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ELG SEdevt

Mass Early Learning Guidelines for InfantsToddlers - Social-Emotional Devt

Acknowledge Show positive recognition or interest with facial expression or words
Attach/Attachment The strong emotional tie that children feel with special people in their lives (family members, significant friends, and educators)
Autonomy A sense of being a separate, independent self
Cooperate To work or act with others willingly and agreeably
Empathy Being aware of and responding to the feelings of others
Emotion Regulation The developing ability to manage emotional responses with assistance from others and independently
Engage To become involved or to be attentive
Enthusiasm Great excitement and interest
Expression of Emotion The developing ability to express a variety of feelings through facial expressions, movements, gestures, sounds, or words
Imitate To copy, pretend or practice the activity of another
Impulse Control The developing capacity to wait for needs to be met, to inhibit potentially hurtful behavior, and to act according to social expectations, including safety rules
Interaction A conversation or exchange between people
Interactions with Peers The developing ability to respond to and engage with other children
Invite To request participation in an activity or communication
Parallel play Two children playing side
Passive Not active; tending not to respond or participate
Prosocial behavior Showing concern, cooperation, kindness and consideration for others; demonstrating a sense of caring for others
Relationships with Peers The development of relationships with certain peers through interactions over time
Respect To show esteem for another person; to communicate that his or her ideas, feelings and needs are worthy of consideration
Responsive Warm, sensitive, well-time, and appropriate to the child's needs
Self-calming/self regulation The ability of infant and toddlers to calm themselves rather than relying on others to calm the; thumb sucking and holding onto a special blanket are examples
Self-help skills Behaviors necessary to care for oneself such as dressing, feeding, and toileting
Separation anxiety Becoming anxious when a significant person, such as parent or educator, leaves
Stranger anxiety Exhibiting anxious behaviors around unfamiliar adults
Temperament The unique way a child responds to the world
Created by: marylu



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