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Modern Korean 14

Modern Korean Lesson 14 Vocabulary

임금 a king
대왕 a great king; The Great
훌륭한 good; great
위대한 great
빌리다 to borrow
적다 to write
힘이 들다 to be difficult
누구나 anybody; everybody
필요하다 to need
연구하다 to do research; study
백성 the people; the nation
오랜 long
연구 research
서기 A.D. (Anno Domini)
기원전 B.C.
완성하다 to complete; finish
실제로 practically; actually
노려하다 to make efforts; try hard
신하 King's officials
직접 personally
번역하다 to translate (into another language)
지시하다 to order; to direct
영토 a territory
넓히다 to enlarge; broaden
안전하다 to be safe
지키다 to protect
문화 culture
과학 science
발전 progress; advancement
크게 greatly
힘쓰다 to strive
펴내다 to publish
고전음악 classical music
정리하다 to (re)arrange; put in order
기구 an instrument
존경하다 to respect
한글날 Hangul Day (October 9th)
기념하다 to commemorate
글짓기 composition; writing
대회 a contest; competition
외국인 a foreigner
a prize
타다 to win (a prize)
동상 a (bronze) statue
지폐 a bill; bank note
일리가 있다 to make sense
정치가 a politician
감기 a cold; flu
유난히 particularly; unusually
발명하다 to invent
순서대로 in a certain specified order
음식점 a restaurant
운동하다 to exercise
작업 work
성적 a grade; exam results
충고하다 to advise
하느님 God
사원 an employee
청소 cleaning
삐삐 a pager
빨래 laundry
모든 all
전체 the whole
세상 the world
정리 arrangement; adjustment; organization
과자 cookies; candies
야채 vegetables
공통점 something in common; similarity
차이점 a difference
Created by: lasienne
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