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brain cranial nerves

astrocyte aids in capillary-neuron exchanges, control the chemical environment envrmnt around neurons. CNS
oligodendrocyte myelinate cytoplasmic extensions of the neurons. CNS
microglia phagocytes
ependymal cells
Schwann cells myelinate the cytoplasmic extensions of the neurons
satellite cells
neuron basic functional unit of nervous tissue.
cell body structure that all neurons have; from which all slender processes of bodies extend.
dendrites receptive regions: bear receptors for neurotransmitters released by other neurons
axon generate and conduct nerve impulses.
axon hillock slightly enlarged cell body structure
axon terminal the axon ends in small structures, synaptic knobs
synaptic cleft tiny gap in between neurons, between the axon terminal of one neuron and the cell body or dendrites from another
myelin sheath fatty material that covers long nerve fibers
nodes of Ranvier indentations in the sheath
unipolar neurons 1 very short process. Divides into peripheral and central processes. only distal portion act as receptor endings
bipolar neurons 2 processes attached to the cell body. Rare. Receptor apparatus of the: eye, ear, olfactory mucosa.
multipolar neurons many processes issue from the cell body: all classified as dendrites except for a single axon.
sensory (afferent) neurons carry only sensory processes, conduct impulses only toward the CNS
motor (efferent) neurons ventral roots of spinal cord, carry only motor fibers
endoneurium connective tissue sheath that surrounds a nerve fiber
perineurium connective tissue that surrounds bundles of fibers (fascicles)
epineurium white, fibrous connective tissue sheath surrounding the nerve
central nervous system ID: brain, spinal cord FUNCTION: interpret incoming sensory info and issue instructions based on past experience.
peripheral nervous system (PNS) ID: cranial and spinal nerves, ganglia, sensory receptors FUNCTION:communication: carry impulses from sensory receptors to the CNS, from CNS to glands and muscles.
Created by: pammy7130
Popular Physiology sets




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