatious formal debate
derision mocking
incredulity disbelief
censorious censoring
pensive deep melancholy thought
resonant intense vocal sounds that vibrate
sonorous deep, rich sounds
capaciousness large amount
joie de vivre carefree enjoyment of life
stream-of-consciousness continuous flow of sensory perceptions
ascetic a person who gives up the conforts of life
existential philosophy on man's freedom to make choices and accept consequences of choices
surrealistic literary movement that tends to explain the subconscious through fantastic imagery juxtaposed with fact
serendipitous making fortunate or unexpected discoveries by accident
a polemical controvery over doctrine or opinion
endocrinoligist a doctor who studies the ductless glands (endocrine gland, pancreas, hair)
hirstute hairy
analogous similar or alike in a way that froms an analogy
vacuity emptiness
asceticism a person who denounces the comforts of life
husbandry study of breeding or raising livestock
derisive bitter
quixotic idealistic without regard to practicality
hypaethral roofless
erudition deep and extensive learning
stasis motionless
refutation to disagree or prove false
qualms doubt or misgivings
imperatives commands
excoriating denounce or censure strongly
extraneous non-essential
pragmatist someone who is practical
dilettante someone who has an amateur interest in the arts
philatelist stamp collector
droll amusing or comical
denotatively to serve as a symbol for something (a cross)
connotatively a secondary meaning
acerbic bitter
derisive mocking
egregious outstandingly bad
incorrigible incapable of being reformed
rectitude moral righteousness
Created by: xccowgirl
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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