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DAT ch 16

bio- evolution from coursesaver notes

Evolutionary order of plants bryophytes -> gymnosperms -> angiosperms
adaptive radiation divergent evolution
allopatric speciation forming of a new species through the geographic isolation of groups from the parent population (alla-geo)
Homologous Structures same evolutionary origin; same basic anatomical feature; ex wings of bat, flipper of whale, forelegs of horses, arms of man
Analogous Structures DIFFERENT origins; have similar functions w/ different patterns of development; wings of fly and wings of bird
Comparative Embryology stages of development of embryo resemble stages in an organism’s evolutionary history; human embryo passes through stages that demonstrate common ancestry – 2 layer gastrula of hydra (cnidaria) and 3 layer gastrula similar to flatworm
Vestigial Structures structures that appear to be useless but had ancestral function; ex humans (appendix and tail), horses (splints), python (legs reduced to bones)
Mullerian mimicry - two or more harmful species that are not closely related, and share one or more common predators, have come to mimic each other's warning signals
Batesian mimicry deceptive; harmless species has evolved to imitate the warning signals of a harmful species directed at a common predator
Lamarckian Evolution he was wrong; amount of change based on “use and disuse” of the organ; “inheritance of acquired characteristics” (useful characteristic of one generation was transmitted to the next)
Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection pressures in the environment select for the organism most fit to survive and reproduce ‑Chance variations b/c mutation and recombination ‑If the variation so the more “fit” more likely to survive and reproduce
Gene Pool all the alleles for any given trait in the population
Hardy Weinberg Principal evolution can be viewed as changing gene frequencies within a population; when gene frequency NOT changing => gene pool stable => NO evolution;
ideal hardy weinberg situations 1. Population is very LARGE – (no change in allele frequency – random drift) 2. NO mutations that affect gene pool 3. Random mating 4. NO net migration in/ out of population 5. NO natural selection
Hardy-Weinberg equation p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 p2 = frequency of TT // 2pq = frequency of Tt // q2 = frequency of tt
K-selected population members have low reproductive rates and are roughly constant in size (ex. human population)
R – selected population rapid growth, numerous offspring, fast maturation, little postnatal care (ex. bacteria)
Stanley L. Miller demonstrated that the application of uv, heat, or a combination of these to a mix of methane, hydrogen, ammonia, and water could result in complex organic compounds; primordial soup
early atmosphere CH4, NH3, H2, H2S, H2O.
Created by: xeenie
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