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B 11 Forces

B 11 forces

Important note this study guide is based on the book and will be updated!
Force a push or a pull
Net force the combination of forces acting on an object
Balanced forces cancel and do not cause an object to move.
Unbalanced force do not cancel and the object moves
Newton’s first law if there is no net force acting on an object it will remain still, if it is in motion it will remain in motion (an object at rest stays at rest, and object in motion remains in motion)
Friction a force that acts to resist sliding. Stops most objects in motion.
Acceleration equals net force/ mass or fnet/m
Newton’s second law of motion an object acted upon will accelerate in the direction of the force. Uses the formula a=fnet/m
Newton’s third law of motion forces act in equal, but opposite pairs. (equal, but opposite reactions)
Action reaction forces do not cancel because they act on different objects
Gravity the force between any two objects with mass.
Air resistance a form of friction that acts to slow down any object moving in air.
An open parachute reduces air resistance
Static friction prevents an object from moving when a force is applied. The example is moving a refrigerator.
Sliding friction slows down an object that slides (think of pushing a chair and how you have to keep applying force)
Rolling friction what makes a tire of wheel turn. (bikes, skate boards, why a wagon makes things easier to move than just pushing.
Unit of force Newton or N this equals 1kg time m/s2
Study suggestion one Read over the chapter. Think about each of the examples
Study suggestions two After you read an example, try to think of one of your own
Study suggestion three Study notes and worksheets
Study suggestion four review the labs. Make a list and connect the ideas to them
a force is a push or a pull
Unbalanced forces the net force does not equal zero. The object will move
Newton's first law an object at rest or moving in a STRAIGHT line will continue to do so until a net force acts upon it.
net force is the total force felt by an object
This type of fiction lets you ride a bake without skidding and falling rolling friction
Gravity is a force that exsists between any two objects with mass
You push against a wall with a force of 15 N. What is the force the wall exerts on your hand 15 N
Newton's third law For every action there is an equal by opposite reaction
The time for an acation- reaction situation is instantaneous
You hit a wall with a stick. What is the equal but opposite reaction? the wall pushes against the stick
Friction the rubbing force that acts against motion between 2 touching surfaces
Balanced forces cancel each other out and do not cause a change in motion
terminal velocity when air resistance and gravity are balanced
normal force the outward force from an object
using brakes is an example of sliding friction
to know how a force will affect an object, you need to know the direction
If you walk on a bridge, what force keeps it from breaking? normal force
gravitational force near the surface of the earth is 9.8m/s2
If a net force acts at an angle to the direction of an object, the object will curve. (Plate experiment)
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