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ALH 122 Chap 13 & 14

ALH 122 Chap 13 & 14 - Senders, SBC Portland

CBC Complete Blood Count
diff white blood cell differential
plasma The fluid part of blood that does not contain the cells (RBCs, WBCs, and platelets).
antibody protein produced by lymphocytes (white blood cells) that searches for antigens (foreign bodies) that are a threat to the body
antigen foreign substance that will stimulate your immune system to produce antibodies to protect you
basophil granulocyte (WBC) that contains granules of histamine that will start an inflammatory response (whether it's an allergic response or an infectious one)
bilirubin orange-yellow pigment in bile and in RBCs
coagulation to clot
erythrocyte RBC
erythropoietin (EPO) hormone made by the kidneys that stimulates RBC production
fibrin protein mesh/threads that help create a blood clot
fibrinogen protein that is converted to fibrin during the clotting process.
granulocyte WBC that has granules of histamine and other chemicals to help fight infection in them (basophils, neutrophil, eosinophils)
hemoglobin protein inside RBCs that contains iron and binds to oxygen
hemolysis destruction of RBCs
immunoglobulin fancy word for antibody
leukocyte general term for WBC (there are several different kinds of leukocytes)
neutrophil granulocyte WBC that is particularly good at attacking bacteria
platelet small fragment of a cell that helps in the clotting process
Rh factor Marker on RBCs. If you have it your blood type is positive. If you don't, you're negative.
ABO blood types A and B markers on RBCs. You can have A's, or B's, or A's and B's, or neither (which would make you an O).
thrombocyte platelet
chrom/o color
hem/o blood
hemat/o blood
hemoglobin/o hemoglobin
myel/o bone marrow - where your blood cells are made (also means spinal cord)
phag/o to eat
thromb/o clot
-blast immature cell
-emia blood condition
-lytic breaking down, breaking apart, destroyer
-osis abnormal condition
-penia deficiency
leukopenia low white blood cell count
-phage to eat or swallow
-stasis to stop, control
hemostasis to stop bleeding
lymph/o lymph
lymphaden/o lymph node
lymphadenitis inflamed lymph node
lymphadenopathy disease of a lymph node
tox/o toxic, poison
Created by: asenders
Popular Medical sets




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