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68WM6 Ph 2 Test 1

a substance that inhibits the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, may be used on skin antiseptic
free of pathogenic organisms antisepsis
harbors a disease without showing signs of infection carrier
to make unsterileor unclean contaminate
chain of events necessary for an organism to survive, grow, multiply, and cause illness cycle of infection
chemical applied to objects to destroy microorganisms disinfectant
infection control practice of placing a bag of contaminated items into a clean bag held ooutside an isolation room double bagging
from within the body endogenous
from outside the body exogenous
inanimate object capable of carrying pathogens fomite
person, group, or animal that is susceptible to a disease or illness host
agent capable of causing disease or illness pathogen
policies and procedures to prevent the spread of disease within a hospital infection control
clean techniques to remove gross contamination medical asepsis
organism that can only be seen with the use of a microscope microorganism
avenue by which an organism leaves the reservoir mode of escape
an infection acquired in the hospital nonsocomial or hospital acquired
the place the organism needs to live in order to grow and multiply reservoir
allows bacteria to lay dormant until the environment becomes faborable to its growth spore
methods used to kill microorganisms sterilization
sterile technique surgical asepsis
living carrier of a pathogen (a mosquito, for example) vector
means by which organism is carried about vehicle
highly pathogenic or rapidly progressing condition virulent
signs and symptoms of localized infection redness, pain, loss of function, heat, swelling
signs and symptoms of a systemic infection headache, chills, fever
the 5 classes of pathogens bacteria, viruses, yeasts, fungi, protozoa
universal precaustions, or standard precautions, is based on the assumption that all bodily fluids are __________________ contaminated
factors that make a patient more susceptible to infection age, stress, nutrition, heredity, radiotion, chemotherapy, sex, economic status, disease history, lifestyle
the steps in the chain of infection causative agent, reservoir, portal of exit, mode of transmission, portal of entry, susceptible host
environmental factors that impact patient comfort temp, ventiltation, humidity, lighting, odor, noise, interior design, neatness, privacy, comfort
recommended range for room temperature 68-74
recommended range for room humidity 30-50
how often should a bed be changed? whenever it is dirty
who is responsible for the initial assessment on admission? RN
what can an LPN do related to nursing assessment assist with initial, conduct ongoing (shift to shift) and focused assessments
what are the 4 techniques of physical assessment inspection, auscultation, palpation, precussion
what are some special considerations when treating older adults fatigue, comfort, mental status, increased time required, patience
teaching topics related to preventive health physical exams, diagnostic tests, immunizations, cancer warning signs, self exams
form number for a discharge summary DA 3888-3
form number for an admission interview DA 3888
who is responsible for filling out the da 3888? RN
form number for nursing notes SF 510
body position with the entire body tilted so that the head is below the feet trendellenburg
body position lying on side, usually the left side sims or lateral position
body position in which patient rests face down with knees to chest and butt up in the air knee chest or genupectoral
common use for trendellenburg position to treat shock
common uses for sims position enema, rectal temp
common uses for genupectoral positon to relieve pressure on umbilical cord, to examine hemorrhoids
body position lying face down prone
body position lying flat and face up supine
body position commonly used for childbirth lithotomy
body position commonly used to insert a foley in a female dorsal recumbent
what angle should the back of the bed be at if you wish to place your patient in semi-fowlers 30 degrees
what angle should the back of the bed be at if you wish to place your patient in fowlers 45 degrees
nursing responsiblities when assisting a physician with a physical exam pass supplies, position patient, adjust lighting
what type of specimen would you need to collect for a urine culture and sensitivity? midstream or clean catch urine sample
how soon after the patient voids does catheterization need to be performed in order to measure residual urine 10 minutes
in order to test renal function and urine composition, such levels of adrenalcortical steroids, hormones, protein, and creatinine clearance what kind of specimen must be collected 24 hour urine
in order to determine the presence of intestinal infection, bleeding, and hemorrhage, what kind of sample should be collected stool specimen
in order to determine the presence of occult blood in the stool what kind of test should be performed guaiac
this test is used to determine the dresence of occult blood in gastric secretions or emesis gastroccult test
what is the best time to collect a sputum specimen morining
you would collect this type of sample in order to test for infection in a wound wound culture
xray using barium dye to visualize the colon barium enema
xray usuing dye to visualize the esophagus barium swallow
endoscopic visualization of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi bronchoscopy
xray film of pulmonary and cardiac systems chest xray
endoscopic examination of the colon from anus to cecum colonoscopy
endoscopic examination of the sigmoid colon sigmoidoscopy
noninvasive xray with contrast dye ct scan
direct endoscopic examination of the urethra and bladder cystoscopy
cultivation of cells in a special medium culture
study of cells cytology
ultrasound of the heart echocardiogram
graphic representation of the electrical impulses of the heart electrocardiogram
graphic recording of the electrical activity of the brain electroencephalogram
mucous, sputum or fluids expelled by coughing or spitting expectorate
substance used to preserve a specimen fixative
a fasting blood glucose is also called a glucose tolerance test
detects occult blood in feces hemoccult
xray with contrast dye for idneys, renal pelvis, ureters, and bladder intravenous pyelogram
needle placed in subarachnoid space to collect a sample of CSF lumbar puncture
insertion of needle into abdomen paracentesis
uring remaining in the bladder after voiding residual urine
lab test to determine the effectiveness of antibiotics against a certain organism sensitivity
xray films with contrast of the lower esophagus, stomach, and duodenum upper gastrointestinal series
routine tests on a urine spcimen unrinalysis
role of the lpn in specimen collection patient preparation, prepare supplies, patient care during and after procedure
a CBC includes WBC with differential, RBC, RBC indices, HGB, HCT, platelets, VPV, and blood smear
a basic metabolic panel includes bun, Ca, CO2, Cl, Creatinine, Glucose, Potassium, Sodium
what is BUN a measurement of urea nitrogen in the blood
what gland do abnormal blood calcium levels indicate a problem with parathyroid
a comprehensive metabolic panel includes a basic metabolic plus albumin, AST, Bilirubin, Alkaline phosphatase, and protein
a rise in this indicates an injury to muscels and nerve cells, freaquently rises following MI CPL, creatine phosphokinase
an increase in LDH-1 is indicative of MI
an increase in LDH-2 is indicative of reticuloendothelial injury
and increase in LDH-3 is indicative of lung injury
an increase in LDH-4 is indicative of kidney, placenta, or pancreas injury
and increase in LDH-5 is indicative of liver, straited muscle injury
the main lipid associated with atherosclerosis cholesterol
a lipid profile includes total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, VLDL
things that should be documented following the collection of a specimen for diagnostic labs date time, type of specimen, sent to lab, pt response and tolerance, any pt teaching conducted
four major components of body fliud water, electrolytes, nonelectrolytes, blood
average required fluid intake per day 2500 mL
minimum urine output needed per hour 30 mL
this type of fluid loss is measurable sensible (vomiting, diarrhea, urination)
this type of fluid loss is not measurable insensible (sweating, crying)
signs and symptoms of fluid loss weakness, dizziness, dark urine, increased pulse
causes of fluid excess iv infusion, disease processes (kidneys)
signs and symptoms of fluid excess weight gain, increased blood pressure, edema
nursing interventions for fluid loss monitor I&O, vital signs
nursing interventions for fluid excess monitor weight, lung sounds
the very young have a ________ composition of water than adults higher
the very old have a ___________ composition of water than young adults lower
high sodium level hypernatremia
signs and symptoms of hypernatremia dry mucus membranse, decreased urine output, increased tissue turgur
low sodium levels hyponatremia
signs and symptoms of hyponatremia headache, fatique, postural hypotension, muscle weakness
functions of sodium in homeostasis regulate water balance, muscle contractility
high potassium level hyperkalemia
signs and symptoms of hyperkalemia cardiac dysrrhythmia, numbness/tingling, muscle weakness
low potassium level hypokalemia
signs and symptoms of hypokalemia muscle cramps, decreased bowel sounds, anorexia, nausea/vomiting, cadiac deysrhythmia
function of potassium in homeostasis intracellular water and electrolyte balance, helps regulate hydrogen ion concentation
function of chloride in homeostasis forms HCl in stomach, helps regulate osmotic pressure, functions in acid/base balance
high level of calcium hypercalcemia
signs and symptoms of hypercalcemia thirst, polyuria, decreased muscle tone, lethargy, decreased reflexes, decreased GI mobility
low level of calcium hypocalcemia
signs and symptoms of hypocalcemia tingling, muscle spasm, Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increased reflexes
function of calcium in homeostasis bones/teeth, functions in blood clotting, formatioin of cell membranes
function of phosphorus in homeostasis bones/teeth, acts as an acid/base buffer
function of magnesium in homeostasis enzyme activation, regulation of calcium, phosphate, and potassium
function of bicarbonate in homeostasis acid/base balance
fat has a _________ percentage of water than muscle lower
normal blood pH 7.35 to 7.45
normal blood PaCO2 35-45 mmHg
normal blood PO2 80-100 mmHg
normal blood HCO3 22-26 mEq/L
decreased pH along with increased PaCO2 would indicate respiratory acidosis
decreased pH along with decreased HCO3 would indicate metabolic acidosis
increased pH along with decreased PaCO2 would indicate respiratory alkalosis
increased pH along with increased HCO3 would indicate metabolic alkalosis
blood acidity not compatible with life <6.8 pH
blood alkalinity not compatible with live >7.8 pH
the energy source for active transport ATP
active transport is different from passive because it requires __________ energy
diffusion, osmosis, and filtration are all examples of ________ transport passive
some osmotic pressure as blood isotonic
higher osmotic pressure than blood hypertonic
lower osmotic pressure than blood hypotonic
the fluid inside cells, contains 2/3 of the water in the body intracellular compartment
the fluid outside cells, contains 1.3 of the water in the body extracellular
this portion of the extracellular compartment refers to the water between cells interstitial
this portion of the extracellular compartment refers to the water within vessels intravascular
entry of a patient into health care facility admission
agency that provides health care health care facility
ability to share emotions and state of mind of another empath
produces by admitting department as means of patient identifcation ID band
moving a atient from one unit to another transfer
process of planning for patient care after discharge discharge planning
this refers to a patient leaving without physicians order for discharge AMA, against medical advice
LPN responsibilities on admission prepare room, great/orient patient, get patient history, collect valuables, perform assessment, protect safety, prioritize care
LPN responsibilities on transfer check orders, inform patient/family, notify receiving unit, gather belongings, assist with transport, DOCUMENT!
where do the copies of the 3888-3 go inpatient record, patient, outpatient record
the form used to document a patient leaving against medical advice 5009-R
most abundant electrolyte in the body sodium
dominant intracellular cation potassium
chief anion of interstitial and intravascular fluid chloride
contraction of facial muscles in response to light tap in front of ear chvostek's sign
carpal spasm induced by BP cuff inflated for a few minutes Trousseau's sign
trousseau's and chvostek's signn are indicative of hypocalcemia
the body's three main systems to regulate acid/base balance blood buffers, respiratory buffer, renal buffer
who is responsible for declaring death physician
what should be documented in the event of a patient being declared dead time, decription of therapies and actions taken
what are some common post-mortem changes lowering of body temperature, muscular rigidity (rigor mortis), purple discoloration (livor mortis), decomposition
Created by: ewoff85
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