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BCaBA Exam

Behavioral Assessment

Provides organized, conceptually sound, and efficacious method for obtaining data Descriptive Assessment
When completing an assessment one must decide whether to intervene, where to intervene, how to intervene and any functional relations
This does NOT involve systematic Manipulations nor permits precise determination of functional relations Descriptive Assessment
Tell one reason why we should complete a descriptive assessment? To obtain and organize relevant information about the behavior and its circumstances
Give another reason why we should complete a descriptive assessment To develop a hypothesis regarding the need for ABA services, locus of intervention, functional relations or
Give another reason why we should complete a descriptive assessment Provide information and allows us to evaluate intervention on an on-going basis
If one gathered information on current and past behavior repertoire, environmental factors, and a medical history, one would be completing a Record Review
Name 3 things that a records review entails? Evaluation/Assessment, support plans, activity, treatment plan, progress notes, disciplinary reports, correspondence
This consists of questions to ask within a pre-selected topic? Behavior (functional) interview
What should you do prior to conducting an interview? Select the instrument (who, where, when to interview).
What should you do during an interview? Build rapport, informally observe behavior and the environment, write/records notes
What types of questions should you ask in an interview? Open ended and follow-up questions, acknowledge responses
What should you do after the interview? Review the notes, summarize findings, describe the behavior, identify physical and environmental factors, identify potential functions of the behavior and potential alternative behaviors and decide whether to continue services
Name some Functional Assessment Forms Durand's Motivational Assessment Scale Iwata's Functional Assessment Screening Tool
Name some adaptive tests? Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale, AAMD ABS, The pyramid scales, the ABLLS-R
Name some problem behavior scales? Vineland Maladaptive Behavior Scale, AAMD ABD Achenback Scale, Quay and Peterson Scale, Devereux Scales
What is involved when completing an environmental assessment? Observation, Pencil/Paper rating scale (TECH classroom Environmental Assessment, Clean and Messy)
What is involved when recording narratives (anecdotal observation)? Observe individual behavior, Write down a description of the environmental conditions under which the behaviors were emitted
Data collection during a direct assessment involves data on behavior antecedents and consequences
This type of data collection involves the systematic presentation and examination of data regarding behavior and stimulus? Sequence Analysis
This type of data collection form is typically used for problem behavior and tracks the intervals of time the behavior occurs and is used to identify patterns of presonding in the natural setting. Scatterplot
Scatter Plots display data in the form of a grid
on a scatter plot the horizontal axis represents days
On a scatter plot the vertical axis represents time intervals
How do you interpret the scatter plot graph? Note when the behavior is most or least likely to occur? What is going on during those times? Identify similarities in times when the behavior occurs.
The systematic presentation and/or examination of data regarding problem behavior and its condiitons is called a Pattern Analysis
A descriptive assessment should start with a Records Review
A functional Assessment should be completed if The descriptive assessment does not yield a clear function to the behavior of concern
After a narrative recording is conducted, the notes are analyzed. What type of analysis is used? Sequence Analysis
Tracking of the behavior and its antecedents and consequences is completed on what type of form ABC data collection form
ABC data collection, Scatterplot, Narrative recording are all _____________methods involved in an assessment Direct
This correlates with or signals the availability of reinforcement Sd - discriminative stimulus for Reinforcement
This type of discriminative stimulus evokes behavior Sd - discriminative stimulus for reinforcement
This correlates with or signals the unavailability of reinforcement S Delta - discriminative stimulus for extinction
This type of discriminative stimulus abates behavior S delta - discriminative stimulus for extinction or Sdp - discriminative stimulus of punishment
This correlates with or signals the availability of punishment Sdp - discriminative stimulus for punishment
The antecedent condition has 2 effects Value altering effect and behavior altering effect
This type of effect momentarily alters the effectiveness of a stimulus as a reinforcer or punisher. It increases or decreases momentarily the effectiveness of a consequence Value Altering Effect
This type of motivating operation alters the momentary frequency of any behavior that has been reinforced or punished by the stimlus whose value (effectiveness) has been altered by the same MO Behavior Altering Effect
EOs related to reinforcement Increase the value of the events as reinforcement, reinforce the establishing effect, evocative effect
AOs related to reinforcement decrease the value of the events as reinforcement (reinforcer-abolishing effect, abative effect)
EOs related to punishment Increase the value of events as punishement (punisher establishing effect, abative effect)
AOs related to punishment Decrease the value of the events as punishment (punisher aboloshing effect, abative effect)
A systematic gathering of information in order to make data based on decision and determine if the problem behavior exists, describe the relationship between the behavior and the environment and to provide info needed to develop behavior plans are part of behavioral assessment
Behavioral assessment is also used to monitor program implementation, treatment effectiveness, and evaluate maintenance and generalziation
Behavior Assessment should be on-going
This type of assessment method is used mostly during the preliminary states of assessment Indirect / "Tell ME"
Direct assessment methods are also called the "show me" method
What is included in an indirect assessment? Record review, interview, paper and pencil questionnaires, may be done in the office
What is included in the direct assessment? Narrative recordings, ABC data collection, measurement, scatterplots, observation of permanent products
Screening - low fidelity Preliminary Indirect Assessment - medium fidelity Direct Descriptive Assessment Functional Analysis Baseline - high fidelity Monitoring Follow-up, maintenance, generalization - medium fidelity Behavior Assessment Quasi-funnel
What is the rationale for descriptive assessment To obtain and organize relevant information about behavior and its circumstances, to develop hypotheses, to provide useful info for evaluating intervention on an ongoing basis
This does not provide sufficient information for formulating a reasonable hypothesis Descriptive Assessment
A FA should be used when intervention based on hypotheses are generated from descriptive assessments are not producing the behavior change
systematic manipulations allow us to identify the need for intervention and functional relations and it recommends behavior change procedures
Created by: krisbari



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