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Stack #653731

8 Extra Channel Study

Master Point and Lou Point Governing Vessel MP: SI3 Lou Point: DU15
Master Point and Xi Cleft Point for Yang Qiao Channel MP UB62 Xi Cleft: UB59
Master Point and Lou Point for Conception Vessel MP LU7 Lou Point: Ren 15
Master Point and Xi Cleft Point for Yin Qiao Channel MP K6 Xi Cleft: K8
Master Point and Coupled point for Dia Mai Channel MP GB41 CP SJ5
Master Point and Xi Cleft Point for Yang Wei Channel MP SJ5 Xi Cleft: GB35
Master Point and Coupled Point for Chong Mai Channel MP SP4 CP P6
Master Point and Xi Cleft Point for Yin Wei Channel MP P6 Xi Cleft: K9
True or False: The Extra Channels have no points of their own. False. The Du and Conception Vessel have their own points.
True or False: The Extra Channels do not have internal organs as the 12 Meridian do. True.
What Channels are involved: One feels uncomfortable and loses one's mind. The individual becomes weak and cannot support one's stature. This happens when the Yin Wei and Yang Wei Channel no longer maintain their ties (linking the yin and yang channels and therefore maintain the balance of the yin and yang organs)
Name the Extra Channel: Symptoms of Heartache Yin Wei is ill
Name the Extra Channel: Symptoms of cold and heat Yang Wei is ill
Name the Extra Channel: Yin Qiao Channel becomes tense and Yang Qiao becomes relaxed The Yin Qiao is ill
Name the Extra Channel: Yang Qiao Channel becomes tense and Yin Qiao becomes relaxed The Yang Qiao is ill
Name the Extra Channel: Rebellious influences and tension arises in abdomen Chong is ill
Name the Extra Channel: Abdomen will be full and the loins will be bloated as if sitting in water. Dai is ill
Name the Extra Channel: back is stiff and because of this tension, the back will bend backwards Governing is ill
Name the Extra Channel: suffering from internal knots Conception is ill
Name the Extra Channel: Men will suffer from 7 types of influences (hernias) Conception is ill. Men are yang and associated with influences.
Name the Extra Channel: Women will suffer from shaped coagulation Conception is ill. Women are yin an dare associated with blood and so suffer from concentrations below the belt line.
What Channel Crosses these points: R1, DU1-DU28, UB12 Du Channel
What Channel Crosses these points: UB62, UB61, UB59, GB29, SI10, LI15, LI16, ST4, ST3, St1, UB1, GB20, DU16 Yang Qiao Channel
What Channel Crosses these points: R1-R24, Du 28, St1 Ren Channel
What Channel Crosses these points: K2, K6, K8, St12 area, St9 area, UB1 Yin Qiao Channel
What Channel Crosses these points: Du 4, R1, St30, K11-K21, R7, Sp10, Lv1, Sp1 Chong Channel
What Channel Crosses these points: K9, Sp12, Sp13, Sp15, Sp 16, Lv14, R22, R23 Yin Wei Channel
What Channel Crosses these points: GB 26, GB27, GB28, UB23?, Du4? Dai Channel
What Channel Crosses these points: UB63, GB35, SI10, SJ15, GB21, St 8, GB13-GB20, DU16, Du15 Yang Wei Channel
Created by: 100001654018333
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