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GRE vocab33

vocab words for GRE revised

belies to contradict
porous full of holes
implausible difficult to believe
myriad frequent/of great number
somber gloomy
quixotic foolishly idealistic
calumny slander
derision ridicule
inherent to be a part of
endemic to naturally be a part of
floundering not doing very well
impasse stalemate
indifferent suggesting neutrality
precarious insecure/unstable/uncertain
volatile unstable
facetious witty
benevolent helpful
abashed embarrassed
lucid clear-headed
nonplussed perplexed
candor honesty
assimilate understand/incorporate/absorb/integrate/put together
antithesis directly opposite/contrary
synthesis mixture/blend/creation
curtailed reduced/cut/shortened
histrionic theatrical/dramatic/exaggerated
inimical unfavorable/contrary
temperance calm/self-restraint/control
notoriety infamous/bad name/ill reputation/notorious
eminence famous/distinction/importance
tumultuous turbulent/chaotic/disorderly
providential beneficial/advantageous
dispassionate calm/composed/unemotional
imperceptibly cannot be perceived/unnoticeable/not detectable
ameliorate improve/upgrade/reorganize
exacerbate worsen/intensify/aggravate
ascertain discover/determine/figure out
fastidiousness careful/precise/neat
dissimilar unlike/unrelated/far removed from
acerbic sharp/bitter/acid/cut
scathing sarcastic/wounding/mocking
meticulous detailed/thorough/careful
tenuous weak/fragile/vague
miserliness greed/stinginess
imperiously superior-like/commanding/arrogantly
accessibility ease of access
impenetrability mysterious/hard to get to/incomprehensible
enigma mystery
florid fancy/flowery/ornate
patent copyright/official document
frivolity playfulness/light-heartedness
rumination reflection/ponder/think
intrinsic innate/built in/basic/natural
prolixity wordiness
verbose wordiness
austerity severe/strict/serious
intractable stubborn/inflexible
impetuous reckless/rash/hasty/spontaneous
prodigal extravagant/uncontrolled/wasteful/reckless
tact dexterity/skill
placid calm/easy-going/peaceful
restive restless/impatient
skittish edgy/restless/lively
vociferous vocal/loud/noisy
volubility fluent/continuous flow of words/talkative
peripheral unimportant/side line/tangential/minor
tangential side-line/unimportant/beside the point
pellucid allowing the maximum passage of light/clear/translucent
circumscribe restricted/bound by what's all around
prosaic pedestrian/ordinary/dull
indecorous rude/impolite/inappropriate
unseemly rude/inappropriate
assuage alleviate/ease
conflagration fire/inferno/bush burn
diffidence shy/reserved/hesitant
approbation approval/admiration/praise
trepidation fear/anxiety/concern
ebullient excitement/joy/happy/fun
erratic unpredictable/irregular
ubiquitous omnipresent/everywhere
stratagem trick/ploy/dodge
catalyst means/vehicle/medium
axiom proverb/saying
contrite sorry/apology/regret
protracted lengthen/extend/prolonged
adulterated infect/dirty/contaminate
fortified equipped/prepare/strengthen
cognizant aware/mindful
apprised inform/advise/notice
abate to reduce in amount, degree, or severity
abscond to leave secretly
abstain to choose not to do something
abyss an extremely deep hole
advocate to speak in favor of
aesthetic concerning the appreciation of beauty
aggrandize to increase in power,influence, and reputation
alleviate to make more bearable
amalgamate to combine/to mix
ambiguous doubtful or uncertain/vague/can be interpreted many ways
anachronism something out of place in time
analogous similar or alike in some way
anomaly deviation from what is normal
antagonize to annoy/provoke
antipathy extreme dislike
apathy lack of interest or emotion
arbitrate to judge a dispute between two opposing parties
archaic ancient/old-fashioned
ardor intense and passionate feeling
articulate able to speak clearly and expressively
attenuate to reduce in force or degree/to weaken
audacious fearless and daring
austere severe or stern in appearance/undecorated
banal predictable/cliche/boring
bolster support/prop up
cacophony harsh noise
candid honest in speech
capricious changing one's mind fast and often
castigate to punish or criticize harshly
caustic biting in wit
chaos great disorder/confusion
chauvinist prejudiced
chicanery deception
cogent convincing/well reasoned
condone overlook/pardon/disregard
convoluted intricate/complicated
corroborate to provide supporting evidence
credulous too trusting/gullible
crescendo steadily increasing volume or force
decorum appropriateness of behavior or conduct
deference respect/courtesy
deride to speak of or with contempt/to mock
desiccate to dry out thoroughly
desultory disconnected/jumping from one thing to another
diatribe an abusive speech
diffident lacking self-confidence/shy
dilate to make larger/expand
dilatory intended to delay
dilettante someone with an amateurish and superficial interest in a topic
dirge a funeral hymn/sad speech
disabuse to set right/free from error
discern to perceive/recognize
disparate fundamentally different
dissemble disguise one's real intentions or character
dissonance disagreeable combination of sounds
dogma a firmly held opinion/often religious
dogmatic dictating one's opinions
dupe to deceive/easily deceived
eclectic variety
efficacy effectiveness
elegy a sad poem/speech
eloquent persuasive
emulate to copy
enervate reduce in strength
engender to produce/cause/bring about
enumerate to count/list
ephemeral of short time
equivocate using double meaning in order to mislead
erudite learned/bookish
esoteric known/understood by only a few
estimable admirable
eulogy speech in praise of someone
euphemism use of inoffensive word in place of one
exculpate prove innocent
exigent urgent
exonerate to clear of blame
explicit clearly stated/straight forward
fanatical enthusiastic/devotion
fawn grovel
fervid emotional/fan boy
florid excessively decorated/embellished
foment arouse/incite
frugality cheap/thrifty
garrulous tend to talk a lot
gregarious outgoing/sociable
guile deceit/trickery
gullible easily deceived
homogenous same/similar kind
iconoclast one of opposes established beliefs/customs
imperturbable not capable of being disturbed
impervious impossible to penetrate/affect
impetuous reckless/rash
implacable cannot be calmed down
inchoate disorganized/not fully formed
ingenuous showing innocence/simplicity
inimical hostile
innocuous harmless
insipid lack interest or flavor
intransigent uncompromising
inundate to overwhelm/cover with water
irascible easily angered
laconic using few words
lament sorrow/grieve
laud praise/glorify
lavish unsparingly/extravagant
lethargic indifferent/slow/sluggish
loquacious talkative
luminous bright/glow/brilliant
malinger pretending to be ill
malleable able to be shaped/molded
metaphor figure of speech comparing two different things
meticulous detailed
misanthrope a person who dislikes others
mitigate to lessen/soften
mollify to calm
monotony lack of variation
naive lacking maturity/experience/sophistication
obdurate hardened in felling/cannot be persuaded
obsequious eager to please/compromising/overly submissive
obstinate stubborn
obviate to prevent
occlude prevent the passage of
onerous oppressive/troublesome
opaque impossible to see through/no passage of light
opprobrium public disgrace
ostentation excessive showiness
paradox a contradiction/conflicting statement
paragon model of perfection
pedant one who shows off learning
perfidious willingness to betray one's trust
perfunctory done in a routine way
permeate to penetrate
philanthropy charity/promotion of goodness
fanatical enthusiastic/devotion
fawn grovel
fervid emotional/fan boy
florid excessively decorated/embellished
foment arouse/incite
frugality cheap/thrifty
garrulous tend to talk a lot
gregarious outgoing/sociable
guile deceit/trickery
gullible easily deceived
homogenous same/similar kind
iconoclast one of opposes established beliefs/customs
imperturbable not capable of being disturbed
impervious impossible to penetrate/affect
impetuous reckless/rash
implacable cannot be calmed down
inchoate disorganized/not fully formed
ingenuous showing innocence/simplicity
inimical hostile
innocuous harmless
insipid lack interest or flavor
intransigent uncompromising
inundate to overwhelm/cover with water
irascible easily angered
laconic using few words
lament sorrow/grieve
laud praise/glorify
lavish unsparingly/extravagant
lethargic indifferent/slow/sluggish
loquacious talkative
luminous bright/glow/brilliant
malinger pretending to be ill
malleable able to be shaped/molded
metaphor figure of speech comparing two different things
meticulous detailed
misanthrope a person who dislikes others
mitigate to lessen/soften
mollify to calm
monotony lack of variation
naive lacking maturity/experience/sophistication
obdurate hardened in felling/cannot be persuaded
obsequious eager to please/compromising/overly submissive
obstinate stubborn
obviate to prevent
occlude prevent the passage of
onerous oppressive/troublesome
opaque impossible to see through/no passage of light
opprobrium public disgrace
ostentation excessive showiness
paradox a contradiction/conflicting statement
paragon model of perfection
pedant one who shows off learning
perfidious willingness to betray one's trust
perfunctory done in a routine way
permeate to penetrate
philanthropy charity/promotion of goodness
fanatical enthusiastic/devotion
fawn grovel
fervid emotional/fan boy
florid excessively decorated/embellished
foment arouse/incite
frugality cheap/thrifty
garrulous tend to talk a lot
gregarious outgoing/sociable
guile deceit/trickery
gullible easily deceived
homogenous same/similar kind
iconoclast one of opposes established beliefs/customs
imperturbable not capable of being disturbed
impervious impossible to penetrate/affect
impetuous reckless/rash
implacable cannot be calmed down
inchoate disorganized/not fully formed
ingenuous showing innocence/simplicity
inimical hostile
innocuous harmless
insipid lack interest or flavor
intransigent uncompromising
inundate to overwhelm/cover with water
irascible easily angered
laconic using few words
lament sorrow/grieve
laud praise/glorify
lavish unsparingly/extravagant
lethargic indifferent/slow/sluggish
loquacious talkative
luminous bright/glow/brilliant
malinger pretending to be ill
malleable able to be shaped/molded
metaphor figure of speech comparing two different things
meticulous detailed
misanthrope a person who dislikes others
mitigate to lessen/soften
mollify to calm
monotony lack of variation
naive lacking maturity/experience/sophistication
obdurate hardened in felling/cannot be persuaded
obsequious eager to please/compromising/overly submissive
obstinate stubborn
obviate to prevent
occlude prevent the passage of
onerous oppressive/troublesome
opaque impossible to see through/no passage of light
opprobrium public disgrace
ostentation excessive showiness
paradox a contradiction/conflicting statement
paragon model of perfection
pedant one who shows off learning
perfidious willingness to betray one's trust
perfunctory done in a routine way
permeate to penetrate
philanthropy charity/promotion of goodness
placate to sooth/calm/pacify
plastic mold/bend
plethora excess
pragmatic realistic/practical
precipitate lacking deliberation/thought/bring about abruptly
prevaricate lie/deviate from truth
pristine clean/uncorrupted
proliferate to increase in number quickly
propitiate appease/please
prudence wisdom/restraint/caution
pungent strong, sharp and irritating of the senses
quiescent motionless
rarefy make thinner/sparser
repudiate to falsify/reject validity of
reticent silent/quiet
rhetoric effective writing or speaking
satiate to satisfy fully
soporific to make sleepy/lethargic
specious sounded or looked true but was not
stigma a mark of disgrace/shame
stolid unemotional/lacking sensitivity
sublime grand
tacit done without using words
taciturn silent/not talkative
tirade long,harsh verbal attack
torpor extreme sluggishness
transitory temporary/lasting a brief time
vacillate indecisive
venerate extreme respect
vex to annoy
volatile easily aroused/changeable/bipolar/lively or explosive
waver to fluctuate between choices
whimsical acting fancy/unpredictable
zeal passion/enthusiasm
scanty meager/inadequate amount
singular extraordinary/remarkable/exceptional
scurrilous abusive
arcane known or understood by a few
acclamation loud shout of welcome/goodwill/approval
chagrin feeling vexed/disappointed/humiliated
ignominious discreditable/humiliating
acumen keen insight/shrewdness
abstruse prose is difficult to understand
panned rejected/criticized
shrewdness mental quickness
hindered impede
abjured to reject entirely
chagrin recognition of being wrong and embarrassed but graceful and not angry
toothsome desirable
imprudent unwise
ignominious shameful
trenchancy sharpness of smell or taste
silver tongue pleasantness of one's speech
mellifluous sweet/pleasing
euphonic sweet/pleasing speech
gaudiness lack of taste
detritus waste/debris
mien composure
vacillating move unsteadily from side to side
[lower-case] catholic diverse or widespread
apogee pinnacle
apex at the very top of
nepotism favoritism to family relationship
apocryphal of doubtful authorship or authenticity
attest to declare to be correct/true/give evidence of
redolent having a pleasant odor
timorous full of fear
gratification a source of great satisfaction
benignity kindness
enmity antagonism/hostility/animosity
natty neatly smart looking in dress/appearance
boorish rude/unmannered
expostulating very kind and polite protest
epitaph commemoration to the dead/inscription on tomb of the dead
epigraph an inscription on a building/etc.
apposite suitable/well-adapted
torrent violent, overwhelming flow
deluge anything that overwhelms like a flood
venal willing to be bought by a bribe
vindictive vengeful/seeking revenge
insurmountable cannot be overcome/insuperable/cannot be conquered
abstemious abstinence/sparing/temperate in diet
outlandish alien/foreign/strange/odd
garish excessively bright/ornate/elaborate/glaring
noxious harmful to physical health or mental well-being
dissension strong disagreement
reprise a repetition/returning to a past theme or subject
nadir point of greatest adversity or despair/ the lowest point
artisan a person skilled in an applied art
acme the highest point/peak
jocose facetious/witty/jovial
polyglot able to speak or write in several languages
welter to roll/toss/heave/tumble
conduit duct/main/channel
catharsis to purge/force out/ relieving of tension/discharge/cathartic = evacuating of bowels
insuperable cannot be passed over/over come. it is insurmountable
vivacious lively
marginal minimal for requirements/almost insufficient
superfluous being more/having more than what is necessary or required/excess
cavalier brave/having the spirit of a knight/a gentleman
gallant noble/brave
voracious very eager
surreptitious stealthy/sneaky/clandestine
clandestine stealthy/sneaky/surreptitious
resplendent shining brilliantly/splendid
pithy full of meaning/forceful/vigor
avant-garde very skilled group in their art/usually in unorthodox and experimental menthods
obfuscate to make obsure/unclear/confuse/stupefy
galvanize to stimulate
endomorphic a mineral within another/to change or morph within
chimerical unrealistic/fanciful/imaginary
coarsely lacking in fineness or delicacy
posthumous born after the death of
hither toward/being on this side (or closest side)
abtruse difficult to understand/esoteric
panned rejected/criticized
shrewdness mental quickness
hindered impede
abjured to reject entirely
chagrin recognition of being wrong and embarrased, yet graceful and not angry
toothsome desirable
imprudent unwise
ignominious shameful
mien composure
nepotism favoritism shown on the basis of family relationship, in business and politics
apocryphal doubtful authorship or authenticity/false
acquiesce to agree passively/reserved
coagulation clotting or obsolete
coquettish flirtatious/teasing
condescending showing superiority/snobby/patronizing
sanctimonious hypocritically holy or devout
morbid interested in gruesome/unpleasant/gloomy subjects
mordant scathingly critical/sarcastic
gastronomes a connoisseur of food/drink
epicures one that has refine taste/connoisseur/dedicated to sensual enjoyment
erudition scholarship/knowledge through study and reading
danseuses female ballet dancer
cherubs depiction of an angel
acrimony bitterness/resentment/spite/ill will
lugubrious very sad/mournful/gloomy
animated lively/energy/dynamic/enthusiastic
despondent extremely unhappy/discouraged
unheralded not previously announced/notified
risible capable of causing laughter/inclined to laugh
magnanimity noble/generous
censure disapproval/severe criticism
rancorous intense spite/ill will
prim neat/proper/formal
macarism making others happy through praise
reliquary container for relics
defilade fortifications/defense/protect troops
habiliments clothes/clothing
beguiling charming
magnanimous noble/generous/kind
macabre very gruesome/ghoulish
mortifying to humiliate/shame
fuming irritable/angry mood
ennui boredom/lack of interest
retiring shy/reserved
constituent a part of a larger construction
languish to be neglected/deprived and weakened/deteriorate
cisterns water tank
coffers box of valuables/safe/treasure chest
begrimed covered in dirt/soot
aseptic sterile/uncontaminated
Created by: dandre_ignacio
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