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OGT-SS Terms

Terms for use in the Social Studies OGT

The Federal Reserve The central Bank of the United States
Enlightenment 18th century intellectual movement that said government was in place to protect rights of people
Divine Right belief that monarchs were put in power by "God"
Absolute monarchy Monarchs have absolute power over people's rights, all laws, etc.
money supply amount of money in circulation in the US at any time
reserve requirement % of deposits banks must keep on hand and not lend out
inflation when prices keep rising faster than wages
Progressive Era the Progressives were reacting to all the abuses of industrialization in America; wanted to improve peoples' lives
legislation laws
command market when the Government is in control of what products are made by companies
market economy buyers choose what they want to purchase (supply and demand - iPhone)- not controlled by govt.
traditional economy usually found in small communities where things are produced and distributed the way they always have been - not many of these left
mixed economy mixture of all types of economies; most economies today are mixed
primary source information that is written or drawn by someone who was present when an event happened (most credible)
secondary source information written or drawn by someone who was NOT present when an event happened, but got the information from somewhere else
consequence effect, result of something
Homestead Act use to encourage settlement in the Great Plains, it offered free land to anyone who would live on it and farm it for 5 years
dictatorship government run by a dictator; usually acquires power/position by force (Fidel Castro)
industrialization developing industry in a country on a large scale
NOW National Organization for Women - sought for more rights (employment and voting) for women
freedom of enterprise Business governed by the laws of supply and demand , not restrained by government interference
common good what is good (or in the best interest) of the greater number of people
Marshall Plan large-scale program to send $$ to Europe to help rebuild after WWII (idea was to contain spread of Communism)
Truman Doctrine policy put in place by Harry Truman that said we would support (economically & with our military) those countries (Greece and Turkey) that didn't want to be taken over as long as they turned away from Communism
Cold War state of political conflict and military tension (but not actual war) between US and Soviet Union from 1947 - 1991
détente friendship
Arms Race period during the early Cold War when there was a competition between the US and Soviet Union to be first to create nuclear arms
Space Race During the Cold War, the time during which US and Soviet Union were rushing to be the first to put rockets into space
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization (block of countries who agree to defend each other in response to an attack by outside countries)
Warsaw Pact response to NATO - made up of 8 communist states in who agreed to defend each other in times of attack)
democracy a system of government by the whole population; officials are elected
theocracy a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God
Communism a society where all property is publicly owned and each person is paid according to needs and abilities
partition the division of a country into parts
apartheid a policy of racial segregation previously practiced in South Africa involving discrimination of non-whites
reunification to cause a group, party, state or sect to become unified again after being divided
NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
United Farm Workers (UFW) founded by Cesar Chavez in mid-60's; led non-violent protests for better wages and hours for Mexican workers
National Organization for Women (NOW) Founded in 1966 by Betty Friedan; wanted equal pay and job opportunities and attacked false images of women in the media
genocide the deliberate killing of a large group of people (usually of a particular ethnic group)
urban relating to a characteristic of a city or town
rural relation to a characteristic of the country, or countryside rather than a town
urbanization to make or become urban
suburbs an outlying district of a city, usually residential
tariff a tax or duty to be paid on imports or exports
trade deficit how much a country's imports exceeds its exports
quota a fixed number (or amount) of people or things
blockade the act of sealing off a place to prevent goods from coming in or going out
trade surplus the amount by which a country's exports exceeds the cost of its imports (making more money on products going out than paying for products coming in)
gross domestic product total value of goods produced (or services provided) in one year
Created by: dstreack
Popular History sets




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