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English Final Review

Sonnet 14-lined poem usually written in iambic pentameter
Italian (Petarchan) octave (abbaabba) + sestet (cdecde OR cdcdcd)
English (Shakespearean) quatrains (abab cdcd efef) + couplet (gg)
What is usu. presented in sonnets? A problem or question; presented in the octave
What is the turn?? Where the question or problem is answered or solved.
Sonnet 75 (author) Edmund Spenser
Sonnet 75 (literary devices) Paradox- an apparent contradiction that is somehow true; the people are mortal but their love is immortal because we are still reading about them.
Sonnet 29 (author) William Shakespeare
Sonnet 29 (literary devices) About ridding the ugly emotions for love; personifies fortune because he is unfavored by other people AND fortune
Sonnet 130 (author) William Shakespeare
Sonnet 130 (literary devices) talks about how he can be honest in his relationship, makes it special; average mistress but she's special to him; her breasts are brown because works outside
Hamlet Prince of Denmark; 1100 AD
Satire a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn in order to bring about change
William Blake Saw visions and devoted his life to worshiping God with his poetry and art; believed that every object and event on earth had a mystical or spiritual meaning
When the stars threw down their spears And watered heaven with their tears refernce to the angels who fell with Satan (St. Lucifer) and threw down their spears after losing the war with heaven
"The Tyger" William Blake
"The Lamb" William Blake
Intimation A Vague Sense
"from Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood" William Wordsworth
"She Walks in Beauty" George Gordon, Lord Byron
"When I Have Fears" John Keats
Created by: NotecardNerd
Popular Welsh sets




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