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U5: Pharynx/Esoph

Digestive System Part III: Pharynx, Esophagus, Stomach

Pharynx consists or nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx; however, nasopharynx solely part of respiratory tract; does not process food in any way, just passes it to esophagus
Oropharynx lined w/ stratified squamous epithelium for protection against abrasive food; receives food and fluid from oral cavity & air from nasopharynx; passageway for both digestive and respiratory tracts; palatine tonsils located in lateral aspect of the fauces
Laryngopharynx lined w/ stratified squamous epithelium for protection against abrasive food; receives fluid, food, air from oropharynx, so passageway for both digestive and respiratory tracts; esophagus begins at inferior border, from which it receives food and fluid
Pharyngeal constrictor muscles encircle pharynx and function to squeeze bolus into esophagus during swallowing
Esophagus about 10” long muscular tube; extends from laryngopharynx, through posterior mediastinum, into abdominal cavity through opening in diaphragm (esophageal hiatus) and empties into stomach via cardiac orifice
Cardiac orifice esophagus opening into stomach
Cardiac/gastroesophageal sphincter scanty, weak ring of smooth muscle at junction of esophagus and stomach; helps prevent backflow of acidic gastric juice into esophagus
Hiatal hernia condition in which small portion superior aspect of stomach pushes thru enlarged esophageal hiatus, following a weakening of diaphragmatic muscle fibers around edge of hiatus; little bit of stomach is above level of diaphragm & actually in thoracic cavity
Heartburn pain due to regurgitated acidic stomach juice irritating the esophageal mucosa
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) hiatal hernia and persistant regurgitation of gastric juice and heartburn are associated w/ this condition
Stratified squamous epithelium tissue lining esophagus
Skeletal muscle in superior third, mixture of skeletal and smooth in middle third, smooth muscle in lower third arrangement of muscularis externa of esophagus
Stomach J-shaped organ; extends from esophagus to duodenum; widest part of alimentary canal; temp. storage tank; churns food into chyme; begins breakdown of food proteins w/ pepsin; absorbs water, alcohol, aspirin; food will remain in this organ for about 4 hours
Chyme thick, soupy mixture of partially digested food produced by activity of stomach
Pepsin stomach enzyme that begins breakdown of food proteins
Extends from esophagus to duodenum of small intestine; located in upper left abdominal cavity, directly inferior to diaphragm, anterior to pancreas location of stomach
Cardiac, fundic, body, pyloric regions of stomach
Cardiac region of stomach (cardia) portion of stomach to which esophagus is attached
Fundic region of stomach (fundus) dome-shaped, highest region of stomach, tucked under diaphragm
Body of stomach middle portion
Pyloric region of stomach funnel-shaped, terminal (distal) region that attaches to duodenum of small intestine; located at junction of organs is pyloric sphincter
Pyloric sphincter/valve located at junction of stomach and duodenum of small intestine; controls entry of chyme into the duodenum
Greater curvature of stomach convex left margin of stomach
Lesser curvature of stomach smaller, concave right margin of stomach
Rugae folds/wrinkles of mucosa of internal surface of empty stomach which flatten as stomach fills; resulting expansion accommodates increasing quantity of food within stomach
Mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, serosa/visceral peritoneum four layers of stomach wall
Lining epithelium of mucosa consists of simple columnar epithelium; has many mucus-producing cells for protection of stomach lining from its own harsh gastric juices via millions of tiny gastric glands containing mucus-producing cells, parietal/oxyntic cells, & chief/zymogenic cells
Parietal/oxyntic cells cells in gastric glands of mucosa; produce stomach’s hydrochloric acid (HCl) and instrinsic factor.
Gastric intrinsic factor produced by parietal/oxyntic cells; needed for absorption of vitamin B12 by small intestine, which is needed for RBC production
Chief/zymogenic cells cells in gastric glands of mucosa; make and secrete pepsinogen, which is activated to pepsin when it encounters stomach’s hydrochloric acid
Enteroendocrine cells group of cells in stomach and small intestine lining epithelium that secrete hormones that affect digestive activity
Circular, longitudinal, oblique three layers of smooth muscle instead of usual 2; third layer gives stomach greater churning/mixing power
Peptic ulcers crater-like erosions of mucosa of stomach/duodenum/esophagus; most occur in duodenum & stomach; vast majority are usually caused by acid-resistant helicobacter pylori which primarily inhabits stomach; can usually be cured by antibiotics
Helicobacter pylori acid-resistant bacterium that binds specifically to gastric epithelium and induces over-secretion of hydrochloric acid and inflammation that leads to formation of ulcers
Created by: mbtrimm
Popular Biology sets




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