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MasterVocab 101-150

SAT words

augury omen; sign
august majestic; venerable
auspicious favorable; successful; prosperous
austere severely moral and strict; simple and plain
auxiliary helping; supporting
aver affirm; assert; prove; justify
aversion to strong; dislike
avid eager; greedy
avow admit; declare openly
bacchanalian orgy
bait to persecute
baleful harmful; ominous; causing evil
balk obstacle; purposely to get on the way of
baneful causing harm or ruin; pernicious; destructive
barrage artificial; obstacle built across a river
barren (ща) not good enough; unable to have young ones without value
bask enjoy warmth and light
beatify to bless; make happy or ascribe a virtue to
bedizen to adorn, especially in a cheap showy manner
belabor beat hard
bellicose belligerent; pugnacious; warlike
belligerent (person, nation) waging war
benediction something that promotes goodness or well-being
benefactor person who has given help
benevolence wish or activity in doing good
benign kind and gentle; mild (climate)
bequest arrangement to give smth at death
berate scold sharply
bereft rob or dispossess of smth (material)
bewilder puzzle; confuse
bigot stubborn; narrow-minded person
bilge bulge the protuberance of a cask
bilk to cheat
blandishment flattery coaxing
blandness polite manner; comforting uninteresting
blatant noisy and rough
blithe cheerful; casual; carefree
bluster to talk or act with noisy swaggering threats
bogus sham; counterfeit; not genuine
boisterous loud; noisy; rough; lacking restraint
bolster up give greatly needed support
boorish crude; offensive; rude
brash hasty; rush; cheeky; saucy
brass yellow metal (mixing copper and zinc)
brazen made of brass
breach opening; broken place; breaking
brittle easily broken
broach bring up; announce; begin to talk about
brook to tolerate, endure
buoyant able to float light-hearted
Created by: msg
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