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Latin 1 Final

aqua, aquae water
insula, insulae island
silva, silvae forest
via, viae road
est is
sunt are
sed but
fama, famae fame, report
familia, familiae family
fortuna, fortunae fortune, luck
puella, puellae girl
terra, terrae land, earth
vita, vitae life
durus, dura, durum hard
magnus, magna, magnum great
parvus, parva, parvum small
agricola, agricolae farmer
amo, amare, amavi, amatus to love, to like
laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratus to work
paro, parare, paravi, paratus to prepare, to get ready
porto, portare, portavi, portatus to carry
specto, spectare, spectavi, spectatus to watch, to look at
salve, salvete hello
vale, valete good
carrus, carri cart, wagon
equus, equi horse
servus, servi slave, servant
malus, mala, malum bad
laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatus to praise
nunc now
ubi where
cibus, cibi food
copia, copiae supply, abundance
cura, curae care, concern
forma, formae shape
numerus, numeri number
regina, reginae queen
antiquus, antiqua, antiquum old, ancient
clarus, clara, clarum clear, famous
planus, plana, planum level
Romanus, Romana, Romanum Roman
etiam even also
postea afterwards
nauta, nautae sailor
pecunia, pecuniae money
unda, undae wave
totus, tota, totum whole, all
navigo, navigare, navigavi, navigatus to sail
cras tomorrow
tum then
ad to, towards, near
cum with
sine without
amicus, amici friend
dominus, domini master
femina, feminae woman
littera, litterae letter, epistle
praeda, praedae loot, booty
pupa, pupae doll
amicus, amica, amicum friendly
beatus, beata, beatum happy, blessed
gratus, grata, gratum pleasing, grateful
celebro, celebrare, celebravi, celebratus to celebrate, to honor
dono, donare, donavi, donatus to give, to present
mando, mandare, mandavi, mandatus to entrust
monstro, monstrare, monstravi, monstratus to point out, to show
nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatus to announce, to report
probo, probare, probavi, probatus to test, to prove, to approve
animus, animi soul, courage, mind
gladius, gladi sword
iniuria, iniuriae injustice, wrong, injury
memoria, memoriae memory
poena, poenae punishment, penalty
provincia, provinciae province
pugna, pugnae fight, battle
victoria, victoriae victory
incito, incitare, incitavi, incitatus to urge on, to arouse
occupo, occupare, occupavi, occupatus to seize
pugno, pugnare, pugnavi, pugnatus to fight
servo, servare, servavi, servatus to save, to guard
ager, agri field
casa, casae house
filia, filiae daughter
hora, horae hour
puer, pueri boy
vir, viri man
ignavus, ignava, ignavum lazy
saucius, saucia, saucium wounded, hurt
adiuvo, adiuvare, adiuvavi, adiuvatus to help
exclamo, exclamare, exclamavi, exclamatus to shout
festino, festinare, festinavi, festinatus to hurry
nato, natare, natavi, natatus to swim
hodie today
semper always
disciplina, disciplinae training, instruction, discipline
discipulus, discipuli student
lingua, linguae language, tongue
magister, magistri (male) teacher
magistra, magistrae (female) teacher
patria, patriae fatherland, country
augeo, augere, auxi, auctus to increase
doceo, docere, docui, doctus to teach
habeo, habere, habui, habitus to have, to hold
terreo, terrere, terrui, territus to scare, to frighten
primo at first
amicitia, amicitiae friendship
annus, anni year
castra, castrorum camp
consilium, consili plan, advice
frumentum, frumenti grain
gloria, gloriae glory
gratia, gratiae gratitude, influence
materia, materiae matter, timber
praemium, praemi reward
signum, signi sign
maneo, manere, mansi, mansurus to remain
video, videre, vidi, visus to see
ibi there
socius, soci ally, comrade
altus, alta, altum high, deep
barbarus, barbara, barbarum foreign
ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatus to walk
evoco, evocare, evocavi, evocatus to summon, to call out
libero, liberare,liberavi, liberatus to free
mereo, merere, merui, meritus to deserve, to earn
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentus to hold, to keep
cur why
captivus, captivi prisoner
cena, cenae dinner
medicus, medici doctor
mensa, mensae table
singuli, singulae, singula one at a time
moveo, movere, movi, motus to move
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus to call
a, ab + ablative from, away from
de + ablative from, down from, about
e, ex + ablative from, out from, out of
colonus, coloni settler
filius, fili son
liber, libera, liberum free
sacer, sacra, sacrum sacred
habito, habitare, habitavi, habitatus to live
migro, migrare, migravi, migratus to depart
sum, esse, fui to be
arma, armorum arms, weapons
auxilium, auxilii aid, help
bellum, belli war
concordia, concordiae harmony
nuntius, nuntii messenger
officium, officii duty, office
debeo, debere, debui, debitus to ought, to owe
maturo, maturare, maturavi, maturatus to hasten
causa, causae cause, reason, case
oppidum, oppidi city, town
populus, populi people
aequus, aequa, aequum even, just, calm
latus, lata, latum wide
publicus, publica, publicum public
verus, vera, verum true
vester, vestra, vestrum your (pl.)
quis who?
quid what?
accedo, accedere, accessi, accessus to approach
ago, agere, egi, actus to do, to drive, to discuss, to live, to spend time
cedo, cedere, cessi, cessus to move, to retreat, to yield
defendo, defendere, defendi, defensus to defend
excedo, excedere, excessi, excessus to depart
expecto, expectare, expectavi, expectatus to look out for, to await
mitto, mittere, misi, missus to let go, to send
pono, ponere, posui, positus to put, to place
templum, templi temple
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum beautiful
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptus to receive
capio, capere, cepi, captus to take, to seize
facio, facere, feci, factus to do, to make
invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus to find, to come upon
munio, munire, munivi, munitus to fortify
rego, regere, rexi, rectus to rule, to reign, to guide
venio, venire, veni, ventus to come
ubi Where
firmus strong
perpetuus constant
afficio affect
gero carry on
incipio begin
cum with
liber, libri book
verbum, verbi word
plenus, plena, plenum full
tardus, tarda, tardum late
audio, audire, audivi, auditus hear
contineo, continere, continui, contentus contain
traho, trahere, traxi, tractus draw
sententia, ae
medius, a, um middle
convenio, convenire, conveni, conventurus come together
convovo, convocare, convocavi, convocatus call together
reduco, reducere, reduxi, reductus lead back
gratias ago thank
gratiam habeo feel grateful
vitam ago live a life
bellum gero wage war
castra pono pitch camp
viam munio build a road
verba facio speak
memoria teneo remember
consilium capio adopt a plan
Created by: elisfkc
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