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3000 SAT(shear-wont)

wont custom; habit; practice; accustomed
winnow to rid of undesirable parts
witticism a joke
vitiate to impair; make faulty; spoil
vivify to give a lift; animate; quicken
virile having manly strength or vigor
vie to compete; to struggle; contest
viable capable of living; vivid; real; stimulating
veracious speaking the truth; honest
venal willing to sell one's influence; open to bribery; mercenary; corrupt
unsung unrecognized; uncelebrated; not praised or acclaimed
untoward unfortunate; inappropriate; unbecoming
unlettered unsophisticated; ignorant; unschooled
unguent ointment; salve; unually applied to wounds or sores
unbecoming detracting from one's appearance, character or reputation
turncoat one who changes to the opposite party or fraction; traitor; one who reverses his or her principles
tumescent swollen; teeming; containing many ideas and emotions
trumpery something without use or value; rubbish; trash
truculent inclined toward conflict; eager to fight
truckle to slavishly support every opinion or suggestion of a superior
trouper actor; esp. in a touring company; someone who toughs it out
treacle contrived or unrestrained sentiment
transgress failing to fulfill or conform; violate a moral law
tousle to cause disorder or dishevel
tier a row or rank
termagant quarrelsome, loud, scolding woman
tepid somewhat warm; not very strong; halfhearted
tenable justifiable; rational; viable; defensible
table remove from consideration
symposium a meeting or conference for discussion of a topic
svelte slim; slender
swagger to strut; saunter; stride insolently
summons an order to appear in court; an authoritative command or message
succor (SUCK ur) help, relief; aid; assistance
subsidize to pay part of the cost; to provide financial assistance
subsidiary being in a secondary or subordinate relationship
strife a bitter conflict, quarrel, fight
stratify to form layers
stipend (STYE pund) income; salary; allowance
stipulate to make an express demand as a part on an agreement
stopgap a temporary measure
spector a ghost or phantom
sophistry unsound or misleading but clever argument
snit agitated or irritated state; excited distress
snafu a complete foul-up
smarmy excessively flattering; ingratiating; servile
slake to quench; to satisfy a craving
skullduggery trickery; underhandedness
skiff a small boat for sailing or rowing
shear to strip or deprive; to clip to cut
Created by: johne331
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