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Case 2

Med. Trans. Musculoskeletal

bduct draw or pull away from body
PMI Point of Maximal Impulse
UA Urinalysis (abbr)
endotracheal Within or through trachea
LDH (abbr) Lactic Dehydrogenase
LDH (def) lab test done on blood
Rhonchus rattling sound in lower respiratory tract
ischemia obstruction of blood to a body part due to a pathologic condtion
AST (abbr) apartate transaminase
AST (def) an enzyme, sometimes used in place of SGOT
vastus lateralis large muscle overlying hip joint
Nitro-Dur nitroglycerin, used in cardiac conditions
funduscope used to observe base of eye
fundus base
Accu-Chek blood sugar monitor
copious yielding an abundant amount
Lowman turkey-claw clamp orthopedic equipment used for surgery
type and cross x2 patient's blood type needs to be determined and cross matched against 2 units of blood
IVPB intravenous piggy back
prominence protrusion or projection
myocardial pertaining to muscles of heart
dyspnea difficult or labored breathing
electrocautery application of electricity to destroy or cut thru tissue
reamer instrument used to enlarge an artificial orifice in bone
intertrochanteric fracture a break within bone of neck of femur
renal insufficiency inability of kidneys to remove nitrogenous wastes effectively
ADA American Diabetes Association
PERRLA Pupils equal, round and reactive to light and accomodation
TM (abbr) Tympanic membrane
TM (def) eardrum
ST-T waves describe function of heart on EKG
nondiaphoretic not profusely sweating
Hemovac drain closed suction drainage unit to evacuate blood abd serum postop
MI (abbr) myocardial infarction
MI (def) heart attack
organomegaly enlargement of one or more organs
ORIF open reduction, internal fixation (of fracture)
Micronase trade name of glyburide, used in management of Type 2 diabetes mellitus
buccal pertaining to the cheek
click brief, sharp heart sound
SGOT (abbr) serum glutamic oxoloacetic transaminase
SGOT (def) another lab test done on blood
rub scraping/grating sound heard with heartbeat
sclera sturdy, white outer layer of eye
intercostal between ribs
normocephalic normal sized head
lateralis pertaining to one side
infarct necrosis of a tissue due to ischemia
fluoroscopy exam of deep structures by means of roentgen rays
Ancef Cefazolin, an antibiotic
fascia lata external layer of fascia of thigh
C-arm images results of portable x-ray unit used in the operating room, unit is made to surround part being studied
AP (abbr) anteroposterior direction
CPK (abbr) creatine phosphokinase
cortical pertaining to cortex
cortex outer layer of organ
H&H hemoglobin and hematocrit blood tests (part of a complete blood test)
anicteric without jaundice
EOMI extraocular muscles intact
external rotation movement of external appendage about its axis
gallop abnormal rhythm of heart
interrupted sutures surgical stitchs that are placed and tied separately
anteversion forward displacement of organ
fascia supportive layer of thin connective tissue
anteroposterior from front to back
viscera internal organs
Created by: TonieTigger2004
Popular Medical sets




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