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Myology Final Exam

A muscle that performs a particular action is called a: Agonist/Prime mover
A muscle that performs an action opposing the action of the muscle in question is called an: Antagonist
A muscle that does the same action of the muscle in in question is called a: Synergist
A muscle that contracts to stabalize(but not move)the body is called a: Fixator/Stabilizer
The 3 bones that make up the shoulder complex are the clavical, scapula, and: humerus
which joint is formed where the humerus and scapula meet? glenohumeral
which part of the scapula serves as an attachment site for both the rhomboids and serratus anterior? medial border
Which part of the scapula serves as an attachment site for the levator scapula superior angle
The 3 scapular fossae contain which 3 muscles infraspinatus, superaspinatus, and subscapularis
What attachment site do the trapezius and deltoid muscles have in common lateral clavical, acromion, spine of scapula
what bony landmark of the humerus serves as an attachment site for 3 of the 4 rotator cuff muscles greater tubercle
the lesser tubercle of the humerus serves as an attachment site for which muscle subscapularis
the following 2 muscles are complete synergist latissimus dorsi and teres major
which of the following is an action of all fibers of the deltoids abduction of the humerus
the anterior and posterior fiber of the deltoid are ________ to each other antagonist
which fibers of the trapezius will do adduction of the scapula middle
the upper and lower fibers of the trapezuis are antagonistic for which set of actions of the scapula elevation/depression
latissimus dorsi and teres major both perform the same set of which actions at the humerus adduction, medial rotation, extension
which of the following are actions of the rhomboids adduction/elevation of the scapula
which of the following serves as an attachment site for pectoralis major crest of the greater tubercle of the humerus
which of the following is an action of pectoralis major at the humerus flexion
which of the following attaches to the 3rd, 4th, and 5th ribs and the coracoid process pec minor
which of the following will act upon the scapula pectoralis minor
which of the following is an action of the levator scapula elevation of the scapula
the biceps brachii crosses which 2 joints shoulder and elbow
what are the 3 actions of the biceps brachii flexion of the shoulder, flexion of the elbow, supination of the forearm
what is the ulnar bony landmark that makes the elbow "bony" olecranon
what are the 3 actions of the triceps brachii extension and adduction of the shoulder, extension of the elbow
what 3 muscles share an attachment site at the coracoid process of thr scapula biceps brachii, coracobrachialis, pectoralis minor
what are the 2 actions of the coracobrachialis adduction and flexion of the shoulder
brachialis is a very strong muscle for performing which action flexion of the elbow
on which plane of movement do flexion and extension occur sagittal
on which plane of movement do abduction and adduction occur frontal
on which plane of movement do rotations of the body occur transverse
which muscle runs along the radial length of the forearm and creates a helpful "dividing line" between the extensors and flexors of the wrist brachioradialis
which of the following is and action of the brachioradialis supination and pronation of the forearm, flexion of the elbow
all members of the wrist extensor group will arise from a common tendon at which bony landmark of the humerus lateral epicondyle
all members of the wrist flexors group will arise from a common tendon at which bony landmark of the humerus medial epicondyle
extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis will do what action extension of the wrist
the "digitorums" of both the extensor and flexor group will act upon which digits 2-5
pronator teres shares an origin with which group of the forearm wrist flexors
what is the forearm action of pronator teres pronation
what is the forearm action of supinator supination
which of the following is the latin name for the thumb pollicis
which of the following is the latin name for digit 5 digiti minimi
what is the unique action that occurs between digits 1 and 5 opposition
what are the 4 actions of the vertebral column extension, flexion, lateral flexion, rotation
what is the connective structure that runs on a sagittal plane taht supports C1-C7 ligamentum nuchae
what is unique about C1 it does not have a sinous process
what are the 2 actions of the erector spinae group at the vertebra column extension and lateral flexion
what are the 3 muscles of the erector spinae group from most medial to most lateral spinalis, longissimus, iliocostalis
what is the common origin of the erector spinae thoracolumbar aponeurosis
which of the erector spinae attaches from the sacrum to the cranium longissimus
which are the 3 muscles of the transversospinalis group rotatores, multifidi, semispinalis capitis
the multifidi span how man vetebrae 2-4
the rotatores span how many vertebrae 1-2
because the multifidi and rotatores run in an angled direction, they do what action on a transverse plane rotation to the opposite side
which member of the tranversospinalis group does not rotate the vertebral column semispinalis capitis
the splenius capitis inserts on the ____ and the the splenius cervicis inserts on the ______ cranium, cervical vertebrae
what is the bilateral action of both splenii bilateral extension
what are the 2 unilateral actions of the splenii lateral flexion and rotation to the same side
which suboccipital originates at the tubercle of the posterior arch of C1 rectus capitis posterior minor
what is the common insertion of rectus capitis posterior major and minor and oblique capitis superior occiput
which of the suboccipitals does not attach to the cranium oblique capitis inferior
which 3 suboccipitals rock and tilt the head into extension rectus capitis posterior major and minor, and oblique capitis superior
which 2 suboccipitals run in the most transverse direction and will do rotation of the head to the same side rectus capitis posterior major and oblique capitis inferior
which muscle is nicknamed the "hip hiker" quadratus lumborum
what action of the trunk does quadratus lumborum assist the erector spinae with extension
what is the origin of the quadratus lumborum posterior illiac crest
what is the insertion of the quadratus lumborum last rib and transverse processes of L1-4
which of the abdominals runs completely longitudinal, and will only perform flexion of the trunk rectus abdominis
what is the origin of the rectus abdominis pubic crest and symphysis
which actions will externaland internal oblique perform on both a frontal and transverse plane lateral flexion and rotation
for which action are the external obliques and internal obliques antagonist rotation
rectus abdominis, external oblique, and internal oblique all attach on which structures ribs
what is the primary muscle of respiration diaphragm
what are the 2 origins of the sternocleidomastoid manubrium and medial clavicle
what bilateral action will the SCM perform of the head and neck bilateral flexion
what vertebral processes do the scalenes originate along C2-C7
what 2 structures do the scalenes insert on ribs 1 and 2
for what 2 actions of the head and neck are the scalenes and SCM synergist rotation to the opposite side and lateral flexion
what arch of the temporal bone serves as the orign of the masseter zygomatic arch
what is the origin of temporalis temporal fossa
on what bone do both the masseter and temporalis insert mandible
what is the only bone in the human body that does not articulate with another bone hyoid
which group of muscles form the underside of the jaw (running from the hyoid to the mandible) suprahyoids
which muscle originates in the pectoral fascia and inserts in the skin and lower part of the face platysma
which muscle will raise the eyebrows occipitofrontalis
what are 2 synergist actions of both pterygoids lateral deviation of the mandible
which circular muscle surrounds the eyes orbicularis oculi
which circular muscle surrounds the mouth orbicularis oris
what 3 bones make upthe pelvis ilium, ischium, pubis
what runs along the superior ilium fri=om the ASIS to PSIS iliac crest
what 1 quadricep crosses the hip joint rectus femoris
what is the commom insertion of all 4 quadriceps tibial tuberosity
what 2 quadriceps insert on the medial and lateral lips of the linea aspera vastus lateralis and vastus medialis
what is the common origin of the hamstrings ischial tuberosity
what action will all 4 quadriceps perform extension of the knee
what are the 2 major actions of the hamstrings flexion of the knee, extension of the hip
which is the largest and most posterior gluteal gluteus maximus
what are the 2 insertions of gluteus maximus gluteal tuberosity and IT band
what 3 actions will the gluteus maximus perform at the hip extension, lateral rotation, abduction
which muscle ius named the "deltoid muscle of the coxal joint" gluteus medius
the anterior fibers of the gluteus medius will perform which 2 actions at the hip flexion and medial rotation
the posterior fibers of the gluteus medius will perform which 2 actions at the hip extension and lateral roation
what are the 2 common actions of all the adductors at the hip adduction and medial rotation
which adductor crosses the knee joint gracilis
all of the adductors originate along which bony landmarks ramii of the pubis, ramus of the ischium, ischial tuberosity
which 3 muscles insert at the pes anserinus tendon grasalis, semitendinosus, sartorius
which muscle originates on the iliac crest, just posterior to the ASIS tensor fascia latae (TFL)
which muscle is nicknamed the "pocket muscle" tensor fascia latae (TFL)
what prominent bony landmark of the hip is the origin of the sartorius ASIS
what are the 3 actions of sartorius at the hip flexion, lateral rotation, abduction
what action will the sartorius perform at the knee flexion
piriformis and quadratus femoris will do what action of the hip lateral rotation
what is the origin and insertion of the piriformis anterior sacrum, greater trochanter
What 2 muscles are collectively called "iliopsoas" iliacus, psoas major
the iliacus and psoas major are synergist for what 2 actions at the coxal joint (hip) flexion and lateral rotation
the gastrocnemius originates on what bony landmarks of the femur condyles
what is the common attachment site of the gastrocnemis and soleus calcaneous
for what action are gastrocnemis and soleus synergist plantar flexion of the ankle
peroneus longus originates on which bony landmark of the fibula head
what is the insertion of peroneus longus base of first cuneiform and forst metatarsal
what are 2 actions of the peroneals eversion and plantar flexion
which muscle arises from the lateral condyle and anterior/lateral surface of the tibia, and shares an insertion with peroneus longus tibialis anterior
what are the 2 actions of tibialis anterior inversion and dorsiflexion of the ankle
name the 4 muscles of the quadriceps group rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius
name the 3 hamstrings biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus
name the 3 gluteals gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus
name the 5 adductors pectineus, gracilis, adductor longus, adductor brevis, and adductor magnus
Created by: msasngelbaby247
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