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GRE Words #7

"P" and "Q" Words

Paleontology (noun) study of past geological eras through fossil remains
Pallid (adj) lacking color or liveliness
Paragon (noun) model of excellence or perfection
Partisan (adj) one-sided; committed to a party or group or cause; prejudiced
Pathological (adj) departing from normal condition
Pathos (noun) quality that causes a feeling of pity or sorrow
Patois (noun) a regional dialect; nonstandard speech; jargon
Paucity (noun) scarcity
Penchant (noun) inclination
Peregrination (noun) a wandering from place to place
Peremptory (adj) imperative; leaving no choice
Perfidious (adj) faithless; disloyal; untrustworthy
Perigee (noun) point in an orbit that is closest to the Earth
Permeable (adj) penetrable
Perturb (verb) to disturb greatly; make uneasy or anxious; cause a body to deviate from its regular orbit
Perturbation (noun) disturbance
Pervasive (adj) having the tendency to permeate or spread throughout
Petulant (adj) rude; peevish
Phoenix (noun) mythical, immortal bird that lives for 500 years, burns itself to death, and rises from its ashes; anything that is restored after suffering great destruction
Physiognomy (noun) facial features
Piety (noun) devoutness
Piquant (adj) appealingly stimulating; pleasantly pungent; attractive
Pique (noun) fleeting feeling of hurt pride
Pique (verb) to provoke or arouse
Placid (adj) calm
Plaintive (adj) melancholy; mournful
Plasticity (noun) condition of being able to be shaped or formed; pliability
Platonic (adj) spiritual; without sexual desire; theoretical
Plumb (verb) to determine the depth; to examine deeply
Plume (verb) to congratulate oneself in a self-satisfied way
Plutocracy (noun) society ruled by the wealthy
Porous (adj) full of holed; permeable to liquids
Poseur (noun) person who affects an attitude or identity to impress others
Pragmatism (noun) practical way of approaching situations or solving problems
Prate (verb) to talk idly; chatter
Preamble (noun) preliminary statement
Precarious (adj) uncertain
Precept (noun) principle; law
Preempt (verb) to supersede; appropriate for oneself
Prehensile (adj) capable of grasping
Premonition (noun) forewarning; presentiment
Presage (verb) to foretell; indicate in advance
Presumptuous (adj) rude; improperly bold
Preternatural (adj) beyond the normal course of nature; supernatural
Primordial (adj) original; existing from the beginning
Problematic (adj) posing a problem; doubtful; unsettled
Profound (adj) deep; not superficial
Profundity (noun) the quality of being profound
Prohibitive (adj) so high as to prevent the purchase or use of; preventing; forbidding
Propriety (noun) correct conduct; fitness
Proscribe (verb) to condemn; forbid; outlaw
Proscriptive (adj) relating to prohibition
Provident (adj) providing for future needs; frugal
Punctilious (adj) careful in observing rules of behavior or ceremony
Purport (verb) to profess; suppose; claim
Purport (noun) intended or implied
Paean (noun) a song or hymn of praise and thanksgiving
Palliate (verb) to make something seem less serious, to gloss over, to make less severe or intense
Panegyric (noun) formal praise, eulogy, encomium
Parody (noun) a humorous imitation intended for ridicule or comic effect, esp. in literature and art
Parsimonious (adj) cheap, miserly
Pedagogy (noun) the profession or principles of teaching or instructing
Pedantic (adj) overly concerned with the trivial details of learning or education; show-offish about one's knowledge
Pedestrian (adj) commonplace, trite, unremarkable, quotidian
Pellucid (adj) transparent, easy to understand, limpid
Penurious (adj) penny-pinching; excessively thrifty; ungenerous
Penury (noun) poverty; destitution
Perennial (adj) recurrent through the year or many years; happening repeatedly
Perfidy (noun) intentional breach of faith; treachery
Perfunctory (adj) cursory; done without care or interest
Pernicious (adj) extremely harmful; potentially causing death
Peroration (noun) the concluding part of a speech; flowery, rhetorical speech
Perspicacious (adj) acutely perceptive; having keen discernment
Peruse (verb) to examine with great care
Pervade (verb) to permeate throughout
Phlegmatic (adj) calm; sluggish; unemotional
Pied (adj) multicolored, usually in blotches
Pine (verb) to lose vigor (as through grief); to yearn
Pious (adj) extremely reverent or devout; showing string religious devotion
Pirate (verb) to illegally use or reproduce
Pith (noun) the essential or central part
Pithy (adj) precise and brief
Placate (verb) to appease; to calm by making concessions
Plangent (adj) pounding, thundering, resounding
Plastic (adj) moldable, pliable, not rigid
Platitude (noun) a superficial remark, esp. one offered as meaningful
Plethora (noun) an overabundance; a surplus
Pluck (noun) courage, spunk, fortitude
Plummet (verb) to plunge or drop straight down
Polemical (adj) controversial; argumentative
Pragmatic (adj) practical rather than idealistic
Prattle (verb) to babble meaninglessly; to talk in an empty and idle manner
Precipitate (adj) acting with excessive haste or impulse
Precipitate (verb) to cause or happen before anticipated or required
Precursor (noun) one that precedes and indicates or announces another
Predilection (noun) a disposition in favor of something; preference
Preen (verb) to dress up; to primp to groom oneself with elaborate care
Prescience (noun) foreknowledge of events; knowledge of events prior to their occurrence
Presumptuous (adj) overstepping due bonds (as of propriety or courtesy); taking liberties
Prevaricate (verb) to deliberately avoid the truth; to mislead
Pristine (adj) pure; uncorrupted; clean
Prize (verb) to pry, to press or force with a lever; something taken by force, spoils
Probity (noun) adherence to highest principles; complete and confirmed integrity; uprightness
Proclivity (noun) a natural predisposition or inclination
Prodigal (adj) recklessly wasteful; extravagant; profuse; lavish
Prodigious (adj) abundant in size, force, or extent; extraordinary
Profligate (adj) excessively wasteful; recklessly extravagant
Profuse (adj) given or coming forth abundantly; extravagant
Proliferate (verb) to grow or increase swiftly and abundantly
Prolific (adj) producing large volumes or amounts; productive
Prolix (adj) long-winded, verbose
Propensity (noun) a natural inclination or tendency; penchant
Propitiate (verb) to appease; to conciliate
Prosaic (adj) dull; lacking in spirit or imagination
Puerile (adj) childish, immature, jejune, nugatory
Puissance (noun) power, strength
Pungent (adj) characterized by a strong, sharp smell or taste
Pusillanimous (adj) cowardly, craven
Putrefy (verb) to rot; to decay and give off a foul odor
Quagmire (noun) marsh; difficult situation
Quibble (verb) to argue over insignificant and irrelevant details
Quorum (noun) number of members necessary to conduct a meeting
Quaff (verb) to drink deeply
Quail (verb) to lose courage; to turn frightened
Qualify (verb) to limit
Qualms (noun) misgivings; reservations; causes for hesitancy
Queries (noun) questions; inquiries; doubts in the mind; reservations
Querulous (adj) prone to complaining or grumbling; peevish
Quiescence (adj) stillness; motionless; quality of being at rest
Quixotic (adj) foolishly impractical; marked by lofty romantic ideals
Quotidian (adj) occurring or recurring daily; commonplace
Created by: redsoxaddict13
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