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CNA Vocabulary & Abbreviations

process which kills all microorganisms sterilization
conditions caused by the growth of pathogens infections
OBRA Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
act of 1987 is a federal law that regulates nursing facilities OBRA
an occurence or event that interrupts normal procedures or precipitates a crisis incident
an unexpected or undesirable event accident
PASS Pull Aim Squeeze Sweep
RACE Rescue Alarm Contain Evacuate
requires that the FDA be notified of any death or serious injury caused by any type of medical device such as restraints and mechanical lifts The Safe Medical Device Act of 1991
Prohibits carrying a concealed weapon in a hospital, nursing home, or other health care facility The Texas Concealed Handgun Law
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
is mandated by the goverment to protect the employee OSHA
3 types of transmission-based isolation precautions airborne contact droplet
no heart beat asystole
term used to describe a person with diaphoresis diaphoretic
no respirations apnea
pressure sore-bedsore decubitus
joint becomes fixed in position contracture
swelling due to excessive fluid retention edema
swelling due to infection or injury inflammation
unable to restrain a natural discharge(as of urine) from the body incontinent
vomit emesis
urine void
bowel movement, stool feces
substance expelled by coughing or clearing throat, phlegm sputum
secretion from gallbladder bile
tube from larynx (voice box) to bronchial tubes trach/trachea
tube insterted through the nose into the stomach, usually to feed nasogastric tube
tube placed into the jejunum (small intestines) for feeding jejunostomy
tube placed in abdominal wall into stomach for feeding gastrostomy
surgically formed artificial opening into the body from the outside ostomy
shrink atrophy
fluids of the body secretions
aspirations anything in the lung other than air, usually by accident
sweating diaphoresis
small bone at the base of the spinal cord (tailbone) coccyx
arm pit axilla
butt buttocks gluteus maximus
private area perineal area
artificial formation of a connection between two portions of the colon colostomy
monitor placed on finger to monitor saturation of oxygen in blood and pulse rate pulse ox
machine that delivers and monitors amount of formula instilled into a patient feeding pump
machine that delivers oxygen to patient instead of using oxygen tanks by face mask orr nasal cannula oxygen concentrator
SVN(small volume nebulizer) machine to deliver medication to lungs by areosol nebulizer
pertaining to lungs pulmonary
pertaining to stomach/intestines digestive
pertaining to intestines intestinal
the absence of pathogens medical asepsis
microorganisms capable of causing disease pathogens
method used in health care facilities to prevent the spread of pathogens infection control
ac before meals
adl activities of daily living
c/o complaint of
cbr complete bed rest
wt weight
npo nothing by mouth
po by mouth
qd every day
qhs every hour of sleep
qid 4 times a day
r rectal
tpr temp pulse respiration
v/s vital signs
bid twice a day
per by
q2h every 2 hours
amb ambulate (to walk)
b/p blood pressure
d/c discontinue
hs hour of sleep
I & O intake and output
O2 oxygen
prn whenever necessary-as needed
qh every hour
q3h every 3 hours
tid 3 times a day
ax auxiliary (underarm)
sob shortness of breath
stat immediately
rm room
fob foot of bed
B bowel and bladder
bm bowel movement-feces
cc/ml cubic centimeters/milliliters
ht height
oob out of bed
pc after meals
qod every other day
q4h every 4 hours
q every
o oral
qs quantity sufficient
w/c wheelchair
ROM range of motion
CNA certified nursing assistance
hob head of bed
PROM passive range of motion
AROM active range of motion
fbs fasting blood sugar
cva (stroke) cerebral vascular accident
ou both eyes
od right eye
os left eye
brp bathroom privileges
nas no added salt
nc nasal cannula
lcs low concentrated sweets
cpr cardio pulmonary resuscitation
gtt drop
gtts drops
↓NA low sodium
_ c with
_ s without
ble bilateral lower extremities
bue bilateral upper extremities
aka above knee amputation
lle left lower extremity
rle right lower extremity
rue right upper extremity
lue left upper extemity
rll right lower lobe
lll left lower lobe
rul right upper lobe
lul left upper lobe
pt physical therapy
ot occupational therapy
st speech therapy
res resident
tia transient ischemic attack
_ a before
_ p after
lvn licensed vocational nurse
lpn licensed practical nurse
pt/pt patient
s/r side rails
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
↓ down
↑ up
Created by: coffeecake49
Popular Nursing sets




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