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Final Exam

audacious adventurous; boldly daring; reckless
stagnant not active or alert; dull; lifeless; unmoving
vex irritate; annoy; provoke; worry
assuage make something unpleasant less severe calm
appease soothe relieve pacify by granting concessions
altruistic unselfish regard for others
aloof reserved in cool manner physically and emotionally distant
docile easily managed
depraved morally corrupt perverted
deter discourage prevent from happening stop
demagogue one who gains power by appealing to prejudice emotions
disdainful showing contempt or scorn for one reguarded as inferior
dogmatic rigidly fixed in opinion giving opinions authoritatively
deleterious having a harmful affect injurious in a subtle way
enervate drain energy of weaken
ingratiate to work oneself into the favor of another
infamous having an extremely bad reputation
incite move to action bring about
languish become weak or depressed exist in miserable conditions
misanthrope one who hates and or distrusts people
mollify calm one's anger soothe
nefarious evil vile sinister wicked
obsequious obedient or attentive in a ingratiating or servile manner
pariah social outcast
peevish ill tempered grouchy irritable
placate pacify by making concessions
pretentious showy putting on airs flaunting flashy
precocious unusually advanced at an early age
benefactor one who aids others by giving gifts especially money
carp to find fault in a disagreeable way complain constantly
clandestine held in or conducted in secrecy stealthy
cryptic having a hidden meaning secret
coerce to force to get somebody to obey
captious inclined to point out trivial faults intended to trap or confuse
fawning seeking favor by groveling boot-licking or flattery cringing
heretic one who rejects accepted belief (e.g. religion) a dissenter
hedonist one who loves solely for pleasure
raze to destroy completely demolish
resolute having firm determination unwavering adament
repress put down by force suppress willingly hold back restrain
sanction authoritative permission coercive measure penalty
surreptitious done in secrecy to avoid attention undercover
servile slavishly submissive or obsequious fawning
stymie stand in way of hinder
sycophant one who flatters the influential in hopes of getting favors
thwart prevent block frustrate foil
usurp to seize power and control
vindictive seeking revenge spiteful
xenophobe one who has a fear of foreigners or strangers
zealot fanatic follower of a cause
Created by: aligator
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