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Focus On L2 (25~38)


733.throat (n) 咽喉,喉嚨I have a sore(疼痛的)throat.I may have got a cold.
734.stomach (n) 胃,腹部Don't do vigorous(激烈的)exercise on a full stomach.
735.environment (n) 環境Children need a happy home environment.
736.male (n)(adj) (n)男子,雄性動物Males are more aggressive(好鬥的)than females. (adj)雄性的,男的Most of my colleagues(同事) are male.
737.string (n) (1)細繩I need a string to tie the parcel(小包)up. (2)弦The violin is a string instrument.小提琴是弦樂器 (3)一連串Drive with care.A string of accidents have happened at that curve(彎道). (n) 博物館,展覽館That science museum is worth visiting. (n)(v) (n)現金I will pay in cash. (v)兌換現金Where can I cash this cheque(支票)?
740.tongue (n) (1)舌頭Hold your tongue(),or you'll regret. (2)說話方式或能力She has such a bitter tongue that nobody likes her. (3)語言My mother tongue is Spanish.
741.vacation (n) (n)休假I'll be on vacation for the next two weeks.
742.humor (n) XX1.幽默感Jay is a fun person.He has a good sense of humor.2.心情My boss is in no humor to talk to you right now.
743.tour (n,v) 旅遊1.I made a tour of China last year.2.I'll tour India this year.
744.comfortable (adj) 舒適的This bed is very comfortable.
745.shock (n)(v) 1.震動Earthquake shocks are often felt in Taiwan. 2.衝擊,震驚The news of his death was a shock of us. 3.使震驚I am shock at/by her rudeness.
746.nod (v) 1.點頭He nodded in agreement. 2.打瞌睡I nodded off in class and didn't hear what the teacher said.
747.temple (n) 1.廟,寺The monks are chanting inside the temple. 2.太陽穴
748.clown (n) 小丑He was the most famous circus clown of his time.
749.insect (n) 昆蟲The bee is a diligent insect.
750.favorite (n,adj) 特別受到喜愛的人或物Coke is my favorite (drink).
751.pose (v) 1.擺姿勢After the wedding, we all posed for photographs. 2.引起,造成Heavy traffic poses a problem in the city center.
752.passenger (n) 旅客This bus carried 50 passengers.
753.pray (v) 祈禱We prayed to God that we would defeat our enemies.
754.coal (n) 煤,木炭A hot coal fell out of the fire and burned the carpet.
755.brush (n)(v) (n)刷子,毛筆,畫筆,刷乾淨My shoes need a good brush.They're dirty. (v)刷,撫拭I'm going to brush my teeth after the meal.
756.drag (v) 拖拉,緩慢而費力的移動Every morning I drag myself out of bed, still half asleep.
757.beg (v) 1.乞討 The beggar begged money from people passing by. 2.懇求 I beg that both of you will stop yelling at each other like that.
758.unfortunately (adv) 不幸地;遺憾地 Unfortunately,our team lost.
759.tip (n)(v) (n)1.尖端 The boy burned the tips of his fingers while playing with fire. 2.小費 I left the waiter a tip on the table. 3.訣竅 Here's a tip on/for healthy eating. (v)1.傾斜;翻覆 Careful! You'll tip the boat over. 2.給小費 Did you tip the waiter?
760.cross (n) 1.X.十字型 I drew a cross on the map to show where our house is. 2.十字型 She wears a small gold cross on a chain(鏈子) around her neck.
761.decorate (v) 裝飾 The entrance hall was decorated with flowers.
762.fault (n) 1.缺點;缺陷 Everyone has faults, and I am no exception(例外). 2.過失;過錯 "Who broke the cup?" "It's my fault, I dropped it."
763.courage (n) 勇氣 It took real courage to get into the burning building.
764.debate (n,v) 辯論 1.Politicians are debating the tax-cut issue(議題). 2.An open debate on/about gun-control is going on.
765.lower (v) 1.降下 I lowered a bucket(水桶) into the well(井) to get some water. 2.減低 We have to lower our expenses(開支) in times of high inflation(通貨膨脹). 3.貶低 Don't lower yourself by taking bribes(賄賂).
766.triangle (n) 三角形;(男女間)三角關係 The plot(情節) of this movie centers around a love triangle.
767.fee (n) (給律師,醫師等的)服務費;學費;會費;入場費 Not able to afford(付得起) private school fees, I am attending a public school.
768.cotton (n) 棉 This shirt is made of cotton. (v)(n) (v)連接,結合;聯繫 The road links all the new towns. (n)環節;關係;連接物 Is there a link between smoking and lung diseases?
770.prince (n) princess (n) 王子;公主 The prince was enchanted(著迷) by the charming smile of the princess.
771.tank (n) 1.坦克戰車 Our infantry(步兵) is supported by tanks. 2.(水,油,氣)貯存槽 Every apartment building has a water tank on its roof.
772.ceiling (n) 天花板 The new house has a very high ceiling.
773.pot (n) 罐;壺;鍋;(花)盆 Won't you join me for a pot of tea?
774.slide (v)(n) (v)滑行;滑動 The runner slid into second base.(n)1.滑動;下滑 There's a slide in the land prices. 2.滑梯 Playground slides are built for children to play on. 3.幻燈片 Let me show you the slides of our holiday.
775.spring (v) 1.彈跳,跳躍 He sprang to his feet and rushed out of the room. 2.突然出現,湧現 New businesses are springing up these days.
776.crop (n) 1.作物 Rice is our main crop. 2.收成 We get two crops of rice a year.
777.subject (n) 1.主題,話題 I'm tired of politics. Let's change a subject. 2.學科 Math is my best subject at school.
778.subject (adj) 易遭受的易患的The weak little boy is subject to cold 受制於...的易受...約束的All citizens in this nation are subject to the law.
779.liquid (n) 液體Oil, milk, water are all liquids.
780.damage (n/v) 損害 1. The typhoon caused/did great damage to the crops. 2. The heavy rain damaged the crops.
781.attraction (n) 吸引力,吸引人的事物 Work has little attraction for me.
782.assistant (n) 助手;助理;店員To finish this work, I'll need a assistant.
783.arrest (v/n) 逮捕A man was arrested for theft. He's now under arrest
784.exact (adj) exactly (adv) 確切,精確無誤的 It's difficult to tell her exact age. Your answer is exactly right. Our new house is nice, exactly what we've always wanted.
785.pile (v/n) (v)堆積一堆 The books are piled high on my desk. (n)一堆 I've got a pile of dirty clothes to wash.
786.potato (n) 馬鈴薯 Let's have roast potatoes for dinner.
787.greet (v) 問候;招呼She greeted me with nod and smiles.
788.climate (n) 氣候The climate of Taiwan is semi-tropical
789.boil (v) 沸騰;用水煮 The water is boiling.//I had a boiled egg for breakfast.
790.joint (n/adj) 接合點,接頭關節 The pipe was rusted at the joint. He suffers from arthritis in his leg joints. 聯合的 By their joint efforts, they completed the difficult task on time.
791.melody (n) 旋律曲調 He's playing an old Irish melody on his flute.
792.pitch (n/v) 投球音高 His first pitch went wide. Her voice dropped to a lower pitch. 投擲搭(帳篷) if you pitch too short, the ball can be hit easily. We pitched a tent by the river.
793.mirror (n) 鏡子反映 She saw in her mirror that a police man was following her. His novel is a mirror of the times.
794.detect (v) 察覺 I detect some anger in her voice. Did I rub her the wrong way?
795.trap (n/v) 陷阱the hunter set traps to catch foxes. 設陷阱捕捉 A fox was trapped in the net.
796.naked (adj) 赤裸的 She came by the door naked except for a towel.
797.flood (n/v) 水災 The flood in that area left 3000 people homeless. 淹沒氾濫 The stream burst its banks and flooded the whole village.
798.planet (n) 行星 The Earth is one of the planets of our solar system(太陽系).
799.altogether(adv) 1.完全 I am altogether on your side in this matter. 2.合計 He spent $500 altogether. 3.總括而言 Altogether, this is a good trip.
800.dull(adj) 1.乏味的 Life is never dull in the city. 2.(天氣)陰沉的 It's dull and cloudy today. 3.愚鈍的 That boy is pretty dull. 4.隱約感覺的 If you feel a dull pain in the chest(胸口), you should see a doctor.
801.brick(n) 磚塊 The old house was built of red brick.
802.desert(n)(v) (n)沙漠 Nobody would want to live in the desert. (v)遺棄 He deserted his wife and family for another woman.
803.custom(n) 習俗 The celebration of Christmas is a custom.
804.nut(n) 1.堅果 I love chocolate with fruit and nuts. 2.難對付的事 The final exam is a hard nut to crack. 3.瘋子 He drives like a nut.
805.skilled(adj) 有技巧的 Skilled workers are hard to find in this area.
806.comb(n,v) (n)梳子;梳理(v)梳理 I use a comb to comb my hair.
807.organ(n) 1.器官 The heart is one fo the body's vital(極為重要的)organs. 2.管風琴,風琴 Can you play the organ?
808.bundle(n) 1.捆,卷,束;包裹 Jim sent me a large bundle on my birthday. 2.大批,大量 Dad found a bundle of spelling mistakes in my composition(作文).
809.neighbor(v) 與...為鄰 Our farm neighbors on a forest.
810.basement(n) 地下室;地下層 She lives in a basement apartment.
811.beef(n) 牛肉 I had beef noodles for lunch today.
812.classic(adj)(n) (adj)一流的 The film is a classic romance(愛情故事). 2.(n)經典之作 War and Peace is a literary(文學上的)classic.
813.mate(n)(v) (n)1.配偶 The widow mourned(哀悼)(for) her dead mate. 2.伙伴;同事 My office mates are throwing a welcome party for the newcomers. (v)交配;使交配 Birds mate in the spring.
814.honey(n) 蜂蜜 Honey is sweet, but the bee stings(叮).
815.mosquito(n) 蚊子 The boy was badly bitten by mosquitoes.
816.pipe(n) 1.輸送管 The workers are laying(鋪設)water pipes under the road. 2.煙斗 His father is a pipe-smoker.
817.generous(adj) 1.慷慨的 He's generous with his money and in giving help. 2.寬宏大量的 Try to be generous in your judgment of others.
818.gentle(adj) 溫和的;和善的 She is very gentle with her horse.
819.flash(n)(v) (n)1.閃光;閃現 There was a flash of lightning(閃電)a moment ago. 2.(照相機的)閃光燈 Most cameras now have a built-in(內置的)flash. (v)1.熠熠發光 Lighthouses flash at night. 2.閃現;掠過 A good idea just flashed through/across/into my mind.
820Certain(adj) Uncertain(adj) 1. 確定的 It’s fox , not a wolf . I’m certain of that. 2. 某個;某些Certain plants will not grow in this country. 不確定的I’m uncertain what time he’s coming.
821Calm(adj)(v) 1. 鎮靜的You most try to stay calm in times of crisis. 2. 無風(浪)的;平靜的The high wind passed , and the sea was calm again. (v)(使)鎮定;(使)冷靜It is difficult to calm down the football fans.
822palm(n) 1. 手掌(心)She held the bird gently in the palm of her hand. 2. 棕櫚(樹)Palms grow in hot countries
823shell(n) 1. 殼Peanuts(花生) have shells. 2. 貝殼I love collect shells on the beach.
824Necklace(n) 項鍊The girl is wearing a necklace of silver.
825lightning(n) 閃電The little boy is afraid of thunder and lightning.
826Forgive(v) 原諒;寬恕Please forgive me for being rude.
827Café(n) 小餐館;咖啡店We went into the café for coffee and dessert.
828Puzzle(v)(n) (v)1. 使困惑What puzzle me is why they didn’t show up. 2. 苦思He is puzzle about/over the easiest way to cross the mountain. (n)1. 謎;難題I like to do jigsaw puzzles(拼圖遊戲). 2. 困惑I’m in the puzzle as how to cope with the new situation.
829Multiply(v) 1. 乘3 multiply by 5 is 15. 2. 增加As we climbed up the mountain , the danger multiply. 3. 繁殖When animals have more food , they generally multiply faster.
830Toe(n) 腳趾;腳尖There is the hole in the toe of my sock.
831Kingdom(n) 王國A kingdom may be ruled over(統治)by a queen.
832Neat(adj) 整潔的;工整的He always keeps his desk neat , but mine is a mass.
833Package(n)(v) (n)包裹I’ve just got the package . I haven’t opened it yet. (v)包裝Their products are always attractively packaged.
834Dawn(n)(v) (n)黎明We’ll start off at dawn. (v)1. 破曉;露出曙光A new era of peace is down.一個新的和平的時代即將來臨。 2. 逐漸明白It just dawned on me that she’s my next-door neighbor.
835Pronounce(v) 發音Some English words are herd to pronounce.
836Beard(n) 山羊鬍The man with a beard looks familiar.
837Giant(n)(adj) (n)巨人;巨物Microsoft is a giant in the software industry(軟體產業). (adj)巨大的A giant photograph of the signer hangs in the hall.
838Sidewalk(n) 人行道He stopped his car just off the sidewalk.
839Instant(n)(adj) Instantly(adv) (n)頃刻;瞬間An instant later , the bomb went off(爆炸). (adj)立即的Her latest films is an instant success. (adv)立即地he came to my help instantly when I needed it.
840whisper (v.n)低語 耳語stop whispering!it's rude to talk in whisper.
841 omit 遺漏 刪去 the typisp omitted the last line of the letter.
842debt 債it's much easier to get into debt than to get out of debt.
843chin 下巴keep your chin up in difficult circumstances.
844trick 1詭計花招he got the money from me by a trick. 2.惡作劇the kid played a trick on his teacher. 3,戲法no one knows how he did the card trick. 4(v)耍了,欺騙 he tricked me into giving him money.
845candle 蠟燭blowing out the candle,she went to bed.
846lid put tje lid on the pan and let the corn pop for a while.
847pin 大頭針it is so quiet that you can hear a pin fall.
848photography (n)照片you look younger than you did in tje photography. (v)為....拍照let's photogrsphy the model.
849swallow (v)吞chew your food slowly before your swallow it. (n)燕子one swallow doesn'tmake a summer.
850festival christmas is animportmant christian festival.
851hop (v.n)(人)單足跳,(青蛙,鳥)齊足跳1she hopped to her car because she had hurt her foot.
852lane (n)小巷,小路we walked down a muddy lane to the farm. 車道線道A four-lane highway connects the two cities.
853curtain 窗簾,(舞台)布幕Could you draw the curtains,please?
854quit (v)退出,放棄It;s good for you to quit smoking.
855hip 臀部屁股He stared at me angrily with his hands on his hip.
856frank (adj)坦率的To be frank with you,you work needs to improve.
857obey 服從,遵行You should obey the rules when you play the game.
858cart (n)(二輪或四輪農用貨運貨用的)獸力車,手推車 the cart was drawn by two horses.
859wound (v)擊傷,打傷,傷害The soldier was wounded in teh arm.
860magic magician魔術師,巫師 adj有魔力的There;s no magic formula for instant success. n魔法,魔力The magician is going to perform magic at the party.
861rock rocky (v)使搖晃,搖動The earthquake rocked the houses. (adj)1.岩石的,堅如磐石的We drove carefully up the rocky hill. 2,不穩的,障礙重重的After the program,the firm faces a rocky road ahead.
862excuse n辯解Lgnorance is no excuse for breaking.
863.nail(n)(v) (n)釘子Hammering a nail into the wall,he hung a picture on it. (v)釘牢He nailed the picture to the wall.
864.calendar(n) 日曆.曆法Today is her birthday in the solar calendar.
865.fever(n) 發燒He is sick in bed with a fever.
866.stamp(v) 蓋章於He stamped his name on all his books. 跺(腳)She stamped her feet in anger.
867.costly(adj) 昂貴的It would be too costly to replace all the furniture. 代價高的His giving up the plan proved a costly mistake.
868.match(v)(n) (v)敵得過.比得上His latest film doesn't match his previous ones. 和...相配The color of the shirt does not match that of the tie. (n)比賽Who won the football match? 火柴I struck a match to build a fire. 可匹敵者.相配物He is no match for me in tennis.
869.tent(n) 帳篷Tents are used by campers and by soldiers in the field.
870.carpet(n) 地毯The floor is covered with a carpet.
871.praise(v)(n) 讚美.歌頌(v)The publishers praised his latest novel highly. (n)His latest novel is worthy of praise.
872.button(n) 鈕扣One of the buttons on my jacket has come off. 按鈕I pushed the botton to turn on the light.
873.flour(n) 麵粉Bread is made from flour.
874.stove(n) 火爐.爐灶He's making soup on a gas stove.
875.cancel(v) 刪去.取消She cancelled her order of a new car.
876.purse(n) 錢包She carried her purse in her handbag. (v)打賭I bet him ten dollars that we would win the next game. 敢斷定I bet(that)it'll rain tomorrow. (n)賭注.打賭I lost the bet. 點She watched the train until it was only a dot in the distance.
879.log(n) 原木.木料The cabin was built of iogs. 航海或飛行日誌The shipwreck was described in details in the log.
880.refrigerator(n) 冰箱There's some milk left in the refrigerator.
881.humble(adj) 謙恭的Many great people are humble. (身分.地位)卑微的He is of humble birth. 粗糙的.簡陋的The woodcutter lives in a humble cottage.
882.alarm(n)(v) (n)警報On seeing the smoke,the doorkeeper sounded the alarm. 驚慌"What's up?"we all asked in alarm. (v)使驚慌.使驚覺Don't be alarmed.I am no robber.
883.lap(n)(v) (n)坐著時大腿朝上部份Her little girl loves sitting on her lap. (v)(水.波浪等)輕拍I hear ripples lapping against the boat.
884 waist(n) 腰 She meatures 23 inches around the waist.
885.balcony(n) 陽台 You cam see the sea from our balcony. (劇場的)包廂;(戲院)樓聽 Our seats are in the first row of the balcony.
886.anyhow anyway(adv) 不管怎樣,反正 It may snow,but we shall go anyway. It sound crazy,but I believe it anyhow.
887 cure(v) (v)治癒This medicine should cure you of your stomachache. 消除(弊病等)The parents tried to cure their child of his bad habits. (n)治療療法 The best cure for cold us rest.
888 toilet(n) 廁所 沖洗式馬桶 Could use your toilet,please?
889 vocabulary(n) 字彙 Yiu can enlarge vocabulary by reading.
890 slender(adj) 修長苗條的She has got a beautiful slender figure
891 coach(n) 教練 Our football teamhas got a superb coach.
892 bow(v) 鞠躬致敬 The cast bowed as the audience applauded.
893 brand(n)(v) 品牌;(在商品牲畜上的)烙印 What brand of teais your favorite? (v)烙印銘刻(在心) The war has brandedan un forgettable lesson on our minds.
894 straw(n) 稻草麥桿The local people make fancy straw hats for sale. 吸管 The boy was drinking milk through a straw.
895 semester(n) 一學期There are two semesters in a school year.
896 needle(n) 針 The needle of the compass shows we are facing south.
897 broadcast(n)(v) 廣播 The news broadcast will be heard nationwide. The tennis championship is brosdcast live to many countries.
898 meter(n) 公尺A meter is eqale to 100 centimeters. 計量器 儀表The gas meter reads 50.
899 onion(n) 洋蔥Does the fast food restaurant sell onion rings?
900 cave(n)(v) (n)洞穴Our forefathers once lived in caves. (v)坍塌 塌陷The roof of the tunnel caved in during the earthquake.
901 lick(v) 舔 The cat cleaned itself by licking its fur. (波浪)輕拍(火焰)吞捲The flames are licking the warehouse.
902 ankle(n) 足踝He twisted his ankle while skiing.
903 dentist(n) 牙醫I hate going to the dentist.
904 arrow(n) 箭The hunter shot an arrow at the hare but missed.
905 scissors(n) 剪刀 This pair of scissors is design for left-hand people.
906 toast(n)(v) (n)烤土司Ihad toast for breakfast this morning. 敬酒 I had like purpose a toast to the newlyweds. (v)烤麵包 Do you want your bread toast? 敬酒Let us toast our success.
907 punish(v) punishment(n) (v)(n)處罰Drivers should be sevreiy punished for speeding. Such bad behavior deserves punishment.
908 pump(v)(n) 1.用唧筒抽(水等)He is pumping water out of the flood house. 2.打(氣)This tire is flat;you didn't pump enough air in. 3.抽水氣、打氣筒We have a pump for drawign water from the well.
909 cruel(adj) 殘忍的He is cruel to animals.
910 claw(n) 爪(蟹、蝦等的)钳、螯Cats have sharp claws.
911 lemon(n) 檸檬He made the lemonade with two lemons.
912 strict(adj) 嚴格的She is very strict with her students.
913 treasure(n)(v) 1.金銀財寶The treasure is said to be buried on this island. 2.珍愛、珍惜I treasure your friendship.
914 diamond(n) 鑽石Diamon is hardest substance know.
915 dinosaur(n) 恐龍Dinosaur are probably warm-blooded animals.
916 bark(v)(n) 1.吠、狗叫Dogs always bark at strangers. 2.狗吠聲The dog gave several fierce barks at the stranger. 3.樹皮The bark of some trees can be used as medicine.
917 steam(n) 蒸氣There was steam coming from the cooking-pot.
918 towel(n) 毛巾She wrapped up her hair in a towel.
919 bake(v) bakery(n) 1.烘、烤We bake beard and cake in an oven. 2.麵包店I bought a delicious chocolate cake from the bakery.
920 drawer(n) 抽屜I put my notebook in the left-hand drawer.
921 elevator(n) 電梯This elevator doesn't stop at floors 1,2,and3.
922 wool(n) 羊毛、毛織品This sweater is 100% wool.
923 widen(v) width(n) 1.加寬、擴大This narrow street needs widening. 2.寬度This room is 20 feet in width.
924 glue(v)(n) 1.膠合、黏合Can you glue the broken vase together? 2.膠水Gules are stronger than pastes. 3.凝聚力Idealism is the glue that holds our group together.
925 tower(n) 1.塔、塔樓There is a clock on the church tower. 2.高聳、遠高於At six feet,he towers over most people about his age.
926 tunnel(n) 隧道The road passes under the mountain through a tunnel.
927 appetite(n) 食慾、胃口Exwecise gave me a good appetite.
928 blank(adj)(n) 1.空白的He hand me a blank check. 2.空白、空白處During the exam my mind was a blank.
929 thumb(n) 拇指The glove has a hole in the thumb.
930 thirsty(adj) 1.渴的Satly food makes you thirsty. 2.渴求He is thirsty for power.
931 lantern(n) 燈籠Lantern Festival falls on the 15th of the first month of the Chinese New Year.
932 bean(n) (n)豆子We ate a simple dinner of rice and beans tonight.
933 castle(n) (n)城堡The baron(男爵) lived in a strong castle.
934 cough(v) (v)咳嗽The patient coughed up some drops of blood.
935 poison(n)(v) (n)毒物 He committed suicide(自殺) by taking poison. (v) 毒殺:毒害Gases from cars are poisoning the air of our cities.
936 delicious(adj) (adj)美味的Fried chicken is delicious.
937 pajamas(n) (n)(寬大的)睡衣褲He just got up and was still in pajamas.
938 alphabet(n) (n)字母系統:字母表The English alphabet has 26 letters.
939 humid(adj) (adj)濕氣重的Summer in Taipei is hot and humid.
940 subtract(v) (v)減去:去掉Subtract 3 from 7, and you have 4.
941 greedy(adj) (adj)貪婪的Don't be so greedy-leave some of the food for us.
942 cafeteria(n) (n)自助餐館This cafeteria serves good, honest food.
943 naughty(adj) (adj)頑皮的You ought to be stricter with that naughty child.
944 monster(n) (n)怪物Did anyone ever see the Loch Ness Monster(尼斯水怪)?
945 kindergarten(n) (n)幼稚園I went to kindergarten at age six.
946 album(n) (n)1.相簿:集郵簿;This album is full of snapshots(快照) of my family. 2.畫集:音樂專輯;Have you heard the band's latest album?
947 closet(n) (n)壁櫥:衣櫥Let me hang your overcoat in the closet.
948 fright(n) frighten(v) 驚嚇The loud thunder gave me a fright. 使驚恐:嚇唬The alarm(警報) frightened the burglar(竊賊) away.
949 geography(n) 地理學Geography is my weak subject. 地形地貌I've made a careful study of the geography of that island.
950 within(prep) 在...範圍內Success is within our grasp(掌握) now.
951 language(n) 語言Language is a tool for communication(溝通).
952 coin(n) 錢幣I have a quarter(2角5分硬幣) but no smaller coins
953 topic(n) 題目:話題:標題The main topic for our discussion is road safety.
954 drop(v)(n) (v)1.滴下:掉落 A flower pot(花盆) dropped from his balcony(陽台). 2.丟下:扔下:降低Supplies of food were dropped to villages cut off by the snow. (n)1.一滴A few drops of rain landed on the roof. 2.落下:下跌The company reported a 15% drop in sales.
955 goat(n) (n)山羊Goats usually flock together. 山羊通常是成群結隊的
956 cheat(v) (v)1.欺騙:詐取He cheated the old woman of her house and money. 2.作弊He always cheats at cards(打牌) , so I never play with him.
957 musician(n) (n)音樂家Even great musicians require constant(持續的) practice.
958 wolf(n) 狼 Wolves kill sheep and sometimes even attact people.
959 silk(n) 蠶絲 This dress is made of the finest silk.
960 dumb(adj) 1.啞的;說不出話 I'm dumb with disbelief(不信) on hearing the news. 2.愚笨的 Why did you do such a dumb thing?
961 rude(adj) 粗魯的;無禮的 I don't mean to be rude,but I have to leave.
962 salty(adj) 有鹽分的;鹹的 The french fries were too salty for me.
963 Mandarin(n) 中國的官話(北京話) She had taken Mandarin lessons in the US before she came to China.
964 chess(n) 西洋棋 My friend and I meet often to play chess.
965 pat(n,v) 輕拍 1.Alex deserves a pat on the back for his good work. 2.The teacher patted the child on the head and said"Well done(做得好)!"
966 napkin(n) 餐巾紙 She wiped her lips with a paper napkin after eating.
967 paintig(n) 1.油漆 The old house is badly in need of painting. 2.繪畫藝術,畫法 Is traditional Chinese painting taught at your school? 3.圖畫 On the wall is a huge landscape painting.(山水畫)
968 garage(n) 1.車庫 Your car is too big to fit into my garage. 2.汽車修理廠 I took my car to a local garage for a check-up(檢查).
969 skinny(adj) 皮包骨的;很瘦的 ome supermodels are too skinny.
970 rectangle(n) 矩形 A rectangle has four right angles.
971 clerk(n) 辦事員,職員,店員 Doris has a summer job as a clerk in a bookstore.
972 thief(n) 小偷 The thief was caught in the act.
973 thunder(n,v) (n)雷;雷聲 After the lightning came the thunder. (v)打雷 It thundered several times,but no rain fell.
974 nephew(n),niece(n) 姪兒;外甥 I've got one nephew. 姪女外甥女 She's my niece,the daughter of my eldest sister.
975 overseas(adj,adv) (adj)海外的 Lou is an overseas Chinese. (adv)在海外 Carmen is going to work overseas.
976 modern(adj) 現代化的;摩登的 In this part of city,you can see ancient and morden buildings next to each other.
977 bead(n) 小珠子;汗珠;露珠;水珠 Beads of sweat stood on his forehead.//She wore a string of beads round her neck.
978 whale(n) 鯨 The Blue Whale is the world largest living animal.
979 terrific(adj) 非常好的;了不起的 "How's the film?" "It's terrific."
980 dolphin(n) 海豚 Dolphins have been known to save drowning swimmers.
981 childish(adj),childlike(adj) 幼稚的 Crying for things you can't have is childish. 天真無邪的 She looked at me with her big,childlike eyes.
982.dial(v) 撥打電話 Picking up the phone,I dialed her number.
983.drum(n) 鼓 The drum is one of the oldest musical instruments(樂器).
984.crayon(n) 粉蠟筆;炭筆 With a black crayon,I drew the girl's outline(輪廓).
985.county(n) 郡;縣 I want to win the game for my county.
986.spider(n) 蜘蛛 Have you ever seen a spider spin(結網)its web?
987.weekday(n) 平日;工作日 The store is open only on weekdays.
988.dizzy(adj) 頭暈目眩 After another glass of whisky,I began to feel dizzy.
989.cancer(n) 1.癌 The man died of lung(肺)cancer. 2.瘤;弊端;惡習 Bureaucracy(官僚作風)is the cancer of our society.
990.nest(n) 巢;窩;穴 A bird lays eggs in the nest that it has built.
991.cable(n) 纜繩;電纜 The truck used a cable to tow(拖)the car.
992.flu,influenza(n) 流行性感冒 He is sick in bed with the flu.
993.sauce(n) 調味醬 This sauce uses mushroom(蘑菇)as its seasoning(調料).
994.mask(n) 面具;口罩 The bank robber wore a stocking(長襪)mask.
995.clothe(v) 為...穿衣;提供衣服給 He works hard to feed and clothe his family.
996.wise(adj) 有智慧的;睿智的 The wisdom of the masses exceeds that of the wisest individual.三個臭皮匠,勝過一個諸葛亮.
997.shelf(n) 架子 Put the book back on the shelf after you've finished reading it.
998.cereal(n) 榖類加工食品;玉蜀黍薄片,麥片 I often have cereal for breakfast.
999.wallet(n) 皮夾;錢包 He lost his wallet taking his savings(積蓄)to the bank.
1000.decision(n) 決定 Have you reached a decision yet?你們做成決定了嗎?
1001.minus(prep)(adj) (prep)減去 10 minus 4 equals 6. (adj)負的 The temperature is now minus 20 degrees.現在溫度是零下20度.
1002.wooden(adj) 木製的 Wooden shoes used to be common in Holland(荷蘭).
1003.upper(adj) 上面的 The books on the upper shelf are beyond my reach.
1004.pillow(n) 枕頭 I'll be asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
1005.slipper(n) 拖鞋 Slippers are usually worn indoors.
1006.blind(adj)(v) (adj)瞎的 He is blind in the right eye. He is blind to his own faults. (v)使看不見;矇蔽 The smoke blinded us. His mind is blinded by wealth and fame.
1007.crane(n) 1.鶴 A gray crane just flew onto the tree. 2.起重機;吊車 The workers use cranes to lift the containers(貨櫃)from the ship.
1008.ruler(n) 1.統治者 A wise ruler knows when to act decisively(果斷地). 2.直尺 A ruler is used to draw straight lines(直線).
1009.shower(n) 1.陣雨 Heavy showers are forecast(預報)in the hills tomorrow. 2.淋浴 Why does the phone always ring when I'm taking a shower?
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1030.quiz(n) 小考;問答競賽 Ms.Jones gave us a quiz on reading every day.
1031.youth(n) 1.青少年時期;青春 Youth is fleeting(飛逝的). 2.青年人 There are groups of youths playing basketball over there.
1032.sailor(n) 船員;水手 Six sailor lost their lives when the ship went down. 科學;自然科學 Science is not my strong point at school.
1034.mat(n) 蓆;墊 Wipe(擦淨)your feet on the mat before you come inside.
1035.underwear(n) [總稱]內衣褲 I change my underwear ever day.
1036.homesick(adj) 想家的 As I read Mom'sletter,I began to feel homesick.
1037.deaf(adj) 聾的;拒絕聽的 He turned a deaf ear to my warning(警告).
1038.clap(n,v) 鼓掌 1.The audience(觀眾)gave the singer a hearty(熱烈地)clap. 2.The teacher clapped her hands to attract the children's attention.
1039.tasty(adj) 美味的 These chocolate cookies are very tasty.
1040.loaf(n) 一條麵包 He came in and asked for a loaf of wholemeal bread(全麥麵包).
1041.port(n) 港;港市 The fishing village has now become an important port.
1042.dessert(n) 餐後甜點 After dinner,we had ice-cream for dessert.
1043.pepper(n) 胡椒粉 Pass me the salt and pepper,please.
1044.chopstick(s) (n) 筷子 When you go to a Chinese restaurant,you use chopsticks instead of a knife and forks(餐叉).
1045.talkative(adj) 愛說話的;多嘴的 The wine made him more relaxed and talkative.
1046.donkey(n) 驢 He is as stupid as adonkey.
1047.puppet(n) 1.木偶 2.傀儡;受操縱的人 Are we the puppets of fate(命運)?
1048.oven(n) 爐,灶烤箱 Bread is baked in an oven.
1049.paste(n)(v) (n)1.漿糊 You can stick(黏貼)the sheets of paper )were pasted up on the bulletin board(布告欄).
1050.chalk(n) [U]粉筆 Theachers write on the blackboard with chalk.
1051.nearby(adj)(adv) (adj)附近的 Lucy is staying in the nearby town of St.Paul. (adv)在附近 Daniel found work on one of the farms nearby.
1052.apron(n) 圍裙 A maid(女僕)in an apron answered the doorbell(應聲去開門).
1053.hammer(v)(n) (v)錘打 I hammered at the door,but there was no response(回應). (n)鐵鎚 I hit the nail(釘)into the wall with a hammer and hung a picture on it.
1742.ache (v)(持續性的)疼痛Mother says she is aching all over with fatigue(疲憊).
1743.headquarters (n)司令部,總部,總公司,總局The headquarters of this international corporation are in New York.
1744.heal (v)治癒A doctor's sacred duty is to heal the sick.
1745.jungle (n)叢林Tigers are found in the jungles of Asia.
1746.pave pavement (v)1.鋪路,鋪設The road was paved with concrete. 2.為...做準備His visit paved the way for an agreement. (n)Walk on the pavement ,not on the road.
1747.sword (n)劍,刀The pen is mightier than the sword.
1748.canyon (n)峽谷Have you been to the Grand Canyon?
1749.cane (n)(竹籐等的)莖,手杖,細長的柺杖 Grandpa takes along a cane when going out for a walk.
1750.dive (v,n)潛水,俯衝,撲1.He dived into the water to save the drowning child.2.The goalkeeper make adive for the ball, but he missed it.
1751.fur (n)軟毛,毛皮 The cat has soft white fur.
1752.plumber (n)水管工人 If the water pipe is still leaking ,call a plumber.
1753.luggage (n)行李Never leave your luggage unattended.
1754.bandage 1.n繃帶The nurse put a bandage on my left eye. 2.v用繃帶包紮The surgeon bandaged up his injured head.
1755.excellence (n)卓越She won a prize for excellence in fashion design.
1756.centimeter (n)公分The box is thirty centimeters long.
1757.spoil (v)1.毀了,搞糟The rain spolied our picnic. 2.溺愛The child is spolied.
1758.ray (n)光線The room darkened as a cloud hid the sun's rays.
1759.cheer cheerful 1.n歡呼Let's give three cheers for our team -they've won. 愉快或振奮People are always full of cheer at Christmas. 2.v歡呼,為...加油The fans cheered the runners on. cheerful atmosphere. 2.精神愉快的My father is always cheerful in spite of poor health. (adj)1.令人感到愉
1760.gossip 1.n八卦,流言蜚語You shouldn't listen to gossip. 2.v聊八卦,散播流言Gossiping and lying go together .
1761.dump (v)1.傾倒Too much toxic waste us being dumped
1762.dairy (n)乳品店,酪農場Dairy products are good sources of protein.
1763.jar (n)(寬口的)瓶罐Tommy is standing on a chair,reaching for a candy jar.
1764.sticky (adj)1.黏His fingers are sticky with jam. 2.棘手的Why did you put me in such a sticky position.
Created by: sssh105
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