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gre words

facilitate to make less difficult.
factotum a handyman
fallacious based on false ideas
fallow plowed but now sowed: uncultivated
fatuous foolishly self-satisfied
fauna animas of a period or region
fawning seeking favor by flattering
felicitous suitably expressed; well chosen, appropriate
feral existing in a wild or untamed state
fervor warmth and intesity of emotion
fervent full of strong emotion, or impassioned
fetid having a bad smell
fetter to bind, confine
fiat arbitary order; authorization
fetter [noun] something that restricts or restrains
fiat arbitary order; authorization
fidelity loyalty, faith, exact correspondence
fillibuster use of obstructive tactics in a legislature to block passage of a law
finnese to handle with a deceptive or evasive strategy; to use finesse that is, refinement in performance
fissure crevice
flag to droop; grow weak
fledging novice, beginner
flora plants of a region or area
florid ruddy, reddish, flowery
flourish an embellishment or ornament
flourish [v] to grow vigorously or to thrive
flout to treat scornfully
flux flowing; a continuous moving
foment to incite, arouse
forbearance patience
forestall to prevent, delay
formidable menacing, threatening
forswear renounce, repudiate
founder to sink; fail; collapse
fracas noun--a loud quarrel; brawl the police were called in to break up a fracas that had erupted in the bar.
fractious quarrelsome; unruly; rebellious
fresco painting done on plaster
frieze ornamental band on a wall
froward stubbornly contrary; obstinately disobediant
frugality thrift
fulminate to attack loudly; denounce
fulsome [adj] excessive as to be disgusting the actor was embarrassed by the fulsome praised he received after winning the academy award for best actor.
fusion union; synthesis
futile ineffective; useless; fruitless
gainsay to deny; dispute; oppose
gambol to frolic; leap playfully
garrulous very talkative; wordy
gauche coarse and uncouth; clumsy
geniality cheerfulnessl kindliness; sociability
gerrymander to divide an area into voting districts in a way that favors a political party
glib fluent in an insincere way; offhand
goad [verb] to prod; urge on
gossamer sheer; light and delicate, like cobwebs
gouge verb- to tear out; scoop out; overcharge
grandiloquent adj- pompous, bombastic
gregarious adj-sociable
grouse to complain
guileless free of cunning and deceit
guise ruse, false appearance; pretense
gullible easily deceived
gustatory adj- affecting the sense of taste
halcyon calm and peaceful; happy; golden; prosperous
hallowed adj- holy; sacred
harangue noun- a long, pompous speech; tirade
harrowing extremely distressing; terrifying
herbivorous relating to a herbivore, an animal that feeds mainly on plants
hermetic tightly sealed; magical
heterodox unorthodox, not widely accepted
hieroglyphics a system of writing in which pictorial symbols represent meaning or sounds; writing or symbols that are difficult to decipher; the symbols used in advance mathematics
hirsute adj-covered with hair
histrionic adj. relating to exaggerated emotional behavior for effect; theatrical arts or performances
homeostasis automatic maintenance by an organism of normal temperature, chemical balance, etc, within itself
homily noun- sermon; tedious moralizing lecture, platitude
homogeneous adj- composed of identical parts; uniform in composition
hyperbole purposeful exaggeration for effect
iconoclastic attacking cherished traditions
idolatry idol worship; blind or excessive devotion
igneous produce by fire; volcanic
imbroglio n complicated situation, an entanglement
immutable adj. unchangable
impair verb to damage or injure
impassive adj- showing no emotions
impecunious adj- poor; having no money
impede verb- to hinder; block
impermeable adj- impossible to penetrate
imperturbable adj- not easily disturbed
impervious adj- incapable of being affected impossible to penetrate
impinge verb- to encroach
implacable adj- inflexible, unable of being pleased
implausible adj- unlikely, unbelievable
implicit adj- implied
implode verb- to collapse within itself
imprecation noun- to curse
impute verb- to relate to a particular cause or source; attribute the fault to; assign as a characteristic
inadvertently adv. carelessly; unintentionally
incarnate adj. having bodily form
inchoate adj. imperfectly formed or formulated
incongruity adj- state of not fitting
inconsequential adj- insignificant; unimportant
incorporate verb- introduce something into another thing already in existence; combine
incursion sudden invasion
indeterminate uncertain; indefinite
indigence noun- poverty
indigent adj- poverty
indolent adj- habitually lazy; idle
inconsequential insignificant; unimportant
incorporate introduce something into another thing already in existence; combine [verb]
incursion sudden invasion [noun]
indeterminate uncertain; indefinite [adj]
indigence poverty [noun]
indolent [adj] habitually lazy; idle
ineluctable [adj] not to be avoided or escaped; inevitable
inert [adj] unable to move; sluggish
ingenuous [adj] naive and trusting; lacking sophistication
inherent [adj] firmly established by nature or habit
innocuous [adj] harmless
insensible [adj] unconscious; unresponsive
insinuate [v] to suggest; say indirectly; imply
insipid lacking in flavor; dull
insouciant [adj] indifferent; lacking concern or care -- considering the gravity of the situation, nancy's colleagues could not understand her insouciant attitude.
insularity narrow-mindedness;isolation [noun] the insularity of mmany tribes in new guinea allows anthropologist to study cultures that have been relatively uninfluenced by the modern world.
insuperable insurmountable; unconquerable [adj]
intangible [adj] not material
interdict [v] to forbid; prohibit; to confront and halt the activities, advnace or entry of under US law, interdicted goods can be seized by customs official
internecine adj deadly to both sides
interpolate verb to insert; change by adding new words or material
interregnum interval between reigns; gap in continuity
inundate to cover with water; overwhelm; to flood
inured [verb] hardened; accustomed; use to
invective [noun] verbal abuse the debated judge cautioned partcipants not to engage in invective but rather in reasoned and decorous discourse.
inveigh [verb] to disapprove; to protest vehemently
inveigle [verb] to win over by flattery or coaxing
inveterate [adj] confirmed; long-standing; deeply rooted
invidious [adj] likely to provoke ill will; offensive
irascible [adj] easily angered the irascible old man complains every time someone makes a little noise
irresolute [adj] unsure of how to act; weak
itinerant [adj] wandering from place t place; unsettled
itinerary [noun] route of a traveler's journey we planned our itinerary to be flexible, so that if we especially enjoyed a particular place we could stay there longer.
jaundiced adj having a yellowish discoloration of the skinl affected by envy, resentment, or hostility noun- a medical condition often due to liver disease and characterized by yellowness of the skin.
jibe [verb] to be in agreement
jocose [adj] fond of joking; jocular; playful
juggernaut [noun] huge force destorying everything in its path
junta [noun] group of people united in political intrigue
juxtapose [verb] place side by side
kudos noun- fame, glory; honor
labile [adj] - likely to change
laconic [adj] - using few words
lambaste verb- to thrash verbally and physically
lascivious [adj] lustful
lassitude noun- lethargy; sluggishness
latent [adj]- present but hidden; potential
laud [verb]- to praise
lethargic adj - inactive
levee [noun]- an embankment that prevents a river from overflowing
levity [noun]- light manner or attitude
liberal [adj] tolerant; broad-minded, generous; lavish
libertine [noun]= one without moral restraint
libido noun- sexual desire
lilliputian adj- extremely small
limn verb- to draw; describe
limpid adj- clear, transparent
linguistic adj- pertaining to language
litany [noun]- lengthy recitation; repetitive chant
literati noun- scholarly or learned person
litigation noun- legal proceedings
log noun- record of a voyage; record of daily activities
loquacious adj- talkative
lucid adj- birght, clear, intelligible
lucre noun- money or profits
luminous adj - bright, brilliant, glowing
lustrous adj- shining
Machiavellian adj- crafty, double-dealing
machinations noun- plots or schemes
maelstrom noun- whirlpool;turmoil
magnanimity noun- generosity; nobility
malign verb- to speak evil of
malinger verb- to feign illness to escape duty
malleable adj- capable of being shaped by pounding; impressionable
maverick noun- dissenter
megalomania noun- delusions of power or importance
menagerie noun- a variety of animals kept together
mendacious adj- dishonest
mendicant noun- a beggar
meretricious adj- gaudy; plausible but false; specious
mesmerize verb- to hypnotize
metamorphosis noun- change/transformation
metaphysics noun- a branch of philosophy that investigates the ultimate nature of reality
meteorological adj- concerned with the weather
meticulous adj- very careful; fastidious
mettle noun- courage; endurance
mettlesome adj- full of courage and fortitude; spirited
mettlesome adj- full of courage and fortitude; spirited
Created by: soopahkimmie
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